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Krazy Karl

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No I haven't but I will watch out for it now!

I love adverts more than TV shows at the moment. I wish they still showed the Archers advert with this hunk of a guy ending up half naked because of a load of accidents (one of them being he climbs up a tree to save a cat and his t-shirt snags on a branch I think) :lol:

Loved the song on that ad. I think it was Love Man by Ottis Redding...

Edit: I have an idea on how you could get to Australia on the cheap. Make enough money to buy stamps, get a great big grate and get someone to parcel you up. I would be happy to help out with that :rolleyes:

Edited by Agentsassyj
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We decided to modernise Summer Bay House a bit:


And this is what happened when I set the wind machine on high:



the early hour's of this morning was a laugh eh guy's, I'm still chuckling now. especaily about this . :lol::lol:

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