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Love Binds Us But Does It Destroy Us Too?

christine king

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2 hours ago, Ludub said:

Hmm, interesting. While I can sympathise with Brody to some extent, I think Tori's being very unfair to Justin. What makes Brody's feelings for Phoebe more important than Justin's? Why is she opening this can of worms and stirring up trouble? Sad that Brody has been so scarred by his previous experience that he's been too frightened to start a relationship with anyone else. Quite an admission. At least he recognises it though.

Again, your dialogue just flows so well! Really well written! :)

Looking forward to the next chapter x

Tori hasn't taken sides she was just offering her opinion. Thank you.

1 hour ago, Kristen said:

Brody has feelings  for Phoebe? I almost forgot about that.

The story is about that.

46 minutes ago, sallyandflynnfan said:

Love it. It a amazing fanfiction Brody needs to hurry up and tell Phoebe he likes her 

He will in time keep reading.

Thanks for reading guys I'll try to get the next chapter up soon.

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Doesn't Tori know the number one rule you can't break the bro code :lol: Her family will end up hating each other haha that's what I think and then Tori will be the one who is blamed

Brody getting dumped by his girlfriend sucks but getting on the wrong side of his brother and trying to take his girl isn't cool :lol: I can't help but feel sorry for Justin here.

12 hours ago, pembie said:

Doesn't Tori know the number one rule you can't break the bro code :lol: Her family will end up hating each other haha that's what I think and then Tori will be the one who is blamed

Brody getting dumped by his girlfriend sucks but getting on the wrong side of his brother and trying to take his girl isn't cool :lol: I can't help but feel sorry for Justin here.

Hmm interesting. Thanks for reading.


Hey sorry guys for the delay but I hope you enjoy this next chapter.


Chapter 8:


The Morgan's


Brody and Tori arrive back with the chinese 


Mason: yes!!

Justin: finally!!

Phoebe: we were wondering why you guys took forever 

Tori: it was like a hour and 15 minutes

Brody: yeah not much longer then we said

Justin: so it was busy?

Tori: yeah a bit

Raffy: did you get the porncrackers?

Tori: of course

Brody throws her the bag

Raffy: thanks

Brody: hey I better get some

Raffy: nah, I'm eating them all

Justin: do I get one then?

Raffy: nope

Mason: what about me?

Raffy: no way, you'd eat the whole packet!

Mason: liar!

Tori: what about me? I paid for them

Raffy: yeah I'll share with you

Tori: ha, I win! Sucked in boys

Justin: now I'll just steal them from yeah

Tori: you and what army?

Mason: this army? Brody and Justin hold her

Brody: got ya!

Tori: ok I surrender we can all eat them chill out!

Raffy: yeah I was just joking anyway as if I wouldn't share

Phoebe: ok how about we get to eating?

Justin: done


Later that Night


Phoebe finds Brody outside


Phoebe: hey

Brody: hey

Phoebe: you couldn't sleep either?

Brody: I have a lot on my mind

Phoebe: me too

Brody: oh yeah sorry.. how's Justin?

Phoebe: still in the bad books

Brody: you will sort it out?

Phoebe: you think?

Brody: if you both want too.. then yeah

Phoebe: maybe.. I don't know anymore

Brody: is it Ava?

Phoebe: no, why would you think that?

Brody: I was just wondering 

Phoebe: no it's..

Tori comes out and interrupts them

Tori: hey

Phoebe and Brody: hey

Tori: what are you guys doing out here?

Brody: just chatting

Tori: I heard voices and thought I'd investigate

Brody: oh look you found us

Tori: haha, funny

Brody: any way I'm going to go to bed 

Tori and Phoebe: night

Brody: night

Brody leaves

Tori: so what's up with you?

Phoebe: just Justin

Tori: if it's just Justin.. then why are you so  weird with Brody?

Phoebe: what? That's not.. I'm not..

Tori: woah.. I didn't mean to freak you out

Phlebe: you didn't, I was just caught off gaurd

Tori: clearly.. but I'm here if you need to talk about anything..

Phoebe: yeah their is something...

Tori: then spill...

Phoebe: ok promise you won't tell Justin?

Tori: I promise 

Phoebe: well...


Is the thing Phoeobe doesn't want Justin to is that she's got really stinky pawn cracker breath? :lol:

No it seems that her and Justin might be coming to a end which is quite sad


Great chapter 

Wonder what Brody was about  to tell Phoebe 

Update again soon :)


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