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Krazy Karl

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Why have you changed your name Di?? Are you being stalked?? :lol:


:lol: ahhhhhhhhhh my name is shorter than when I came on earlier, :o just kidding Thank's to Chris I didin't know it could be done.I just read it in the Q&A thread It's just like me short and Sweet :lol:i t's what I get called most of the time anyway's I prefer Di :D

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I was thinking about changing my name to Liz, but I don't really see a point. Most members know me as Liz, so there's not really much need. After all, I'd feel like I'd betrayed Miss Nash. :P

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I was thinking about changing my name to Liz, but I don't really see a point. Most members know me as Liz, so there's not really much need. After all, I'd feel like I'd betrayed Miss Nash. :P


I think when you have an established username, there's not much point in changing it. I'd probably get confused if I saw posts from 'Liz' :D

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