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Maybe Too Close?


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  On 02/07/2018 at 05:58, Red Ranger 1 said:

I don't think there was anything wrong with Kyle's portrayal here. He's loyal to Brax but not so completely blind that he doesn't see why Ricky would need to move on at some point. Looking forward to more!


I'm glad you see it that way, I was afraid that you guys might have taken the portrayal of Kyle the wrong way, I'm glad you can see both sides of this. 

  On 01/07/2018 at 23:12, Mcgarry.helena@yahoo.com said:

I had really hoped that it was going to be brax who say them together I'm disappointed that it was Kyle instead I agree with Kyle and when brax finally comes back and finds out brax will be super furious


Yeah sorry, I still plan to bring Brax in this, but it will maybe happen later on, I just thought I might just do Kyle's reaction first.

  On 14/07/2018 at 18:39, pembie said:

You never know Kyle could end up kidnapping Denny and drag her out into the desert haha


I think he's past that stage. LOL! ?

Thanks again guys for commenting on it and again for waiting. I hope you enjoy this one.

Chapter 11

"Are you sure you're ok?"

Kyle barely nodded at Josh's answer, still looking down at his feet, his mind in turmoil as he absently tossed a pencil between his fingers. Josh was staring at him from the table with concern. He hasn't seen Kyle like this since Brax went on the run. He tired to talk to him, but Kyle hasn't really been co-operative. He barely said a word when Josh asked him, and just spent most of the time in his own head. Josh called Tamara, because he knew that if anyone could get Kyle to talk, it would be her. But until then, all Josh could do and make sure Kyle didn't do anything stupid. 

Kyle, however, was too busy sorting out the mess in his own head to do anything stupid. He hadn't the slightest idea what to do. Brax was his brother, the one person in the entire world he knew could depend on. Kyle couldn't just leave him hanging here, but what Ricky said here struck a chord. Kyle honestly couldn't have coped when Brax left if it wasn't for Tamara. He had trouble working at the restaurant, relying on his friends and co-workers to keep it going, he often felt like he couldn't even get out of the bed. And that wasn't his fault, or Ricky's, or Denny's, or Josh's, or Tamara's, or Ash's, or anyone else's fault. While Kyle still couldn't bring himself to admit it,  he knew, really, this was all on Brax. No-one forced him to go after Pirovic, he did it himself. Could he really blame Ricky for finding comfort in Denny? No-one owned her, that was one of the things Kyle admired most about Ricky, her fierce independence. The more he though about it, putting his loyalty to his brothers aside, Ricky really did have every right to move on, to do what's right for her. But Kyle still can't just ignore Brax, or get his head around that Ricky was gay. It was fine that he was, but he couldn't help but think that maybe he should have noticed sooner, that he may not know Ricky as well as he though he did. That thought make him feel very uneasy. 

Thankfully, a distraction then emerged in the form of the women he loved, Tamara. She rushed in and dropped the shopping bag she had to the corner, nearly out of breath. When she got Josh's call about Kyle, she nearly had a panic attack. The thought of anything bad happening to Kyle was hard for her to comprehend. He seemed alright, but just distant and conflicted. Not in danger, but definitely needs some help. She looked over to Josh, who just shrugged his shoulders at her questioning look. "Kyle, sweetheart, are you alright?" 

Kyle gave her a better reaction than he gave Josh, giving a small, but real smile as he looked up to her. "Yeah, I'm alright. Just thinking." He mumbled, hoping she accept it and leave him to think, even though he knew that that hope was forlorn. She was probably the most stubborn person in the world. And she didn't fail in her stubbornness. She continued to look down on him worryingly, he's always been quiet when it came to talking about his problems. He has been so use to dealing with things on his own, it would take a lot of effort from Tamara, Ricky, or any of his brothers to get to talk about things. He's been getting better, he became more easy to talk to, he really opened up to Tamara, more than anyone. The fact that he felt unable to speak to her about something bothering was distributing to say the least. Tamara then decided that maybe they should be alone for him to speak freely. "Hey Josh," she called over to him on the table. "Don't you have plans with Matt and Oscar tonight?"

Josh looked up from the table, looking confused. "Plans? I don't remember..." He then stopped when he noticed Tamara's pointed look. He then realised what she meant and then quickly gathered his stuff. "Yeah, I'll see you guys later," he said, while mouthing good luck to Tamara before heading out, giving Kyle one last worried look. Tamara then sat down next to Kyle and snuggled into his side. "Ok, we're alone now, so do you want to talk or.." Kyle looked at her, her big brown adorable eyes staring up at her. He didn't really knew how to start, but he felt like he needed to speak, to express what he was feeling. " Me and Ricky, we..we had a fight, and well,..she's been dating Denny." 

If him and Ricky fighting shocked Tamara, the fact that Ricky was dating Denny was definitely not what she expected. "Wait, Ricky and Denny are.. like, together?" She was thought the two of them were straight. Denny even dated Tamara's ex-boyfriend! She didn't have a problem with the two of them being gay, but she felt like there was something else about it that was bothering Kyle.  Kyle nodded to her. "Yeah they are. I guess Denny has been a great support for Ricky for a while and...well..things happened. It's just that, I know this may seem a bit ridiculous, but.....I can't help but think about Brax, what this would mean for him, how he would feel, but I know that it's Ricky's own decision and..." 

"Hey, hey, just calm down, alright? I understand what you're getting at," Tamara told him soothingly, rubbing his back in support. She could see that he's being torn apart by his care for Ricky and his loyalty to his brother. "I understand Kyle, you want Ricky to be happy, but you also want Brax to be happy." She didn't really care for the way Brax abandoned Ricky, Casey and Kyle, but she knew that Brax still held a big place in Kyle's heart. Kyle then shook his head sadly. "It's not just that. The fact that Ricky moved on ...I don't know, I guess it just made it real that..that...."

"That what, honey?" Tamara asked him and she was shocked to find tears gathering in Kyle's eyes. "That Brax is really gone, and he's probably never going to come back." Kyle sighed as he tried in vain to hold the tears back. "Hey, its ok," Tamara murmured as she wiped the tears from Kyle's cheeks. "I know this is hard on you, and I know Brax was the one person you ever looked up to, and you should always remember him as he was, not what he became, but I think it's time to let go. You deserve happiness probably more than anyone else in the whole world. And when you put Brax aside, I think you know who also really deserves it." Kyle looked at her and knew she was right. He knew that after all that happened, his devotion to Brax aside, Ricky should be happy, and if that means being with Denny, she should be with her. "When we argued, I... I said...horrible things...things I didn't mean babe, I swear, I was just-" 

"Hey, you never need to explain yourself to me, honey, I know," Tamara assured him. "You have suffered so much, and I know how much you care for Ricky. It's just that you were worried about your brother. You've put your family over you for a very long time, but now, it's time for you to put yourself first and for Ricky to be happy." 

Kyle relaxed, nodding on how right she was. He wanted to,be happy, and he wanted Ricky to be happy as well. All he had to do was apologies, he knew he was in the wrong, he get things back on track with Ricky and Denny, and hopefully, things will be alright again. He smiled as he pulled Tamara closer to his chest, kissing her temple. "I don't know what I'd do without you." 


Ricky noticed that wasn't very cold tonight, as she walked the way to Denny's house. Then why was she shivering and feeling cold? Probably because she just had her first argument with Kyle for years now, and she never wanted anything to go as bad as that did. She knew that Kyle was still coming out of a bad place, that he still wasn't completely out of it (and also he wouldn't be even close to out of it if it wasn't for Tamara and Josh), but to her, it in no way whatsoever excused what he said to her. She abandoned Brax? Was that the way he saw it? She was the one who was left on pieces, not Brax! She was the one who had to look after their son, while having to deal with the fact that the man she loved would never walk through that door again. The Denny came again and for a very long time, Ricky felt at ease and happy. Her and Denny were happy together and that's what mattered. But she really wanted Kyle's support, she really did.

Since that awful conversation, she fed Casey, watched him play with his toys and put him down for a nap before Kat came over to watch him. She liked having a kind of rotation when it came to watching her son made up of her friends. Some days, it would be Marilyn, or Josh and Brody, or Pheobe (despite decisively stating that she will not change Casey if he had an accident, which Ricky, smirking at her friend, assured her that she would call her if that happened on her watch) or Kat or Hannah. It was good for Casey to have so many people watching over him. She knew that he will be in safe hands. Most of the time she watched him on her own, but her friends kept insisting that she had some nights to herself, and besides, tonight she had troubles of her own. She tried to call Denny twice, but instead got her voicemail. Was she alright? Was Denny mad at her? Ricky couldn't see why until she remembered the way she left Denny last, hastily and without really much of a goodbye when she left to go sort out Kyle. She remembered briefly noticing the feelings of hurt come on her face. She didn't take much noticed at the time, but now she had to resist the urge to kick herself. Why didn't she do something about it before? Ricky and Denny hadn't talked about Kyle and how he might feel about it, she should have filled Denny in on it. Well, now she was close to the farmhouse, she would now be able to set things right. 

She knocked on the door and Hannah opened up. "Oh Hannah, hey, I was just looking for Denny, is she in?" Ricky asked her friend cheerfully, trying to hide the fear in her voice. Hannah returned the smile, but looked a bit confused. "Hey Ricky, yeah, she's in her room, she's been awfully quiet today, she barely talked during dinner, and spent most of her time in her room. Is it really important, Ricky? It's really late and I don't know if she's up for-" 

"I know, I know it's late, but it's really important. Please, Hannah, please let me talk to her, please," Ricky pleaded, hoping that Hannah would understand that it was really important. Thankfully, her friend did understand, as she allowed Rikcy in with a gentle smile. "She's in her room." Ricky gave her a grateful smile as she walked down the hall to Denny's room. She took a deep breath and opened the door and stepped in. 

Denny was lying on her bed, in her pyjamas and her wet hair coming down around her shoulders after a shower, though she sat up when Ricky walked in. She gave her girlfriend a stoney stare as the silver-blonde haired woman walked in. Ricky felt unbelievably guilty as she sat down on the edge of the bed, she shouldn't have left Denny in the dark like that, Ricky knew she had to fix it. "Hey, listen, I know I'm not the person you want to see right now, but I want to talk to-" 

"Oh, I see, now you want to talk," Denny muttered, not looking at Ricky and instead looking at the corner of her bed. She didn't want to be talking like this, but it was really hard today. When Ricky left her earlier, she began having really bad doubts. She felt as though Ricky was holding back on her. She wanted Ricky to talk to her about her problems, so they could both really trust each other. "I wanted you to talk earlier,  to trust me, but you wouldn't." Tears gpbegan to gather in her eyes, and she furiously kept them back.

"I know, honey, I know I should have talked to you first, it's just that... I wanted to explain it to Kyle first. I wanted him to  understand-" Ricky tried to explain, to make Denny understand why she left her, to make it easier for all of them. "I was afraid that he might take this the wrong way, and I didn't want you to have any doubts about this relationship." 

Denny sniffed as she finally looked up into Ricky's eyes. Then Ricky saw the tears gathering in her girlfriend's eyes and she wanted to just brush them all away and kiss Denny right there, but she waited for Denny to say what she wanted to say. "I just... I just wanted you to trust me, to open up on all your problems and trust me to try and fix them. And I want you to try and do the same for me. I...I..I just want this to work so badly. I want you," she sobbed the last bit out as tears began to run down her cheeks, and she was to distressed to do anything about it. She wanted this relationship to work so much, what she felt for Ricky she hasn't felt for anyone ever before, not even Casey, and she couldn't help but feel Ricky seemed to just be shutting her out, not telling her what was bothering her, not trusting her.

"Hey, baby, I want this to work to," Ricky said then, tears running down her own cheeks as she tried to fix it, as she tired to get Denny to understand that she did trust her. She moved closer, to comfort Denny if she wanted it. "I wanted this to work to  I just didn't want you to doubt anything. I didn't want you thinking that I would let anyone else come between us. I didn't want you thinking that Kyle's problems with us would make me or you have doubts of what we have." 

"You still could have trusted me though," Denny said, her voice softening though. "You still could have told me about it and we could have sorted it out together." 

"I know, I should have told you," Ricky admitted, as she stroked Denny's cheek. "But I wanted you to be happy, and never doubt my love for you -" Ricky then stopped right there, just realising what she said. Denny looked surprised as well, her eyes widening and yet filled with happiness. "You..You love me?" Denny asked her, tears still running down her cheeks. 

Ricky was still surprised, but she realised that she really did mean it. It was just that she hasn't felt like this since Brax. But she did mean it. Denny has been with her for ages now, she made her feel so happy, she filled her world. "Denny, what I feel for you. I haven't felt for a long time. You fill my world, you make me laugh and smile when no-one else could. You have helped me through the darkest time of my life, with you...I feel complete. So yes, I love you Denny Miller." 

Denny still looked shocked, but she then broke into a smile, as she tired to express her feelings. "Well..um, yes, with you, I feel complete as well. Ricky, you are a kind, funny, strongly independent women, I feel so happy that I found you, and that you accepted me. I...I..I love you too Ricky Sharpe, with all my heart!" And with that Denny leaned forward and kissed Ricky. And this kiss was like no other they had before, this one was filled of passion, and love and such wonderful things that neither of them knew how to describe. All they could do is feel. Denny and Ricky then broke apart, pulling their foreheads together. "I'm sorry," Denny said then breaking the silence. "I'm sorry for doubting you, I just-"

"Hey, no, it's fine," Ricky assured her, kissing the top of Denny's head. "I get it, I should have just been honest with you. But don't worry, I'll be 100% honest with you from now on."

Denny looked up and smiled at her perfect girlfriend. "That's perfect." 

They then both fell done on the bed and snuggled up in a warm embrace, Rikcy resting her head on Denny's shoulder, and Denny gently stroking Ricky's hair, their doubts forgotten, and the two of them, happy and in love. 

There we are, I hope you enjoy this. ? I'll update soon. ?



  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks again guys, for commenting. I hope you enjoy this one. ?

Chapter 12

Ricky sipped at her beer, feeling rather happy with herself. Here she was, with Denny right beside her with a beer in her hands in Angelos at the balcony, watching the beautiful sea washing up onto the sand, the surfers rushing in for a surf, and the families enjoying themselves on the ocean. She breathed it all in, gazing over to her girlfriend, her long golden hair reaching her shoulders, her eyes seeming to sparkle as Denny looked down and smiled at the beach. Then she turned to Ricky and her smile just seemed to brighten even more. 

"Hey you, what are you looking at?" Denny said playfully. Ricky smiled and edged forward. "The most wonderful thing in the world, that's what I'm looking at," she replied before edging forward and kissed Denny. Denny furthered the kiss and the two of them enjoyed the moment, enjoying the feel of each other. Then they broke apart and Denny placed her hand on Ricky's. "This is just perfect," Denny murmured, gazing into Ricky's deep blue eyes, tucking a hair behind her ear. "Just you and me..." 

"And a couple of beers to help us today!" Ricky joked, and the two of them laughed away, completely at ease with each other's company. Denny kissed Ricky's cheek as the two of them headed back to the bar to get another drink. Suddenly Ricky took a deep breath when she saw Kyle walk into the room. 

Kyle also sighed when he saw the two of them. It's been two days since he and Ricky had that argument, and he's been planning his apology, he really wanted to make things right with Denny and Ricky. It hasn't been helped by the fact that both women seem to be avoiding him, though after the way he reacted he can understand why. He decided now was his chance to fix it. He approached them and then Denny too noticed him and looked at Ricky a bit awkwardly. "Hey Tim," Kyle called out to the barman who was pouring new drinks for the two women. "Would you mind giving us a few minutes?" 

The barman gave him a nod and headed off to other customers, leaving the three in a very awkward silence. "So," Kyle started, shuffling his feet and looking rather nervous. "How are you guys doing?" Ricky and Denny glanced at each other before nodding. "Yeah, we're good." This was followed by a very awkward silence between the three, and then Ricky said, "Well, we might just pay up and go for a-" 

"Ricky, wait! Just let me talk, please?" Kyle burst out pleadingly. Ricky, surprised, sat down again and looked up at him. She hasn't seen much of him for a while, mainly because she was in a good place and didn't want another argument to ruin it, but now she could see he looked very sad and lost. She could see that he was sorry, so she decided to listen to him.  Kyle then took a deep breath and began. "Ricky, I'm sorry for before. I reacted the wrong way and I know that now. I guess that I wanted Brax back so much that I couldn't see that you needed to move on, to be happy. I'm so sorry that I said you abandoned Brax, when it totally wasn't true. You deserve to be happy, Ricky and if you're happy with Denny, then, well you don't need my blessing, you never needed anyone's permission to do anything," Kyle chuckled at the last bit, along with a small laugh from Denny and a smile from Ricky. "But I accept it, and I hope you two are happy together." 

Ricky smiled warmly up at him. "Kyle, I understand. Your loyalty to your brothers is one of the things I like most about you, I was just afraid that you'd take it the wrong way. I know you didn't mean what you said, you were just hurting and I know it's been incredibly difficult for you. So thank you," she told him, bringing him into a hug. Denny smiled, as she watched the two. It was great to see the two happy again, and even greater that Kyle accepted the two. "So, I'm gonna go get back to work," Kyle said, breaking from the hug, smiling at the two. "See you later." 

"See you!" Denny and Ricky smiled at him as he headed towards the bar. Denny then turned to Ricky and said "Well, that went well." Ricky smiled at her. "Yeah, it did, I'm glad he's okay with us." 


"Come on little man, up you come." Ricky picked Casey up from the floor where he was playing to give him his bottle. Meanwhile Denny was sitting on the couch smiling at the mother and son together. "He is so adorable," Denny murmured, looking up at Ricky's bright smiling face.  

"Yeah he is," Ricky sighed happily, bouncing Casey on her knee as she fed him his bottle. "Oh, he's growing so much everyday. I feel so incredibly lucky to have both him and you in my life." 

Denny smiled sweetly at her.  "I'm so lucky to have you too." And saying this, she leapt up from the sofa and gave Ricky a soft peck on the lips. Denny then leaned on Ricky's back, her chin resting on Ricky's shoulder, making faces at Casey, who smiled and gurgled, clapping his little hands. "He looks a lot like him doesn't he?" Ricky said then softly, smiling sadly. Denny turning to her confused. "Who? You mean....Brax?" 

"Yeah," was all Ricky said, readjusting her son as she went to sit on the couch, Denny following. "He looks so much like him, and sometimes, it just brings it all back. I did love him, before all the trouble started, I did. And now, when my little boy grows up, and of course he's going to know about his dad. What am I supposed to tell him?"  

Denny was at a lost for words. She knew that even though Ricky loved her, she knew her girlfriend's history with Brax was always going to be with her, whether she wanted it to be or not, and now Ricky was worried about what to say to her son about the troubles of the past. And Denny hadn't the slightest idea on it. Still, Ricky needed her help and Denny will always try her best to help the woman who brightened her world, whole made her feel good when she hasn't felt good in a very long time. 

Denny took a deep breath. "It's hard, baby, I know. But Casey needs to know, he needs to know about his father. You may not owe it to Brax, but Casey deserves the truth. But not now, I don't want you to worry about that now. That conversation won't have to happen for a very long time. All you and Casey have to do is enjoy the moment." 

Ricky gave Denny her brightest smile. She couldn't believe how lucky she was to have such a sweet, kind, caring person like Denny in her life, she helped her get through the days. "You always know the right thing to say." 

"It's a gift," Denny replied, grinning at her and leaning in for a kiss. Ricky happily obliged her, softly kissing her back, the two of them lost in the moment before breaking apart to smile down at Casey giggling happily at the two. Ricky hugged Casey close as Denny pulled her girlfriend into her chest, Ricky's silver-blonde hair tickling her as Denny's chin rested on Ricky's head. "Don't worry," Denny murmured, smiling. "I'll be here for you always. I promise." 

Ricky nodded, smiling against her girlfriend's chest. "I know you will." 

Hoped you all enjoyed that. Not much happening, I know but there will be some major events happening later on in the story, so I decided to put in some nice sweet stuff here. I'll update soon! ?

  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks again, Red, JarlieFanEver, Pembie, Kirsten and McGarry.helena@yahoo.com for commenting and waiting for me. 

Chapter 13 

"Ooh, I like this one," Ricky told Tamara, looking at her laptop showing wedding dresses. "No way, this one is the best!" Denny interjected from the other side of Tamara, pointing at another one on the screen that was shining red like a ruby. "You do know we're picking the dress for Tamara, not you right?" Ricky smirked at her girlfriend, giving a mock gasp when Denny playfully stuck her tongue out at her. "Alright children that's enough," Tamara interjected grinning. "There's plenty of more dresses to look at, don't worry."  

Ricky smiled at her friend, feeling very happy that she was helping Tamara with her up-coming wedding. It will be happening in a couple of months and Kyle was over-the-moon excited about it. He wouldn't stop talking about at either work or home, making plans for the date, the invitations, the food, the reservation, the church, he talked about it all, much to the amusement and slight annoyance of his friends and family. Of course anyone can see why he was so excited, he was marrying the woman of his dreams. Kyle has come a very long way from where he began, and it's good to see that him and Tamara, after all their struggles and tests, are making this wonderful commitment to each other.  

She looked around to see that Tamara had moved from the couch to look at the magazine April and Evie were looking at. Tamara invited all her friends over to pick a wedding dress and they were all going through magazines to find the best. Ricky smirked at Pheobe frantically waving her hand around trying to get Tamara's attention to a white dress she found, and saw Kat, the stern police officer, practically melting at another dress that Hannah was showing her. Ricky then scooted over to Denny. "Well, this is fun isn't it?" 

"Well, that's one word for it," Denny smiled playfully at her as she laid her head on Ricky's shoulder. "It's nice though,  I can't believe it's only a couple of months away." Ricky smiled back. "Time flies when you're enjoying yourself, doesn't it." 

"Definitely," Denny agreed, kissing the shorter woman's cheek. "And I'm enjoying every moment of every day with you." Ricky's smile widened even more. "Me too," she said before leaning to kiss Denny.  

It's been 4 weeks since both Ricky and Denny came out to their families and friends as gay. They have both been very nervous about it, they had already confided in Evie and Josh and of course Kyle and Tamara found out on his own, but the idea of everyone knowing about it was, to be honest, extremely nerve-wreaking. It's one thing for the four whom they were very close to know, it's quite another for the entire community. But there was nothing to worry about. While most of them were surprised by the news, they were very supportive and accepting of the two. Ricky and Denny were very happy that they can show their love for each other without the fear of being discovered. They were happy together, everyone else was happy with them together, and that's all that matters. 

Three weeks earlier 

"You ready for this," Ricky turned to Denny. The two of them were standing outside the Patterson house, Denny's family and a few of their friends, waiting inside, having been asked by the women to come over for they have some important news. 

"Yeah, just a moment," Denny took a deep breath, wringing her hands nervously. "It's just....just a bit overwhelming, telling more people, I'm still trying to bring my head around it all." Ricky gave her a reassuring smile as she pulled her girlfriend closer to her. "Hey, don't worry, your family will love you whatever you choose to do. Telling them will make things better, I promise you." 

Denny tried her best to return the smile, though the nerves were making it hard. Her and Ricky have talked a lot about letting other people know. She's been the most nervous about it. She was afraid that people might start judging them, even though it was ridiculous, she's known these people for a long time now, they were the most kind, wonderful people she could ever find in a town,  she knew that they would be supportive. The main thing that was giving her nerves was that with making the news public, would make the whole thing official. Not that it's a bad thing, it was really good and Denny doesn't regret her decision. It's just that it was kind of overwhelming how fast both of them have come together. 

Denny grabbed Ricky's hand and squeezed it. She gave her girlfriend a smile as both took deep breaths. Then the two women walked into the house. Evie was standing near the door, smiling encouragingly at the two and giving Denny's hand a small squeeze. Denny smiled gratefully at her sister, knowing that in the unlikely events that things will go wrong, she will have her sister to support her and Ricky. They made their way to the living room where everyone had gathered. 

"So what is it you want to talk to us about," Zac asked from the couch as everyone saw Ricky and Denny come in. Denny looked around at all the waiting faces of people whom she was very close too, she knew that she could trust on them to be supportive. Even though she already knew that, it helped bring down the nerves. "Ok, well, me and Ricky, we..." She turned to Ricky, who gave her a nod of her head, still holding her hand,, acknowledging that it was time to be open. "Me and Ricky are, well...we're together, as a couple." She looked around the room. With the exception of Evie and Josh, everyone else's faces were full of surprise, their eyes widened and some of them(particularly VJ and Matt) had their mouths gaping open. There was a moment silence (enough for Denny to think of many bad outcomes to this) only for it to be broken by a loud excited squeal from Pheobe when she jumped up and ran to give both Ricky and Denny a hug. Both laughed nervously from it and returned the hug. Over her friend's shoulder, Denny saw the faces of her family and friends, while still surprise, now smiling and looking happy and supportive for them, the looks she wanted most of all, which helped her relaxed deeper into the hug. After breaking apart from the hug, Denny looked to Ricky, who was giving Denny her brightest reassuring smile. Denny smiled back and turned to everyone else. "So, are you guys okay with this?" 

"Of course we are," Hannah told her, being the next to bring her niece into a hug. "We will always be there for you and Ricky, Denny, it's about time you were happy." 

""We will always accept you Denny, no matter what," Zac told her, hugging Denny. "I'm so proud of you." 

"I'm proud of you as well, no matter how many of my jokes you ignore," Oscar smiled at her, hugging his sister before narrowly avoiding an arm-swat from Denny. 

"Same here, love. Just don't expect me to have you two kissing around the bait shop during work," Alf said, laughing good-naturedly. 

And it went on, everyone gathering around to congratulate them, to make them feel more at ease and comfortable with themselves. Denny couldn't begin to explain how much this meant to her and Ricky, all she could do is smile and hug. She gave Evie a wink when she caught her sister's eye in the back of the room and Evie gave her a warm smile that said all that Denny wanted to hear: well done. 


"What do you think of these two," Ricky interrupted Denny's thoughts by showing her a magazine that had a blue dress that came with green ear piercings and a stunning white ball gown. Oh, that does look nice," Denny said, pointing at the ball gown. "It would look great on Tamara. The blue one I think would be more my type." 

Ricky turned to her and gave her a mischievous look. "Yes, I do think I would like you in that, Miller." Denny smirked at her and said "Is that so Sharpe?" before cupping Ricky's face and kissing her. 

"Oi, you two, get a room!" Tamara laughed at them from where she was looking at the latest set of magazines her and Billie had opened. "Yes ma'am," Ricky said giving a false salute which nearly made Denny fall into laughter and then said "Why don't Denny and me go for a small walk while you give yourself a chance to breath." Denny smiled at her. "A perfect idea," before leaning in to give her girlfriend a big kiss, before running out laughing to Tamara's annoyed laugh and most of the girls rolling their eyes. Ricky followed, shaking from giggling. The two ran over to the other flat and collapsed on the couch, laughing at each other like mad. Then Ricky gave Denny a soft kiss before leaning on her shoulder. "You are my favourite person ever, I want you to know that." Denny smiled at her girlfriend's statement and kissed her forehead. "You're my favourite as well, you joker." 


He made his way through the bushes, as quiet as he can be, without startling anyone that might be passing by. This town had been his home for a long time, as he got past the "Welcome to Summer Bay" sign and saw the beautiful scene of the beach, he was almost overwhelmed by fond memories. But he couldn't be there, he knew that. After what he's done, he doubted that there were many who would welcome his return, who wouldn't understand why he did what he did, or they may even alert the police to a former friend. 

He also knew that he wasn't alone. He knew that no matter what happened, he Would always have his family, his brother, his girlfriend, his son, who he hasn't even seen yet. There would be shock at seeing him after a long time, he knew, but he felt like he could still rely on them to understand, to help him. He's been on the run for a year, many would call what he was doing crazy, but he had to see him. It's been a year now, he couldn't bare not seeing them again. They would help, he was sure of it. 

He continued on his way, making sure to avoid being seen by anyone, friend or otherwise. Darryl Braxton was back in the bay. 

Shock! I couldn't resist not bringing him back, but he's definitely going to be in for a shock when he sees his family again isn't he! ?  Hope you all enjoyed it. I'll update soon. 



  • 3 weeks later...
  On 21/08/2018 at 00:37, pembie said:

Brax is going to be utterly gobsmacked and I'm looking forward to that


Oh yes he is, and, even though I'm a fan of Brax, it will be very funny! ?

  On 20/08/2018 at 20:51, ~JarlieFanEver~ said:

Great chapter

Liked how the whole town were supportive of Denny and Ricky


Thanks Jarlie, I felt it was important to include that scene because coming out to family and friends is a very important issue so I hope I portrayed it well.

Thanks again, Pembie, Red, JarlieFanEver, Kristen and Mcgarry.helena@yahoo.com. Just a couple of chapters to go now, so I just want to say thank up you all so much for sticking with this story and being extremely patient with me. So thanks again.

Chapter 14

Ricky was walking towards her flat, enjoying the bright day and everything in her life. She had an adorable son whom she can raise right, a wonderful girlfriend who she's finally able to be happy with and a great family and great friends. She was finally free from all the pain, all the uncertainty, and things were looking up.

Little did she knew that the ease and comfort in her life was going to get an unsuspecting and unwelcome visitor. 

The dress-picking party had broken up a couple of hours ago, and Denny had a shift at the bait shop so Ricky had the house to herself. She walked up to the flat and took out her keys to open the door...

Which was already unlocked. And was hanging out slightly open. Within the shock of it all, Ricky barely registered her breathing increasing quite rapidly, worrying thoughts came flooding through her mind, making her heart race at a hundred miles an hour. She regained her breath and quietly stepped inside the house. As she did so, the first thing she registered was a man in a hood standing over Casey's crib! All her thoughts of stealth forgotten, she grabbed her bag even tighter. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" She screamed at him, concern over her little boy taking over. The stranger got up and turned.

Ricky recognised him immediately. He looked thinner than he did before, an unshaven beard was also evident on his face, and behind the hood she could see very little hair left, but she would recognise his face, his mouth, his eyes, anywhere. Long ago, she would have dreamed of seeing that face again, now it left her uneasy. "Brax?" She stammered out, even though she already knew. 

"Ricky," Brax replied, his voice full of longing. He never forgot how beautiful she was. He was so grateful to see her again. He approached her, wanting to hug her, to kiss her, to hold her close to him, he had missed that. 

Ricky watched him coming towards her, and felt the uneasiness increase. She knew that months ago if he came back, she would have run to him, to bury her face within his chest, to lean into his lips for a kiss, to never let hi let her go.

But that was before she opened her eyes, that there was more to her life then Brax. 

She backed away fast, shaking her head sadly. She turned, closed the door, and went to sit. She had no idea how she was so clam, when every nerve in her body was urging her to scream, to rage, to cry. She just still sat there, looking numb. 

Brax just stood there, more confused than he ever would. He had no idea as to why Ricky would act like this. He expected to to run into her arms, to give him a great welcome-home. He sure didn't expect this! He sat down next to her, almost afraid that she'll pull away, but when she didn't, he placed his hand over hers, and gave her a squeeze. "Babe, what's wrong? What can I do?"

Ricky was at a complete loss. Him holding her hand brought back fond memories of before, but she knew it could never be now. He burned that bridge when he went on the run, she couldn't just let him think that they could just go back to normal just like that. "You left us," was all she said, not even looking at him. 

Brax shook his head. He knew that she'd be upset by that and rightly so, but he still felt like she should still see why he did it. "Ricky...you know what Pirovic had done. I... I didn't have a choice."

In the middle of all the doubt and heartbreak, annoyance appeared in Ricky's heart at his words. "You had no choice? Really? You're really going to play that card?" She scoffed and stood up, walking toward the table. Brax looked at her, shocked by her lack of understanding. Why doesn't she understand that he did what was necessary. Pirovic was dangerous! He killed Casey and Charlie, he deserved it! Why was it so hard for her to see that? "Well, I didn't!" he retorted, standing up as well. "I hated every day without you, but I did what I had to do." 

"But you didn't have to do it," Ricky replied, wondering how could he be so pig-headed. She always knew he was stubborn, but she didn't think it would mean that he abandoned his own family because of it. "You didn't have to go on the run, to abandon your family, your friends, your business, you didn't have to commit murder!" All the anger, pain and frustration she'd been feeling for ages now was rising in her, but, no matter how tempting it was, she didn't shout at him, for fear of waking Casey. "You didn't have to do anything," she continued in a low voice. "But you decided to do it anyway, and that's on you." 

Brax was shocked and confused by what she said, but now annoyance was also emerging in him. "Pirovic killed Casey! My little brother! I couldn't just sit back and let him get away with it!" 

"You could have called the police, get him locked up," Ricky tried to reason, though it was getting unbearable by the second just to be in the same room as him. "You were hurting Brax, I get that, but it's no excuse for murder and abandoned everyone." 

Brax couldn't believe this. He couldn't help but feel a bit betrayed by her words. Couldn't she see how much he sacrificed? "I saw no other way, he deserved what he got," he rambled, but feeling more unsure by the second. After months of tracking him down, it came down to one final showdown between Brax and Jake. The end result was pretty for Pirovic. Brax was shocked at the end, he never actually committed murder before, but he felt that it was worth it to end that low-life. "You...you don't understand what it was like. I had to move from place to place, having to watch my back every minute. It was so hard..." 

"And what, you didn't think it was hard for us?!" Ricky almost screamed, all hopes of being quiet forgotten in one burning ball of rage inside her. How can he be so selfish? Did he not think how hard it was for her, and Kyle and the rest? For his own son? "I cired myself to sleep nearly every night. I could barely even look at Angeloes, let alone walk into it, because it was so hard for me to go in there without being reminded of you. Casey has been growing up without his dad! Kyle went down into a dark hole that he's been trying for ages to get out of, and he only got out of it because of Tamara. Josh was lost without you helping him, Ash, Pheobe and the rest of the staff had to be dealt with questionings by police and suspicion. And none of us asked for this! None of us asked to be left behind to pick up the pickets for your mistake. But we were, so don't come in here expecting sympathy for consequences for your own choices. You left us, you deal with it."

A deep silence followed her outburst, Ricky staring daggers at Brax, who was starting to feel a bit guilty. He honestly hadn't considered how hard it must have been for all those he left behind, he was so focused on trying to stay free to worry about that. He felt sorry that they had to go through all that, but maybe he can make amends. He approached her and took her by the hands. Despite her obvious discomfort, he persisted. "Come with me." 

Ricky paused, really hoping she misheard him. "I'm sorry, what?"

"Come with me," Brax repeated. "You, me and Case, we can just disappear, go on the run together, explore the world. Just the three of us, like it always should be."

Ricky was surprised by this statement. "And where would we go?" 

"Anywhere, all that matters would be that we're together." He was very earnest about it, he felt like it could be a big adventure, the three of them together, maybe getting a farm, and living off the land. He was overwhelmed by how much of a good idea it was.

Meanwhile Ricky was overwhelmed about how crazy it was. Just go on the run, leave everything behind? Can't he see how stupid that sounds? And even if it could have worked, it was too late. She moved on, her life with Brax is over, even though she didn't know how to tell him. Despite all the feeling she had against him, she didn't want to hurt him.

But was she so sure about that? There was a small thought in her head that maybe she should just go with Brax. She did love him once, perhaps again. Casey ought to know his father. She felt a small bit conflicted. What felt like a simple choice felt so hard. But she couldn't leave Denny, after all she did for her. No way. "Brax..I can't. It wouldn't work. And even if it did, we're done. We can't just get on like we had before." 

"Why not?" Brax asked, sounding heart-broken, but desperate. She and Casey were all he had left, he couldn't lose them too. "Ricky, I want us to work, we still can." 

"Well, you should have thought about that before you decided to become a criminal again. You made your choice Brax, you can't just expect to have everything to be as it was," Ricky pointed out, it was blunt, but true, and it helped push down that little voice. Brax and her were over the moment he ran out on them, she should have recognised that way earlier before. It would have spared her a lot of hurt. 

Then she noticed that the look of hurt and sadness on Brax's face gave way to suspicion and anger.  "You met someone else haven't you?" he asked in a low voice. Ricky took a deep sigh, she knew she couldn't keep it from him forever, something was bound to slip out, she hoped she could have kept it quiet, but she felt like she couldn't. "Brax.."

"I don't believe this!" Brax nearly shouted, keeping quiet because partly he didn't want to disturb his son, but also because he couldn't believe it. He hoped that she'd wait for him, spleen loving him, no matter what he has done! He couldn't help but feel betrayed, ignoring a small thought that said maybe she needed it, that he abandoned her first. "Who is it?" he asked, clenching his fists. He wasn't sure what he'd do, but he needed to know. "Who are you with?" 

There was a moment silence, that was then interrupted by another voice. "Hey sweetie, you won't believe the kind of day I had at the baitshop-"

Denny stopped mid-sentence when she walked through the open door and saw Brax staring at Ricky. The look Ricky gave her told Brax all he needed to know. He thought he was shocked by her before, but it was nothing compared to what he was feeling now. 

Left it a white a cliffhanger, haven't I? I Hope you all enjoyed this. Also, I thought I let you know, I actually do like Brax, but I do feel that he would be like this, and I wanted to show that Ricky needs to move on from him and also that, even for Brax, actions do have consequences. So yeah, sorry to all you other Brax fans out there, I like him, but it works for the story. I'll update soon. ?



  • QUIET ACHIEVER changed the title to Maybe Too Close?
  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry guys again for the delay, I've been caught up in a lot of work these past few weeks so now I've finally have a chance to update this story. So thanks again Red, JarlieFanEver, Pembie, Kristen and McGarry.helena@yahoo.com, for all your unbelievable patience, I am truly grateful. Hope you enjoy this. ?

Chapter 15

"Wait," Brax said after a very uncomfortable silence, still unable to pull his head around this. "You and Denny...you...are dating? Like a couple?" 

"Yes," Ricky replied firmly, just coming back from the other flat, giving Tamara Casey, but keeping secret of their unexpected guest, she really hated the fact that she has to have this conversation, but unwilling to back down from it. "For at least four months now." She knew that she had to be firm, that Brax needed to know that Ricky has moved on. 

Brax just looked from her to Denny, completely lost. Out of all the possible situations that could happen he thought of when coming back to the bay, this was definitely not one of them. When did this happen? How long have either of them had been gay?! These were the thoughts that were running through his mind and the questions he wanted answered, but for some strange reason found himself unable to talk. Probably the shock. Definitely the shock. 

He couldn't help but feel ultimately betrayed by this. Ricky, his girlfriend, and Denny, his brother's fiancé, together?! He thought that Ricky would have waited for him, he wasn't going to leave his family forever. Could she not have waited for him? For him to finish what he had to and welcome him back in open arms? Despite that little voice in his head that said she must have  been waiting for a very long time and that maybe he shouldn't have left, Brax couldn't help but feel disappointed. "But Ricky," he suddenly gasped out, "what...what about us? What we...." 

"What we had?" Ricky finished for him, eyes blazing and her tone stony. She knew that he was probably play that card against her, she just hoped he wouldn't be that stupid to bring that up. Her and Brax were over and he needed to accept that, and also that it's on him. "What we had is through, Brax, it ended the moment you walked out on us. What the hell did you expect, that you just come back and things were going to go back to the way they were?" 

Brax had to keep his mouth shut, because that is exactly what he wanted to happen. This really wasn't the way he wanted things to go, though he won't give up. He couldn't, not after all he sacrificed! "Rick...please...I love you." 

The fire went out in Ricky's eyes and a sadness replaced it. She was afraid he would say that. That he still loved her and create cracks within the previous fragile state she was in. She can't deny the fact, she loved Brax for a very long time. She loved him when they used to hang out together in Mangrove River, and even when Adam forced her to plant the evidence to throw Casey and Kyle in jail, she still loved Brax. Did that mean she was being selfish? Was she playing both Brax and Denny? Would staying with Denny be the right thing to do and leave Brax with a broken heart, or go to Brax and leave Denny alone and heartbroken again?

She  found herself unable to answer, but then she didn't have to, because Denny spoke, her voice clear and cold. "Then you should have stayed." This was the first time she has spoken since coming back, watching the two have their say, but now she felt compelled to speak. Brax blinked at her, as if noticing her for the first time, and then spoke. "Listen Denny.." 

"No you listen," Denny interrupted. She stepped forward to the man she once called a friend, but she could clearly see how much this confrontation was breaking the woman she loved apart, and she can't let that happen without having her say. "You listen, you were the one who walked out, the one who were so caught up in the idea of revenge, you didn't even start to consider the affect that would have on your family, your unborn son, your brothers, and the woman you supposedly love. You're in the wrong and you need to accept that."

Her words came out harsh and Brax found himself flinching at them. He was more confused than upset at these words. Denny and him had always gone on, where was this coming from? He tried to speak, regaining some confidence. "Denny please, this is between me and Ricky, and she's overreacting enough without you coming in, so why don't you..."

Denny slapped him. 

It wasn't a hard one, compared to others Brax has copped with before, but it was enough to make the former leader of the River Boys stagger and look back at Denny with eyes going wider than they had ever done before. 

"How can you even thin that," Denny muttered, her voice low in absolute rage. "She was overreacting? I have nothing to do with this? I love her! I  have loved her from the moment we kissed in Angelos, I care for her like nothing else, and yet you just expect the love you deserted? She was in hell when you left her Brax! She was couldn't go out at night, she cried, she needed help to look after her own son, and yet she's the one who overreacted? I'm the one who helped her with Casey, the one who kept her company during her free time, who got her a job when she couldn't go into Angelos, who held her and never let her go when she woke from a nightmare and cried. She was so alone and where were you, playing gangster?" 

"But Denny, I did it for Casey!" Brax blurted out, knowing that this could convince her that what he did was right, knowing how much she loved his brother. Except that that made Denny even more ferocious.

"How dare you!?" She practically yelled, tears streaming down her face. "How dare you use him as an excuse! He would have never have wanted you to have risked your life going after that lunatic, he never would have wanted you to break the law and never would he want you to throw away your family. Never! You don't deserve her." 

For Brax, confusion gave way to anger, as he pointed a finger at Denny. "You.." 

"ENOUGH!!!" Ricky almost screamed then, thankfully silencing the two. She was furious at the two fighting over her like that. She expected that from Brax, but not from Denny, who is usually so calm and considerate. "Stop it the two of you! Haven't you even bothered to think that it's my decision?!" 

Denny had the grace to look ashamed and guilty, and so did Brax, who approached her. "Babe.." 

"No." Ricky moved away, glaring at him. She would have said a lot more, but they were interrupted again. 

"Guys, what's going on in here?" Kyle asked, walking through the door. "You could hear the yelling all the way-" He stopped mid-sentence, gaping at the man in front of him."Brax?" 

"Hey mate!" Brax exclaimed excitedly, rushing to hug him. He knew he can rely on Kyle to look after Ricky and give him a proper welcome. 

"Well...what.." Kyle was flabbergasted as he stiffly returned the hug. He definitely didn't expect this. "What are you doing here?" 

"Well I came to visit, didn't I?" Brax said, pulling apart. The joy experienced during the hug faded when he saw the look of uncertainty on Kyle's face and remembered the current situation. 

"But what was with all the shouting?" Kyle paused when noticing Denny looking down, tears visible on her face and Ricky was staring at them all angrily. It didn't take a genius to understand what happened. "Ah, I see." There was a moment of silence, as if they were all daring each other to say something. Eventually it was Kyle that broke it, saying "Ok, let's just all sit down and talk about it." 

Brax approached him. "Mate, surely you can see how-" 

"No Brax," Kyle interrupted in a distant manner. "Let's just talk this through and hear what they have to say." He then sat down and put his head in his hands. Brax was left even more hurt and confused by this. What the hell was everyone's problem, he thought sitting down on one of the chairs. 

Denny and Ricky both sat down on the couch, but when Denny reached for her hand, the silver-hair woman edged away. Denny gave a silent moan and wondered what was she going to do to make up for it. 

Not exactly the best situation for any of them is it? Hoped you all enjoyed it, next chapter will be soon. ? And again thanks for your patience. 


  • 1 month later...

Thanks everyone again, for commenting and waiting, there's only a couple of chapters to go now, and I am so grateful for all of you sticking by it, thank you. Hope you enjoy this, as Ricky, Brax and Denny speak their truths.

Chapter 16

"Okay," Kyle started, his calm voice cutting through the tension like a knife, with Brax and Denny staring at Ricky like lost puppies, but Ricky only stared at the wall ahead of her. "There's a lot of things...that has happened, Brax, while you were gone. Ricky needed someone to help her get through it-"

"I understand that," Brax interrupted, his fingers twined together in front of him as if in prayer. "What I don't understand is that how it could have escalated."

"I...I guess that's how things happen," Kyle suggested hopelessly. He had no idea how to approach a conversation like this. And it's not even like he can call a professional here. "I mean...Josh didn't expect things to go as far as they have with his boyfriend and..."

" Wait, wait, hold on!" Brax interrupted, holding up his hand. "Josh is gay now too?" 

Kyle blinked at him, then remembered how long he was gone. "Yeah, he came out a while ago. he's with this guy, Brody, in the Morgan family, and they had that whole thing-" 

"Oh yeah, I remember finding out about that." Brax may have been on the run, but even he saw the news of the Morgan family's drama of their witness protection, on the run from people that even Brax and Heath wouldn't have done business with! When the news broke out that they're were in Summer Bay, Brax nearly had a heart attack. "When I found out, I wanted to come back here to-" 

Ricky scoffed bitterly then. "Of course, the legendary outlaw Brax wants to come home as soon as something exciting and dangerous happens." 

"What? No Ricky, I wanted to come home to make sure you were all safe!" Brax argued, despite himself wondering if what Ricky said was actually true. 

If Brax was going to be 100% honest with himself, when he was on the run, he felt almost completely at ease, except for the fact that what remained of Pirovic's gang and the police after him. This was the life he knew, the one he always knew since he was young, and not matter how hard he tried to live a normal life with Ricky, even though he was over the moon over having a kid, he didn't feel the same thrill of his previous life. 

But of course, with the syndicate hunting for the Morgans, he was worried out of his mind for his family. And anyway he knew that Ricky wouldn't want to hear about the thrill he felt, so he started again. "Ricky-"

"That was your life, Brax," Ricky stated. It was something she always knew, something she tried to lead him away from. "Why wasn't the new life we were trying to start good enough? You just had to do it your own way, to take it upon yourself to get back for Casey. And it cost you us."

"Ricky, I don't know how many times, I had to say this, but I had to do it for Casey!" Brax almost shouted, unwilling to back down at all. He turned to his brother for appeal, hoping that Kyle would understand. "Kyle surely you can see how ridiculous she's-"

"I don't Brax," Kyle muttered, head down.

Brax nearly  jumped, his mouth dropped. He couldn't believe this. Why wasn't anyone on his side? "Kyle-"

"No Brax, I understand what you were feeling, but I can't support any of it." Kyle had enough of it. He needed his brother to see where he had gone wrong. For Kyle can see how much this was hurting Ricky inside, so he had to take a stand. "Brax, when I...when I kidnapped Casey, all those years ago," Kyle started, (still feeling shame over it all), "I wasn't thinking straight. All I could think of was getting back for our dad. And where did it get me? It nearly led me to prison and almost losing the last chance I have for a family. I get that you were angry... But you should have known better than to just run off and leave your family like that. Ricky needed you. Your son needed you. needed you. And you weren't here."

Brax at first was shocked and dismayed, but now felt only more guilt. He was now realising the affect his actions had on his family, realisations he hadn't thought about before. Attempting to move beyond that, he then turned to Denny. "But what about you? I thought you were in love with Casey? And you-"

Denny stood up then, previously looking lost and afraid, but now looked like she was ready to slap Brax all over again. "First of all, I did love Casey. I still love him and I'll always remember him as the kind, sweet man he was. But that doesn't mean that I should just live my entire life alone and not feeling love for anyone else. And neither should Ricky. She has spent so much time lost and unsure about whether she should have what she wants, whether she should be happy. And she has chosen to be happy with me. The moment I fell in love with her, I swore to myself that I will never do wrong by her. That I would always stand by her, by her decisions, and to never leave for some selfish mission of my own" Then turning to look down on Ricky, who, despite keeping her cold glare, seemed to be softening a bit, "I hope that she'll still believe that."

At that, tears began to glisten in her eyes, Denny quickly walked to the back door into the garden. There was an awkward moment silence between the other three, Ricky softening more at her girlfriend's words. She was still annoyed at Denny's previous words during her argument with Brax, making it sound like she didn't consider Ricky's feelings, but after hearing the raw emotion in eh r voice, maybe she actually did care. But then again, she thought things were like that with Brax, so she needed to be careful. She stood up and followed Denny, ignoring the looks that Kyle and Brax were giving her. Brax looked over then to Kyle, uncertain now how to talk with him. He couldn't bare to lose another brother. "Kyle," he said reluctantly. "I get you don't support my decisions ...but can't you see that it was for our family? I always wanted what's best for our family." 

Kyle sighed, and rubbed the back of his head. "Brax, I know that you love this family, you would risk your life over and over again to keep it safe, but your actions weren't what's best for your family. You should have stayed, but there's no changing that now.I love you, but you being here isn't helping Ricky either. She's finally happy after a long time, you need to let her keep it."

Brax was heartbroken, but now he was beginning to really understood what Ricky needed, and what she needed wasn't his. "I love her," was all he could say, knowing how little he could do with it. 

"Then you know what to do." Kyle replied sadly. 


Ricky stepped out to the garden, softly approaching the other blonde girl, who was standing near the wall, looking up at the sky. "Those things you said back there," Ricky murmured softly, causing Denny it turn to her. "Those things...is that what you really want? To stand by me always?" 

Denny nodded. "I've been in a lot of relationships. The only thing that really made me feel something real was Casey. When he...when he died, I was sure that I would never feel like that again. Until that night at Angelos, our first kiss. It was then that I knew I would enjoy the rest of my life with only you." 

The two women stared at each other then, both women prompting the other to say something. Then Denny turned away, muttering "But I guess that doesn't matter now," 

Ricky sighed. 'I've felt those same things with you too. But back there, when you were arguing with Brax...it was as if I couldn't tell the difference between either side. That both of you were fighting over who would get me without me having a say in any of it-"

"I know, I know," Denny loudly interrupted, turning back to her, Ricky alarmed to notice tears pouring down Denny's cheeks. "I know that I should have considered your thoughts, but...the moment I walked into the house, and saw Brax, I...I just...you and Brax, you were always meant to be together. That's what everyone thought when they saw the two of you. And when I walked I. On the two of you, that fact came smashing into my mind. And I thought, for a frightening moment, that you would have chosen him. That's why I panicked, and went straight into the argument without thinking of you. Because I was afraid, you would have chosen Brax. Even when he doesn't in the slightest deserves you. You'll always choose Brax." She stopped then, tears freely running from her eyes, but refusing to openly cry.

Ricky fled all her anger disappear at what her girlfriend said and was left with understanding and sadness. Denny's actions made sense here. She was scared of losing her to someone else, not because of her own feelings, but because she wanted Ricky to be happy. And she was right, Ricky had always chosen the life with Brax before. Despite all the dangers, all the drama, she had chosen Brax because she believed that was what she wanted. Not this time, though. "Not this time," she read her thoughts out loud. Denny turned to her, eyes widening slightly. 


"I won't chose Brax this time, and not again," Ricky told her, walking over to her and wiping the tears off her face. "I choose you," she said, looking up to her eyes and kissing Denny on the nose. "Only you," kissing her cheek. "Because I love you." And a soft, but strong kiss on the lips. 

Denny gave a watery smile, cupping Ricky's cheek. "I love you too, and I swear, I will always put you first."


Neither had any idea how long they stood out there for, not saying anything, just taking comfort in the love they share, before heading back into the house. They peaked through and saw Kyle and Brax having a close talk, both looking rather sad, but much calmer. "What do you think they're talking about?" Denny turned to Ricky, who shook her head. "I don't know, but it's best if we let them talk."  

They waited out there, again without the need to talk, though finding other things to do without eavesdropping what the brothers were saying. Ten minutes later, both women went back in to see Brax and Kyle engulfing each other in a hug. 

After a long time, Brax broke away and placed his hand on Kyle's shoulder. "Thank you Brax," Kyle stammered, a watery smile on his face. "For everything." 

Brax returned the smile, sad, but still a smile, and then walked over to Ricky and Denny. He looked down on her, her beautiful face and wondered how stupid could he have been to throw it all away.

"I'm sorry Ric," and for the first time, he could feel tears gathering in his eyes. "I'm so sorry. I should have stayed, I know that now. I was mad, about Pirovic and Casey, but I should have stayed. But I...I know it's too late now. You've moved on. And now I have to do the same, I just want you to know... That I love you. But I promise, you won't have to worry about me again. Ricky...I'm just so sorry."

Ricky nodded at him, sadness etched on her face, but acceptance was there as well. She placed her hand on his shoulder,mouth that was pretty much it. At least three years of loving each other, and that was it. He then turned to Denny and simply said, "Take care of her yeah?" 

Denny nodded, some of the coldness evaporating for her face as well. Brax nodded back and then Kyle, who went out, came back in with Casey. Swallowing hard, Brax went to his son, the son he was looking so much to see, the one he left before he was even born. He picked Casey up, and was instantly reminded of the time he spent with his brother when he was a baby, so much that tears were now falling. Brax gently rocked the sleeping baby. "Hey kiddo," he murmured softly. "I'm so sorry I missed you growing up and will still do so. I love you so much, and I know...I know that you're going to be a good man." 

That was all he felt able to say without breaking down. He kissed the baby's cheek, placed him on the couch, and then, with one last look at his family, the people he should have been there for, he went out to the back garden and leaped over the fence. He took a deep breath, wishing so much to change things. But it was too late. He made his bed, and now he had to sleep in it. He knew his family would be alright now, but it still didn't help that it wasn't without him.

And with that, Brax stepped onto the empty road, and left the Bay, and his family. 

Very emotional stuff there, eh? Sorry again for taking so long and I hope you enjoy it. The last chapter will be coming around Christmas time.?



  • 1 month later...

Well, this is the end. I just want to say a huge thank you again to all the wonderful people who have taken the time to read and comment on this story. For me, it's been a blast writing this, and I am so grateful for everyone else's support and lovely encouragement. So thanks again, and I hope you enjoy this chapter into the future, and have a wonderful new year! ?

Chapter 17/Epilogue

Even after ten years, Denny was still enchanted by the beach she stood on. Maybe it was the feeling of the sun on her face, the gentle, fresh breeze blowing her hair behind her, or maybe it was how the sparkling water majestically rose and fell against the beach. Probably, it was all of that, all of those little things that made her feel so grateful for Fate bringing her to this small town by the cost. For giving her family and friends. And most importantly, for giving her the love of her life. 

Speaking of her love, Denny's inner-monologue was interrupted by two soft arms wrapping themselves around her. Denny couldn't help but smile as Ricky leaned against Denny, nuzzling into her neck. "So, what are you thinking about?" Ricky asked her, gazing up at her own love. 

Denny turned and breathed in the sweet smell coming from the shorter woman's hair. "Just feeling lucky." 

"Lucky, eh?" Ricky teased. "You must definitely feel lucky now that I'm here." And with that she began pressing soft, but excited kisses against Denny's neck. Denny laughed and squirmed within Ricky's strong arms and whined "Rickyyyy...not here! Later! 

Ricky, after a lot of persuasion and moaning, sighed and just simply rested her head against Denny's shoulder. "It's so beautiful in it?" 

Denny nodded. "Yeah. Believe it or not, it was right here when I first began to have feelings for you, all those years ago. 

Ricky smirked as she gazed out to the sea. "Seems like the best place to fall for someone as wonderful as me," she said, smirking even more at the other woman's chuckle. "Must have been hard though, knowing of those feelings and keeping them to yourself," Ricky's face becoming more serious as she said that. 

Denny gave a small shrug. "I knew it wasn't the right time for you. You needed the time to figure what you want and I was happy to wait for you. And besides, I had a bit of trouble myself making sure if it was what I really wanted as well. But now, I was happy that I waited for you, like I always will," she said, now giving her wife her biggest sweetest smile, which Ricky gladly returned. 

And as Ricky just stood there, feeling the comfort of having her sweetheart in her arms, she knew that she wouldn't have been where she is without Denny. Denny, who had been the definition of her best friend through all her pain of Brax leaving, even though she herself was still upset over Casey. Denny, who had held her when Ricky ever broke down and felt like she couldn't ever make it, who held her close and stroked her hair and made sure Ricky knew that she was never alone. Denny, who became a second mother to Casey, and to whom Ricky had shared vows with on the best day of their lives in front of family and friends. So yeah, Ricky was lucky to have Denny by her side all the way. 

Then suddenly, her eyes gave noticed to a football shooting past them. She let go of her wife momentarily, much to Denny's dismay, to catch it, turning around to see her ten-year old son galloping towards her. "Mummy, mummy!" Casey shouted as he ran towards her. "You caught the ball!" 

"So I did, you gorgeous boy." Ricky smiled, reaching down to attempt a kiss on her son's head, but Casey, who proven to be as quick as he was stubborn, grabbed the ball from her arms, said a quick "Thank you!", and ran away quickly, past Denny's failed attempts to hide her chortling, and towards Jake and Annie. "Yep, he's a Braxton, alright." Denny said through her laughter. 

"Shut up," Ricky snorted looking towards her son and his friends. It filled her heart to see her son happy. Of course he got on well with his cousin Jake, Kyle and Tamara's son. A smile always comes onto her face when she hears the two of them running around the flat when their parents are away (Kyle and Tamara had the place to themselves since Josh moved in with Brody). And he was always happy when he was with Annie (Oscar and Maddy's daughter), Sarah and Ben (Evie and Matt's twins) and the rest. He was the one who always helped them out, being the oldest of what Ricky was calling 'their little gang', and they would always stood up for him, making him feel accepted into their friendship, despite his feelings of loneliness of not having a father in his life. 

But thankfully, over the years, Casey had accepted Denny sort of as a second mom. He would be coming to her for help more, especially if it got him out of trouble with Ricky. Ricky kept her stubbornness and fierce personally throughout all these years, but Casey and Denny's puppy-dog faces combined weren't something she could defeat. 

Ricky leaned into Denny, accepting the comfort of her warmth. "Things are great, aren't they?" She said with relief and acceptance. "Yes," Denny replied, her voice mirroring her wife's. "And they always will be." 

Ricky smiled at that and wrapped her arms around her love tighter than they already were. "I love you, Denny Miller Sharpe!" 

"And I love you, Erica Miller Sharpe," Denny smiled back. Ricky snuggled deeper into Denny, who kissed her on the head. Yes, they had troubles, but they got through them. Because they had each other. And that's what matters.

And there we have it! Again thanks to all of you for following this story and I hope you had a great Christmas, and have a fantastic New Year!







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