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It's also my very gorgeous (even if I am a little biased!) little brother's birthday today - Happy 3rd birthday Theo (even though you're way too young to be able to read anything, let alone BttB LOL, but that's kinda beside the point!) and I hope you like your 'choo-choo train'!



Don't you think there is more to life than being seriously seriously... ridiculously smutty? < insert Blue Steel look here >

(I watched Zoolander yesterday. Gotta love that movie!)


Ah well, thought I'd let you know I've finally caught up with the rest of the world and bought a new camera-phone. Cheapest one I could find (£40 including PAYG SIM) but I'm like a kid with a new toy - sending all sorts of weird and wonderul pictures to everyone!

No, not those kind of pics, before someone says it!


I don't have a camera phone, but am right this moment browsing the Virgin website to find a nice one for my birthday.

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