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Love Binds Us But Does It Destroy Us Too?

christine king

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Great chapter 

So Phoebe and Justin are fighting because Justin hired a lawyer.

Justin always thinking about food :lol:

Update again soon :)

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On Wednesday, May 17, 2017 at 3:53 AM, Ludub said:

Awww, I like Joebe, or Phustin as I prefer to call them! :wink::lol: So, is it Boebe then? Or Broebe? Or Phody? :rolleyes: Not so keen on the idea of them at all (because, in my mind, Brody is sooooo in the closet!), but I'm willing to go with it for this story (and because so many people seem to want it so desperately! :lol:)

Hahahaha! It just struck me! If Brody went with his old name they could be Phart!!! :lol:

I think its phody

Pls update this is so good

18 hours ago, pembie said:

So are Phoebe and Justin fighting because he has hired a lawyer for custody of Ava?

Surely Phoebe won't choose to run off witth Brody because of that? or maybe Brody tries his luck while ordering takeawa either way If that does happen it seems like a very low blow.:lol: Something tells me they might be abit longer than a hour

Lets hope Mason gets to have his honey chicken that made me laugh

Short answer yes... long answer there's more.

13 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

Interesting news of Justin's!

Isn't it!

10 hours ago, Kristen said:

So Phoebe and Justin are fighting because Justin hired a lawyer.

Justin always thinking about food :lol:

Yes... but no.

9 hours ago, ~JarlieFanEver~ said:

Surprised that Justin and Phoebe are fighting because Justin hired a lawyer to get full custody of Ava

Yes... but no.

1 hour ago, sallyandflynnfan said:

I think its phody

I think it is too. Thanks guys for reading next chapter should hopefully be up in a week.


Seems like a very risky strategy, suing for full custody. Would a court really award custody to a dad that hadn't been a part of his child's life for 7 years because he was being hunted by drug dealers? Hmm.... funny how the conversation moved so quickly from that to 'mmm I fancy Chinese...' Looking forward to the next chapter x

3 hours ago, Ludub said:

Seems like a very risky strategy, suing for full custody. Would a court really award custody to a dad that hadn't been a part of his child's life for 7 years because he was being hunted by drug dealers? Hmm.... funny how the conversation moved so quickly from that to 'mmm I fancy Chinese...' Looking forward to the next chapter x

Yeah we'll see. Thanks for reading.


Thanks guys for reading the new chapter is up now.


Chapter 7


In Car to Yabbie Creek


Brody and Tori are chatting 


Brody: so?

Tori: no way are you getting out of talking about this

Brody: about what?

Tori: oh I don't know, what do you think?

Brody: that I don't want to talk about this

Tori: tough because you are

Brody: why must you be so annoying

Tori: annoying? I'm your nice helpful sister

Brody: cough. Annoying sister. Cough

Tori: what was that?

Brody: just wondering what you want for dinner?

Tori: satay beef

Brody: ok cool

Tori: and you?

Brody: roast pork

Tori: of course you always order that

Brody: it's my favourite 

Tori: more like you want to see whether they can cook it better then you can

Brody: well yeah.. but they can't!

Tori: confident much?

Brody: what was i saying before? Oh yeah cough. Annoying sister. Cough

Tori: who's paying for dinner?

Brody: you are?

Tori: that's right so who won't get any if they don't shut up?

Brody: fine! I'll be quiet 

Tori: no wait, we weren't done with our converstation

Brody: you said no more talking!


The Morgan's


Mason: it's so annoying waiting for them

Justin: go do something 

Mason: no!

Justin: take Buddy for a walk

Mason: with Raffy?

Justin: sure

Mason: ok see you soon


Mason and Raffy leave


Justin: finally 

Phoebe: oh come on your brother wasn't that annoying

Justin: I know, it's not him

Phoebe: I know

Justin: I said sorry for lying

Phoebe: it's not about the lying

Justin: really?

Phoebe: well not everything... you should of told me

Justin: I know

Phoebe: I just feel like you keeping that from me was your way of cutting me out

Justin: that's not true

Phoebe: then why didn't you include me in this decision? We're together and I'm a part of this

Justin: I didn't want to drag you into it

Phoebe: too bad! I was apart of it the minute we got together you knew that but you still lied

Justin: well what can I do to make it better?

Phoebe: you can start by telling me how you think this custody thing will play out

Justin: I'm hoping Nina will realise she needs to let Ava see me

Phoebe: but if this dosen't work?

Justin: I don't know, I haven't thought that far ahead

Phoebe: we'll talk more about it later

Justin: ok but we're good?

Phoebe: we're good

Phoebe and Justin kiss


Car back to the bay


Brody: good we got everything 

Tori: yep, I did check

Brody: that's good 

Tori: are we going to finish this converstation?

Brody: nope

Tori: I really think you need to talk about this

Brody: talk about what?

Tori: Brody! Just listen ok, I know your not as okay as you make out?

Brody: ok about what?

Tori: about Phoebe!

Brody: you don't know what your talking about

Tori: don't I?

Brody: I already told you Justin is the reason I never told her

Tori: you and I both know he's not!

Brody: yes he is!

Tori: you can only keep hiding for so long

Brody: I'm not hiding

Tori: yes you are

Brody: I regret not telling her but there is nothing else

Tori: what about your ex?

Brody: what about my ex?

Tori: the fact she dumped you for a girl 

Brody: that had nothing to do with me, I didn't turn her gay!

Tori: I never said you did.. so not the point? Anyway you were way messed up after that

Brody: yeah but it's been 8 years and I have moved on from all that, I'm good now

Tori: I don't think you are.. I know you aren't

Brody: I am!

Tori: if you were, you would of told Phoebe you liked her from the start, you were scared, scared she was going to reject you

Brody: yeah isn't everyone sacred of rejection

Tori: yeah but they don't act like you did

Brody: I didn't act like anything 

Tori: yeah because your words/actions were totally the same?

Brody: huh?

Tori: you say one thing and mean another?

Brody: No I didn't

Tori: you did.. you chose not to go for her because of your past despite your feelings 

Brody: your right! I let my past define my present but now it's too late to change things

Tori: is it?

Brody: why what do you know?


Hmm, interesting. While I can sympathise with Brody to some extent, I think Tori's being very unfair to Justin. What makes Brody's feelings for Phoebe more important than Justin's? Why is she opening this can of worms and stirring up trouble? Sad that Brody has been so scarred by his previous experience that he's been too frightened to start a relationship with anyone else. Quite an admission. At least he recognises it though.

Again, your dialogue just flows so well! Really well written! :)

Looking forward to the next chapter x


Great chapter

Brody has feelings  for Phoebe? I almost forgot about that.

I look forward to the next chapter

Update again soon :)


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