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Love That Could Tear the Bay Apart

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Story title: Love That Could Tear the Bay Apart
Type of story: Short/Medium Fic 
Main Characters: Phoebe, Brody,Justin, Alf,Mason,Olivia,Hunter,Tori, Ash, Vj and Coco 
BTTB rating: G
Genre: Romance, Drama and Comedy,
Does story include spoilers:No
Any warnings: Sexual content, violence/death, language are the main warnings, 
Summary:  Phoebe is with Justin but he not the one she loves. When she get together with the person she truly loves the whole bay will be divided



Chapter 1

(Justin, phoebe and brody are in the kitchen getting ready for Phoebe and Justin engagement party)

Justin: Phoebe what up

Phoebe: I'm fine 

Justin: Really 

Phoebe: yes really 

(Phoebe walks outside and brody follows her)

Brody: Phoebe wait, are you really ok?

Phoebe: i can't keep lying to Justin or myself anymore 

Brody:lying what about 

(Tori walks outside after been told by Justin that where Phoebe is)

Tori: Phoebs are you ok justin said you walked out

Phoebe: im fine really Tori

(Phoebe walks out of the gate and towards the surf club)

Tori: is she ok

Brody: I don't know i go find her but don't tell Justin she gone as i sure we won't be long

Tori: I won't say anything to anyone 

(Tori walks inside and Brody walks out the gate to the surf club 


Chapter 2 

(Phoebe and Brody at the surf club)

Phoebe: what i said before about me not loving Justin anymore you won't Judge me for it

Brody: of course not but you need to do what right for you even if it is breaking up with him

Phoebe: but what if i lose your friendship because of it

Brody: Phoebs no matter what happens with you and Justin we always gonna be friends nothing will change that 

Phoebe: You promise me that Brods

Brody: Yes i do

Phoebe: Well i think i gonna break up with him

Brody: Well no matter what happens i always here for you 

(Justin and Tori and Raffy are waiting for Phoebe and Brody to come back when Vj, Olivia and Hunter arrive they walk in inside)

Olivia: hey... are we early 

Tori: No not at all no one else is on time not even Brody, Phoebe and Mason are here yet

Vj: Typical Phoebs to not be on time 

Raffy: yeah 

Hunter: congrats on the engagement 

(Hunter manhugs justin)

Justin: Thanks mate

Vj: Yeah congrats

Olivia: congratulations Justin 

Justin: Thanks you too

(Irene  and Alf walks in with a surprise guest for phoebe)

Irene: Hi everyone 

Hunter: Hey

(Olivia spots Heath and runs up and hugs him and Hunter, Justin,Tori and Raffy have a puzzled look on his face)

Olivia: What are you doing here

Heath: Do you seriously think i would miss Phoebe engagement 

Olivia: No. So how things with Bianca

Heath: Yeah they are good

(Heath and Olivia pull out of the hug)

Olivia: Heath this is Hunter my boyfriend 

(Hunter and Heath shake hands)

Heath: If you do anything to hurt Olivia you will have me to deal with you got that

Hunter: Yes Heath

Alf: Heath this is Raffy and Tori they will soon be Phoebe sisters

(Heath gives me both a hug)

Tori: it nice to meet you

Heath: Yeah you to Phoebs have mentioned you  and Raffy on the phone before

Raffy: I hope she only mentioned good things

Heath: Yeah she have

Irene: and this is Justin

(Heath and Justin Shake hands)

Justin: It nice to finally meet you

Heath: You too but Phoebe like a sister to me so if you hurt her you pay

(30 mins later all the guests are there and dancing but Phoebe and Brody still aren't back)

Justin: They should be back with the Wine by now

Irene: Maybe they have been held up

Heath: You know what I go and look for then

Tori: Nah it fine you catch up with your friends and i look for then

Heath: Im going and that final

(Heath walks out the door and to the beach he sees Phoebe and Brody sitting there talking and looking down  at the sand)

Heath: It typical of you to not be on time isn't Phoebs 

(Phoebe looks up and sees Heath)

Phoebe: Heath!! 

(Phoebe runs to Heath and gives him a hug with Brody watching on)

Phoebe: What are you doing here?

Heath: Do you seriously think i would miss this

Phoebe: No, I can't believe your here it so good to see you 

Heath: It good to see you to Phoebs

Phoebe: Brods this is Heath

(Brody walks over to then and shakes Heath hand)

Brody: It nice to meet you

Heath: You too mate

Phoebe: How long are you here for?

Heath: A week

Phoebe: Heath can i have some advice

Heath: Sure

Phoebe: How do i tell Justin i don't love him anymore

Heath: you just tell him straight out

Phoebe: Ok i will Thanks Heath

Heath: Don't mention it

Brody: We should be getting back so people don't get worried

Phoebe: Yeah

(Phoebe and Brody and Heath walk into the morgans)

Justin: Hey babe, you took a while

Phoebe: Justin there something i need to tell you

Justin: Ok what is it

Phoebe: I don't love you anymore so im sorry but we over

Justin: What

Phoebe: You heard me we are over 

(All the guests look at Phoebe and Justin in shock)




Chapter 3

(All the guests and Phoebe looks at Justin)




Brody: Phoebs is doing what she needs to do Justin

Justin: Even if she is she could told me in private 

Brody: It her choice

Justin: So what your on Phoebe side what happens to family stands by each other no matter what

Brody: Phoebs made her choice ok and I want her to be happy

Mason: Brods is right ok all that matters is Phoebs happiness

Justin: So you agree with Phoebe that we should be over

Mason: Yes 

Brody: Yep

Justin: You are both unbelieveable I hate you both for now on don't come near me

Brody: That fine with me

Mason: Me too

Justin: Well pack your bags because your both leaving

Mason: Ok that fine

Brody: Yeah it is

(Mason and Brody go to the room to pack there bags)

Tori: Thanks alot Phoebs you just tore my family apart

Phoebe: I didn't know Mason and Brods were going to agree with me so it not my fault

Tori: Yes it is

Heath: Tori it is not Phoebe fault she deserves to be happy 

Olivia: Tori, Heath right Phoebe deserves to be happy

Hunter: Doesn't mean she had to tell Justin there over in front of everyone 

Irene: Hunter right she could told him in private

Alf: Look it Phoebs choice how she tells people not even of you Muppets 

(Heath hugs Phoebe)

Vj: Phoebs is doing what best for her

Matt: But she still could of told him in private

Evie: It was Phoebe call Matt

Matt: I know 

Kat: It doesn't mean she made the right one

Leah: Look everyone what happend is bad but Phoebe deserves to be happy

(Brody and Mason walk out with their bags and Phoebe and Heath pull out of the hug)

Irene: Everyone who on Justin side come to this side of the room everyone on Phoebe go to her side of the room

(Justin stands on the left side and Phoebe stands on the right side)

Phoebe: So Brody what side are you on?

(Brody looks at Justin then walks to Phoebe side and stands next to her)

Justin: What about you Tori?

(Tori walks to Justin side and stands next to him)

Phoebe: Alf what side are you on

Alf: of course i on yours Phoebe

(Alf walks and stands next to Brody)

Justin: What about you Irene?

(Irene walks and stands next to Justin with Hunter following her)

Mason: Well i on Phoebe side

Heath: So am I

Leah: Me too

Evie: I am too

Ash: Same 

Raffy: so am i 

(Mason, Heath, Evie, Ash, Vj and Raffy walk and stand on Phoebe side and the rest go to Justin side)

Matt: Well we on Justin side

Tori: Yeah 

John: You hurt him Phoebe

Alf: Well it looks like the bay divided 




Chapter 4

A Few days later

(Heath,Phoebe,Vj,Brody,Leah, Evie, Ash,Olivia, Mason and Alf are at the beach when some people walk towards then)

Ben: Excuse me do you guys live in the bay

Alf: Yes we do 

Maggie : We were wondering if their were any places in the bay you know of where we can stay

Heath: The caravan park a good place to stay

Olivia: But the bay not the best place to be right now

Coco: Why not 

Vj: Because the whole town divided 

Ziggy: Why is that

Brody: Because of a break up and how it happened 

Maggie: Well what happened?

Ash: Phoebe who this person next to me broke up with someone as she didn't love someone anymore but she did it infront of everyone so now because of that the bay divided  

(Justin side are now on the beach also)

Coco:Well she did what best for her so i on your side Phoebe 

Phoebe:  Really

Coco: Yeah

(Coco sits next to Vj)

Ziggy: Well you could told him in private 

(Justin walks over)

Justin: Yeah she could told me in private 

Ziggy: Well im on your side Justin

Ben: Me too

Maggie: So am I

(Maggie, Ben, Ziggy and Justin walk away)


Chapter 5

(Phoebe side sitting on my beach meeting coco)

Phoebe: So Coco im Phoebe

Coco: Hi Phoebe I think what you did was the right thing

Phoebe: Really

Coco: Yeah

Vj: Im Vj 

(Coco smiles)

Olivia: Im Olivia

Coco: Hey

Leah: Im Leah vj mum

Coco: Hi

Ash: Im Ash and that Heath

Heath: Hi coco

Coco: Hi guys

Brody: Im Brody and this is Mason my brother and Raffy my sister

Mason and Raffy: it nice to meet you Coco

Ash: and this is Alf the summer bay legend

Alf: Hi Coco but im not a legend 

Coco: Hi. Does anyone know where i could stay

Leah: We have a spare room at ours

Vj: yeah you can keep me company seeming i the only young one there 

Coco: Ok

Alf: we not that old

Coco: I know and if you like me to stay i will

Alf: of course we like you too

Vj: Yeah

Ash: if anyone gives you a hard time 

Olivia: including your family

Heath: Let Ash and I know and we thump then

Coco: Ok I will

(They all have a group hug)


Chapter 6

(Justin side are at the Morgan's)

Hunter: Just so you guys know im Hunter

Ziggy:Well Hunter it nice to meet you Im Ziggy

Irene: Hi im Irene 

Maggie: Im Maggie

Ben: Im Ben

Roo: Well im Roo and that John 

Ben: Hi

Maggie: We sorry about Coco not coming on your side Justin 

Ziggy: Yeah she clearly doesn't have sense

Ben: No she doesn't have sense 

Justin: It all good everyone can choose their side

Maggie: Well she didn't choose the right one

Hunter: No she didn't 

Ben: And i hate her for it

John: So you should

Ziggy: I hate her too

Maggie: Me too she no longer my daughter 

Ben: She not mine even

Justin: Anyhow thanks for choosing my side

Ben: No probs Phoebe in the wrong

Maggie: Yeah

Hunter: Not that she will admit it

Ziggy: Lets all yell Justin better 

Kat: Ok

Matt: In three

Roo: Two 

 Tori : One

All Justin side: Justin better

Maggie: Who hates Coco 

(All raise their hands)

Tori: Who hates Phoebe 

(All raise their hands)

Matt: Who hates anyone on Phoebe side 

(All raise their hands)

Ziggy: Let have a group hug

Hunter: Yeah

Tori: Ok

(They have a group hug)



Chapter 7

(Olivia walks in the diner and sees Hunter)

Hunter: Olivia you chose the wrong side she had no right to do what she did to Justin

Olivia: That what you think Hunter but just because your my boyfriend doesn't me you can make me change my mind

Hunter: I know that... maybe we shouldn't be together anymore

Olivia: No we shouldn't because im falling out of love with you

Hunter: So we are over 

Olivia: Yeah... Goodbye Hunter

(Olivia walks out)

(Tori and Justin see Brody, Justin and Raffy at the beach)

Tori: Why did you guys choose her side 

Brody: She deserves to be happy

Justin: She still could of broke up with me in private

Raffy: It was her choice

Tori: Our family tore apart now and it all her fault

Mason: No it isn't 

Justin: Yes it is

Brody: It isn't

Justin: You know what we no longer family

Mason: Fine

Raffy: That fine like i even care

Brody: Same

Tori: Goodbye guys 

(Brody, Mason and Raffy walk away)

(Coco and Vj are at the caravan park when they see Ziggy and Ben)

Ben: You made a bad choice Coco

Coco: No I haven't 

Ziggy: You Chose the wrong side 

Vj: No she didn't and it was Coco choice not yours

Ben: You know what Coco I hate you and so does Maggie

Ziggy: I hate you as well

Coco: Fine I don't care

Ben: Lier

Vj: Don't call her a lier

Ben: It my choice

(Ben hits Coco in the face and Ziggy and Ben walks away and she cries)

Vj: Are you alright 

Coco: I be fine

(Vj hugs Coco)

(Leah at Salt and she sees Irene)

Irene: How could you be on Phoebe side

Leah: Phoebe deserves to be happy

Irene: She still did the wrong thing

Leah: No she didnt

Irene: Yes she did

Leah: You know what we are no longer friends

Irene: Fine

(Irene walks away)



chapter 8

(Vj and Coco walks into the Summer Bay house where Alf and Leah are sitting and talking)

Vj: Are you sure your ok?

Coco: Yeah I kinda of expected it 

Vj: Doesn't mean your dad have a right to hit you

Alf: He hit you

Coco: Yep

Alf: I gonna go and have a go at him

Vj: I come with you

(Alf and Vj Walk out and Leah hugs Coco)

Coco: What if dad hurts then

Leah: They make sure that doesnt happen

(they smile at each other)

(Phoebe and Brody at the caravan park talking)

Brody: Phoebe i need to tell you something

Phoebe: Ok what is it

Brody: i in love with you Phoebe and I always have been

Phoebe: I love you too

(Phoebe kisses Brody and Justin sees then)

( Olivia and Mason are mucking around at the beach)

Mason: I missed this spending time with you alone i mean

Olivia: Yeah so do I 

Mason: We need to do this more often

Olivia: Yeah, can i be honest with you about something

Mason: Ok sure should i be worried

Olivia: No you shouldnt, look even when i was with Hunter i was in love with you and i think i always will be

Mason: me too, I love you Olivia Frazer 

(Mason and Olivia kiss)

( Raffy and Evie are talking)

Raffy: Do you reckon the bay will ever be the same as it used to be

Evie: I don't know i wish i did but i don't

Raffy: It Just without Tori i feel like i have no one to talk to

Evie: Well you can talk to me whenever you want

Raffy: Really

Evie: Yeah




Chapter 9

(Ziggy and Kat are at the Morgans when Justin walks in)

Justin: She is unbelieveable 

Kat: What she done 

Justin: I just saw her kissing my brother

Ziggy: Which one 

Justin Brody

Kat: She is such a bitch 

(Tori and Ash walk in hand in hand)

Tori: What going on?

Ziggy: Justin just saw Phoebe and Brody kiss 

Ash: She is unbelieveable 

Justin: I know 

Kat: What going on with you two

Ash: We are together now and i don't care what you say

Kat: I hate you

(Kat hits Tori and walks out)

Justin: Congrats guys

Tori: Thanks


  • 4 weeks later...


Chapter 10

(Tori sits down)

Ash: Im so sorry babe 

Tori: Don't be she was wrong not you

(Ash kisses Tori)

(Phoebe, Brody, Mason and Olivia are having dinner)

Brody: Mason I have some news 

Mason: I do to

Brody: Well you go first 

Mason: No you go

Brody: Phoebe and I are a couple 

Mason: So am me and Olivia

Olivia: Congratulations guys 

Phoebe: Yeah you too

(Phoebe and Mason hug so does Olivia and Brody then Mason and Brody man hug and Phoebe and Olivia hug )


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