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Tra la la, la la la la

Tra la la, la la la la

Tra la la, la la la la

One banana, two banana, three banana, four

Four bananas make a bunch and so do many more.

Over hill and highway the banana buggies go

Comin' on to bring you the Banana Splits show

Makin' up a mess of fun

Makin' up a mess of fun

Lots of fun for everyone

Tra la la, la la la la

Tra la la, la la la la

Four banana, three banana, two banana, one

All bananas playing in the bright warm sun,

Flippin' like a pancake, poppin' like a cork,

Fleagle, Bingo, Drooper and Snork

Tra la la, la la la la

Tra la la, la la la la


  Ryan said:
Tra la la, la la la la

Tra la la, la la la la

Tra la la, la la la la

One banana, two banana, three banana, four

Four bananas make a bunch and so do many more.

Over hill and highway the banana buggies go

Comin' on to bring you the Banana Splits show

Makin' up a mess of fun

Makin' up a mess of fun

Lots of fun for everyone

Tra la la, la la la la

Tra la la, la la la la

Four banana, three banana, two banana, one

All bananas playing in the bright warm sun,

Flippin' like a pancake, poppin' like a cork,

Fleagle, Bingo, Drooper and Snork

Tra la la, la la la la

Tra la la, la la la la


Okay the answer is no you've gone banana's :blink:


Agadoo-doo-doo, push pineapple, shake the tree,

Agadoo-doo-doo, push pineapple, grind coffee,

To the left, to the right, jump up and down and to the knees,

Come and dance every night, sing with the hula melody.

I met a hula mistress somewhere in Waikiki,

Well, she was selling pineapple, playing ukulele,

And when I went to the girl, "Come on and teach me to sway,"

She laughed and whispered to me, "Yes, come tonight to the bay."

The lovely beach, in the sky the moon of Kauai,

Around calypso sarong we'll all be singing this song.

Agadoo-doo-doo, push pineapple, shake the tree,

Agadoo-doo-doo, push pineapple, grind coffee,

To the left, to the right, jump up and down and to the knees,

Come and dance every night, sing with the hula melody.

Agadoo-doo-doo, push pineapple, shake the tree,

Agadoo-doo-doo, push pineapple, grind coffee,

To the left, to the right, jump up and down and to the knees,

Come and dance every night, sing with the hula melody.

And down on the shore they gather romance,

She showed me much more, not only to dance.

Agadoo-doo-doo, push pineapple, shake the tree,

Agadoo-doo-doo, push pineapple, grind coffee,

To the left, to the right, jump up and down and to the knees,

Come and dance every night, sing with the hula melody.

Agadoo-doo-doo, push pineapple, shake the tree,

Agadoo-doo-doo, push pineapple, grind coffee,

To the left, to the right, jump up and down and to the knees,

Come and dance every night, sing with the hula melody.

The lovely beach, in the sky the moon of Kauai,

Around calypso sarong we'll all be singing this song.

Agadoo-doo-doo, push pineapple, shake the tree,

Agadoo-doo-doo, push pineapple, grind coffee,

To the left, to the right, jump up and down and to the knees,

Come and dance every night, sing with the hula melody.

Agadoo-doo-doo, push pineapple, shake the tree,

Agadoo-doo-doo, push pineapple, grind coffee,

To the left, to the right, jump up and down and to the knees,

Come and dance every night, sing with the hula melody.



Postmann Schlumpf!

(Pa-po-p? po-pa-ba-da, pa-po-p? po-pa-ba-di,

Pa-po-p? po-pa-ba-da, pa-pa-p? po-pa-ba-di,

Pa-po-p? po-pa-ba-di, pa-po-p? po-pa-ba-di,

Pa-po-p? po-pa-ba-da, pa-pa-p? po-pa-ba-da.)

Hier kommt euer Postmann, ich bin euer Postmann Schlumpf:

Ich stehe morgens fr?h auf, und bring' euch Briefe nach Haus,

Ihr kennt mein Postschlumpferlied, gut es selbst mich gibt.

Hier kommt euer Postmann, ich bin euer Postmann Schlumpf:

Ich stehe morgens fr?h auf, und bring' euch Briefe nach Haus,

Ihr kennt mein Postschlumpferlied, singt alle mit.

(Here comes your postman, I am your Postman Smurf:

I get up early in the morning and bring letters to your house,

You know my postsmurfy song, that's me all right/all join in.)

Jeden Morgen in der Fr?he, wenn ihr noch schlaft,

Dann steh' ich auf und darum geh' ich zeitig ins Bett,

Und wenn ihr aufsteht, dann bin ich schon am Sortieren:

Gar viele viele Briefe, oder mal ein Paket!

(Early every morning when you're still asleep,

I then get up and that's why I go early to bed,

And when you get up I'm already busy sorting:

Loads and loads of letters or sometimes a parcel!)

Postmann, Postmann, hier kommt euer Postmann,

Ich hab' eine tolle Uniform,

Ich bringe ohne Pause jeden Brief zu euch nach Hause,

Ihr wartet auf mich auch was haben aus der Schlumpfenpost!

(Postman, postman, here comes your postman,

I've got a wicked uniform,

Without stopping I bring each letter to your house,

And you're waiting for me, to get something from the Smurf post!)

(Pa-po-p? po-pa-ba-di, pa-po-p? po-pa-ba-di,

Pa-po-p? po-pa-ba-di, pa-pa-p? po-pa-ba-di,

Pa-po-p? po-pa-ba-di, pa-po-p? po-pa-ba-di,

Pa-po-p? po-pa-ba-di, pa-po-pa po-pa-ba-di.)

Hier kommt euer Postmann, ich bin euer Postmann Schlumpf:

Ich stehe morgens fr?h auf, und bring' euch Briefe nach Haus,

Ihr kennt mein Postschlumpferlied, gut es selbst mich gibt.

F?r die ganze Post brauch' ich sehr viele Stunden,

Doch alle H?user hab' ich dann im ganzen Dorf gefunden,

Und manchmal sag' ich traurig, wenn ich hab' heut' nichts dabei,

Beim n?chsten Mal bekommt ihr dann vielleicht mal wieder zwei!

(To do all the mail I need very many hours,

But by then I've found all the houses in the whole village,

And sometimes I say sadly when I've got nothing for you,

Next time maybe you'll receive two items once again!)

Zu Weihnachten und zum Geburtstag gibt es bunte Karten,

Geschenkpakete kommen mit der Post:

Die Schl?mpfe schicken gerne Sachen, die den andern Freude machen,

Und so komme ich bei Schnee und Frost, ja so ist euere Post!

(At Christmas and on birthdays there are colourful cards,

Gift-wrapped parcels come in the post:

The Smurfs like sending things that make the others happy,

And so I come in snow and frost, yeah that's your post!)

(Pa-po-p? po-pa-ba-di, pa-po-p? po-pa-ba-di,

Pa-po-p? po-pa-ba-di, pa-po-p? po-pa-ba-di,

Pa-po-p? po-pa-ba-di, pa-po-p? po-pa-ba-di,

Pa-po-p? po-pa-ba-di, pa-po-po po-pa-ba-di.)

Hier kommt euer Postmann, ich bin euer Postmann Schlumpf,

Ich stehe morgens fr?h auf, und bring' euch Briefe nach Haus,

Ihr kennt mein Postschlumpferlied, gut es selbst mich gibt.








Hier kommt euer Postmann, ich bin euer Postmann Schlumpf:

Ich stehe morgens fr?h auf und bring' euch Briefe nach Haus

Ihr kennt mein Postschlumpferlied,

Ihr singt alle mit,

Singt alle mit...

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