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If Love Is All There Is

christine king

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Chapter 2


Summer Bay House


Maddy enters and finds Roo


Maddy: Hi

Roo: Hi, so you got plans tonight 

Maddy: Yes, I’m hanging out with Casey

Roo: well as long as your not drinking!

Maddy: we weren’t drinking before!

Roo: ok. So what are you doing tonight?

Maddy: going to see a movie

Roo: ok have fun and don’t stay out too late

Maddy: I’ll be back at a decent hour, I promise 

Roo: Good. So you and Casey are just friends?

Maddy: of course we are

Roo: So you don’t want to be more than friends?

Maddy: Chill ok, nothings going to happen between me and Casey, we are just friends 

Roo: just be careful

Maddy: I will be fine

Roo: ok. What time you leaving?

Maddy: I think about 7 or 7.30

Roo: ok. So your having dinner here?

Maddy: Yes. What are we having?

Roo: well Dad’s out fishing right now, so fish if he catches something.

Maddy: Ok, sounds good.

Roo: Cool




In Maddy’s room 


Spencer comes in to see Maddy


Spencer: You look great

Maddy: Thanks

Spencer: So you going out with Casey?

Maddy: it’s not a date

Spencer: I know but you like him?

Maddy: yeah I do. I’m hoping we’ll become more than friends soon.

Spemcer: you know I still love you

Maddy: I know. I love you too.

Spencer: it hurts seeing you with someone else

Maddy: Yeah I felt the same about you and Sasha.

Spencer: I know.

Maddy: Now’s not the right time for us. We can’t get back together and we both need to date other people, find out who else is out their.

Spencer: your right. I thought we would be together for ever. I loved you so much and I still feel that way.

Maddy: Me too. I feel it too.

Spencer: But we can’t go back and we have to move forward. 

Maddy: I know.

Spencer: So you think you and Casey will last?

Maddy: I don’t know. I thought we would but we didn’t.

Spencer: I know.

Maddy: I don’t want to hurt you.

Spencer: Your not. I want you to be happy. Just be careful.

Maddy: Don’t worry I’ll keep my eyes open, I’m not going into this blind.

Spencer: Good. Then have fun tonight and tell Casey he’s a lucky guy.

Maddy: You always know just what to say. The only thing that would stop me, would be knowing I’m hurting you.

Spencer: I’ll be fine.

 Maddy: Thank you.

Maddy kisses Spencer on the check

Maddy: Talk to you tomorrow

Spencer: Till tomorrow


Outside Summer Bay House


Casey arrived to pick Maddy up


Casey: Hey

Maddy: Hey

Casey: You look stunning

Maddy: Thank you. You look good too.

Casey: Thanks.

Maddy: So which movie are we seeing?

Casey: that new horror flick

Maddy: I don’t like horror movies

Casey: I know. I’m joking. We’re seeing a comedy.

Maddy: cool. My favourite type of movie.

Casey: Yeah I know.

Maddy: So what time does it start?

Casey: 8.30

Maddy: oh cool, that’s means we can play some arcade games before

Casey: Yeah that was the plan

Maddy: awesome let’s go

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Great chapter

liked the chat between Maddy and Spencer

Arcade games before the movie sounds good 

Update again soon :)


Great chapter.

Liked the chat between Maddy and Spencer and Maddy and Roo

Sounds like an unoffical date.

Update soon


Chapter 3


Movie Cinema 


Maddy and Casey arrive


Maddy: we got here fast

Casey: their wasn’t much traffic 

Maddy: true

Casey: lucky I can drive 

Maddy: I’m working on that

Casey: well that’s good to hear

Maddy: Yeah so I can drive your car right?

Casey: Not a chance because it’s Brax’s car and Brax would kill me 

Maddy: now that would be a shame

Casey: just for that, I’m getting you on one of those bikes

Maddy: Yeah because I’m scared, game on

Casey: you think you would win?

Maddy: Yes!

Casey: Prove it 

Casey and Maddy walk over and jump on a bike each and then set them game up

Casey: Ready

Maddy: Ready

They finish the game

Casey: I win

Maddy: only just 

Casey: sore loser!

Maddy: sore winner!

Casey: ok the movie is going to start soon, we need to buy tickets and stuff 

Maddy: true 

Casey and Maddy walk over to the ticket booth and get their tickets and then they head over to the candy bar to buy some snacks

Maddy: We should of gone to the shop to get snacks before hand

Casey: Can’t change that now 

Maddy: True, we will have to remember for next time 

Casey: definitely 

Casey and Maddy walk into the cinema and take their seats

Maddy: this should be good

Casey: yep

Maddy opens up some M&M’s. 

Casey: Hey give me some

Maddy: why should I?

Casey: I paid for them!

Maddy: True

Maddy lets him have some

Maddy: half each?

Casey: Deal

Maddy throws some popcorn at him

Casey: Hey

Maddy: It wasn’t me

Casey: Yeah because I don’t have eyes?!

Maddy: Maybe you new your eyes checked

Casey: Or Maybe I should do this

Casey throws some popcorn back at Maddy

Casey: Hey my hand slipped

Maddy: Sure it did

Casey: Just getting you back

Maddy: Oh yeah well I call a popcorn war

Casey: Ok, 1, 2, 3, Go!

Maddy and Casey both start throwing popcorn at each other until some other movie goes start yelling at them!

Maddy: Ok truce, plus I don’t want to get kicked out

Casey: Ok truce

Casey and Maddy watch the rest of the movie silently

Later after the move has finished, Maddy goes to the bathroom so Casey is alone until a guy comes to talk to him

Tug: Hey man

Casey: Oh hey

Tug: What are you doing here?

Casey: Just seeing a movie

Tug: You with anyone?

Casey: Yeah my girlfriend 

Tug: Oh cool, You got a new girl man?

Casey: Yeah

Tug: That’s cool, I will catch you later 

Casey: Yeah sure all good

Tug: Say Hi to your brothers for me

Casey: Oh course, have a good night 

Tug: You too man

Maddy comes back

Maddy: Who was that?

Casey: Just one of the rivers boys, it’s fine

Maddy: Ok

Casey: Let’s just get out of here, wouldn’t want Roo to be mad at me for getting you home late

Maddy: Sure let’s go


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