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I greet most people with "Yo hoe", so I'd say that 'Yo' was much cooler. 'Hiya' has an American-movie-designed-for-12-year-old-girls ring to it.


  Emmadolly said:
  buffygirl said:

Hiya everyone, i havent been here quite twelve months yet but got just over 750 posts.

Is it ok for me to join this thread?

Hi Buffy, how are you doing.

I'm ok. Bored.


I use a few words to say hello, such as 'Hey', 'Yo', 'Ey up' and 'Alreet' (a local thing!). I rarely say 'Hiya', and even 'Hi' sounds a little 'puffy', if you see what I mean. Maybe that's just me.

How about different ways for goodbye? Normally I say 'See ya', 'See ya later', or just 'Later' and on emails 'TTFN' or 'So long for now' or 'Catch ya later'.

I often used to say simply 'Bit' (short for 'See ya in a bit') which was something of a Simon-ism that didn't really catch on. Pity! :-(


I completely agree Liz! Hiya sounds very 'Hilary Duff'.

Speaking of 12-year-old girls, have you seen the new Neutrogena advert with Hayden Panettiere, who played Ally's daughter in Ally McBeal? She looks so grown up and sounds strangely.. English?!

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