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  On 26/01/2021 at 05:23, Nephlim14 said:

Firstly, if a failed bank robbery that cost him a brother couldnt make him drop crime, I doubt a job gone wrong is gonna do the trick. From what I know about the family, everything their dealing with now isnt anything they havent either dealt with before or expected to deal with. Also, if he does change after this, it might only be in terms of how frequently he resorts to dodgy means. From what I recall (and what I recall him stating) he took this job to appease his ego more or less. If its another case of not being able to pay rent, I doubt he'll refute.

Secondly, I sort of dont wwant him to change like that for the same reason I prefer this show and Shortland street over shows like Neighbours. I like characters that have enough of an edge to them that they can have storylines that arent just overdramatized love stories and petty squabbles.


I think Tane will always have an edge in the same way that, say, Dean's got an edge: He'll never be a boy scout or anything.But I think this is different.Yes, he lost a brother, but I think that felt a bit removed for him.Whereas Ari's spent time in jail and knows the downside of that lifestyle, Tane's been swanning around thinking he's untouchable and that what happened to his brothers wouldn't happen to him: He thinks he's too smart, plus he's not doing anything dangerous like waving guns about, he's just moving hot goods around and getting easy money for it.But now he's experiencing the other side of it first hand, suffering a beating and ending up in a no-win situation that he can't solve, hopefully he'll realise it's not as fun as he thought.I hope so: It was one of the problems of the Braxton era that Brax would suffer massive personal consequence because of dodgy dealings and then go right back to it next time he needed fast cash.

Anyway, today, and well done Jasmine for making the streets a less safe place.Maybe I'm being hard on her because she hasn't seen what we've seen, but she was so smug towards Angelo I'm looking forward to her getting a big reality check.(With Mackenzie having been put straight, she's practically the only person left convinced Colby's innocent.)She may have had one already, realising that for all Colby's bluster, Angelo actually isn't doing this for revenge but because he believes Colby's guilty.It's a shame though that she was always elsewhere when Colby's dark side came out as he demonstrated why he should have been denied bail: He's a danger to anyone that might be giving evidence against him.Fortunately, he's being so obvious about it that Angelo's still a few steps ahead of him.(It's hard to shake the feeling too that Jasmine's waiting for Colby to say if there's anything he can do in return so she can go "Well, actually...")

So...Ziggy, Mackenzie and Nikau all know Colby's guilty, but he doesn't know they know and they don't know he knows? That's awkward, and made Nikau suspicious about something that they are keeping a secret about but weren't actually talking about.At this point, there's no harm in Mackenzie telling him what she knows, since it's not enough for him to go haring after Ari and Tane.

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A much better episode with Colby being back and going full mad hatter about Witness X  I hope it's Bella that would be crushing for Colby who at this point is simalur to Ross. Very disappointed Jasmine helped him out with bail though 

I don't understand Taylor though she's the one who started affair with Colby and Angleo had a job to do so 



I am quite liking the way Ari is supporting Tane, despite the fact they are going to commit a crime and I did quite enjoy the exchange between Tane and the drug dealers particularly with their cynical attitude.  I was pretty much non-reactive through various parts of Monday's episode but my eyes lit up at the end when Ziggy told Mackenzie about Colby and Dean.

I wonder how many people Angelo suspects of knowing what Colby did.  Presumably he knows that Dean and Bella know but I'm not sure who else.  There's probable reason to suspect Willow knows but he can't be sure.

Despite the serious nature of this storyline, I spent most of Tuesday's episode laughing.  I'm absolutely loving the fallout of this.

Colby's smugness has disappeared and it's being replaced with desperation.  The way he was with Bella, Willow and Dean trying to determine who witness X is, confronting Ziggy and being quite aggressive with her on the beach and his reaction when Mackenzie stormed round to talk to Dean about it.

In one hand I do sympathise with Jasmine as she doesn't have the facts but on the other hand it's quite funny as an observer seeing how delusional she's coming across in her conversations with Angelo and when she was discussing using the gym as collateral for Colby's bail with Mackenzie.  If it comes out that Colby is guilty she's going to look really stupid and given how she said one of the reasons she supported Colby was because of his relationship with Robbo, this may actually negatively impact her state of mind.

I actually really wanted Mackenzie to tell Nikau about Colby just to see her and Ziggy's reaction to yet another person knowing.

Not sure what Mackenzie's problem with Taylor is exactly.  This leads me back to how she was like with Amber.  Don't get me wrong because Amber was drunk and being slightly obnoxious so I can see how that was annoying but I am wondering if she perceives certain attractive females as a threat.


From what I could gather Tane, after Ari's imprisonment and Mikaere's death  had spent a lot of time on his own so had no-one he had to answer or account to. But once he reunited with Ari, Nik and Gemma he had rethink his lifestyle, more so after Gemma had left.  But that love of danger was and dare say will always be there. 

Colby, despite what you think about him Red  isn't a serial killer, so not as if the whole bay is danger now he's out on bail. Also as you said Jasmine has only seen his good side, even Irene was on her side and agreeing Rosetta knew how to press people's buttons.  What would Robbo have made of it all I wonder? There are only a limited few, well not as few as there was at the beginning, who knew The Truth.  He was totally out of order threatening Ziggy and Dean was right if Rosetta had seen him he would have been back in jail in a blink of an eye.  Though Rosetta doesn't know Ziggy knows, he only thinks, if I've got it right, it's only Willow, Dean and Bella and Chelsea who know anything.  Disregarding who we're talking about anyone would be paranoid about who the witnesses are that could land them in jail for a very long time.  Just what is he going to do when he gets the names - apart from Witness X which we saw Rosetta arranging - approach them and get done for intimidating a witness, that'll do his case a lot of good.  I might not like Rosetta but he must have picked something up from Ziggy and Mac's conversation, nothing to do with what they said, he was too far away, but their manner and body language. If I'm not mistaken there are now seven people who are in on the secret.?  Colby does now know Nik knows as he questioned Bella about if Nik had told Ari and Tane.  But actually it wouldn't matter as anything they would have been told is hearsay. 

Why can't Taylor leave the bay? Is she the witness, did they manage to retrieve the necklace and maybe the answer to Taylor's question to Colby "You killed your stepfather/Ross, didn't you?"  Will she now say she knew about the bug so it will become admissible evidence?  If so that would explain my previous mention about Rosetta wanting the identity of one of the witnesses to be kept secret.   

Btw pembie Colby instigated the affair with Taylor, he went after her. 



Thorne, the current (though hopefully not for long) neighbourhood sociopath: 'This witness is key. I have to find out who they are!"

One thing I noticed is that Thorne never specifies to Dean or Willow or Bella as to what he would do once he finds out who the witness is, as if he's still pretending to be a good guy in front of them. I mean, what's his plan when he finds out who the witness is? Threaten them? Intimidate them? Cause them harm? The aggressive way he talked to Ziggy, Mackenzie and Nik both in this episode and in the past kind of makes it clear to me that he's capable of just about anything to get his own way. The dirty coward's also shown himself perfectly capable of throwing anyone under the bus. That the best case scenario is that he would intimidate whoever's testifying against him into keeping quiet and the worst case scenario is that he'd harm/kill them proves that Angelo made the right call in protecting the witness' identity. Thorne is a clear danger and should have been denied bail (Speaking of which: what happened to him being considered a flight risk? Surely that be enough grounds to deny bail in the first place). Jasmine- what were you thinking?! I can't wait for her to find out what Thorne is really like. 

Now, for those who claim Thorne would never kill anyone innocent, here's something I thought of: He killed Ross for two reasons:  vengeance and because Thorne viewed him as a threat against his family. Of course, Ross wasn't innocent, we all know that, and yet that's what Thorne convinced himself of. He's become so wrapped up in his self-righteousness that he can't ever view himself as the bad guy and thinks everyone's against him. What if Thorne, who doesn't trust anyone besides from Dean and Willow, doesn't have the same power he used to have as a police officer to cover his tracks, and is becoming more desperate, decides that whoever's testifying against him is a threat against him and his family, isn't innocent and feels entitled to do the same thing? Isn't that scenario possible? Likely, even, given how determined he is to stay out of jail? I could be wrong, but it's definitely something worth considering.  


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  On 26/01/2021 at 23:30, Helena said:

Actually I watch home and away on 5 star and there is actually a thread in general discussion for it.


Thanks, I know there is but usually ended up speaking to myself, so just put things in tags in here and then remove them the next day.

  On 27/01/2021 at 00:28, Red Ranger 1 said:

I think Tane will always have an edge in the same way that, say, Dean's got an edge: He'll never be a boy scout or anything.But I think this is different.Yes, he lost a brother, but I think that felt a bit removed for him.Whereas Ari's spent time in jail and knows the downside of that lifestyle, Tane's been swanning around thinking he's untouchable and that what happened to his brothers wouldn't happen to him: He thinks he's too smart, plus he's not doing anything dangerous like waving guns about, he's just moving hot goods around and getting easy money for it.But now he's experiencing the other side of it first hand, suffering a beating and ending up in a no-win situation that he can't solve, hopefully he'll realise it's not as fun as he thought.I hope so: It was one of the problems of the Braxton era that Brax would suffer massive personal consequence because of dodgy dealings and then go right back to it next time he needed fast cash.



  On 27/01/2021 at 14:08, H&Alover said:

From what I could gather Tane, after Ari's imprisonment and Mikaere's death  had spent a lot of time on his own so had no-one he had to answer or account to. But once he reunited with Ari, Nik and Gemma he had rethink his lifestyle, more so after Gemma had left.  But that love of danger was and dare say will always be there. 



Im with H&Alover. I dont think he regrets taking the job itself just how badly its backfired on to the family. If there was a change its that he wont resort to crime for cheap thrills , like he sort of did in this case. To be more clear, he might stop resorting to crime for fun, but I doubt he wont resort to it for survival. After all, theyre still living in a house he paid for and it bailed them out again when Ari couldnt make rent. So ill doubt he'll treat this whole thing like a learning experience.

And I dont think its fair to say he wasnt as hurt by his brother's death as Ari was. I think he was, but the main difference is that Ari was traumatized afterwards. And even then, hes still willing to do jobs now. I only point this out because I always get irked wwhen shows have a character go through something traumatic and try to pass it off as "learning a lesson". It can be condescending and ignorant to me.

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