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  On 23/04/2020 at 14:06, H&Alover said:

Did I get it right the knife had hit something  which had damaged a nerve/blood vessel which is why he couldn't move his leg?


Yes, he had acute compartment syndrome - internal bleeding had caused the pressure to build in his leg to a very dangerous point.

There actually has been a death from compartment syndrome on the show before now - Charlie Nicholas back in 2000 (he was the guy that Gypsy had got involved with when they were in a car crash)


I'm curious to know more about this Douglas's backstory and the circumstances which led him to kidnap Leah.  I was kind of looking forward to seeing Justin beating the crap out of him.  If he was going to stab Colby, why stab him in the leg with a pair of scissors?  Why not do it properly with a knife?  In saying that I'm glad Colby's going to pull through (Surprised you didn't enjoy the stabbing and Colby suffering at hospital a little more Red Ranger).

Not sure what to make of seeing Jasmine presumably starting to get attached to Grace like that.  Hope she's not going to eventually do a Marilyn.

Two minds about Alex and Willow.  Like Justin and Dean before her, I think she can do better but if she leaves then I won't get to see her any more.  I guess it must have been awkward when they saw each other at the hospital, although you couldn't tell with Alex as she was very professional.

I quite like the fact that Mackenzie and Bella are good now although it wasn't great seeing Bella like that again.


No Leah so soon after her return?

Bella calmed down quickly.  It did her good to hang out with Ryder & Nik.  Dean had to go and wind her up again, although he was only saying what needed to be said.  He actually has quite a responsible head on his shoulders.

If Bella doesn't go back to school to resit year 11 we may never see the set again.

Nice of Irene to tell Gemma that she could have shifts as long as they needed someone.  I can't see Leah being back anytime soon anyway.

John has a real bee in his bonnet about the Parata's.  Looks like he has discovered why they moved to the Bay...

  On 23/04/2020 at 18:40, Dan F said:

Yes, he had acute compartment syndrome - internal bleeding had caused the pressure to build in his leg to a very dangerous point.

There actually has been a death from compartment syndrome on the show before now - Charlie Nicholas back in 2000 (he was the guy that Gypsy had got involved with when they were in a car crash)


Thanks Dan F.

  On 24/04/2020 at 12:52, baywatcher said:

No Leah so soon after her return?

Bella calmed down quickly.  It did her good to hang out with Ryder & Nik.  Dean had to go and wind her up again, although he was only saying what needed to be said.  He actually has quite a responsible head on his shoulders.

If Bella doesn't go back to school to resit year 11 we may never see the set again.

Nice of Irene to tell Gemma that she could have shifts as long as they needed someone.  I can't see Leah being back anytime soon anyway.

John has a real bee in his bonnet about the Parata's.  Looks like he has discovered why they moved to the Bay...


She was in Wednesday's and legged it.

  On 23/04/2020 at 18:40, Dan F said:

Yes, he had acute compartment syndrome - internal bleeding had caused the pressure to build in his leg to a very dangerous point.

There actually has been a death from compartment syndrome on the show before now - Charlie Nicholas back in 2000 (he was the guy that Gypsy had got involved with when they were in a car crash)


Didn’t Romeo also have it once? I can’t remember how or why he hurt his leg, but it rings a bell. 

  On 24/04/2020 at 12:52, baywatcher said:

No Leah so soon after her return?


Had her three episodes for the block!

I agree that Bella needs to learn to control her temper rather than constantly losing it, but the adults in her life really don't help. It's all right for Irene to make superior comments about Bella needing to change, but people know what she's like, and they still end up pushing her over the edge and pushing her buttons.Having been a bemused greek chorus to Colby's failed attempts to discipline Bella in the past, Dean is now doing just as bad a job: The ironic thing is that laidback Dean would probably get better results than "Because I said so" Dean. Hanging out with Ryder and Nikau was good for her, and there didn't seem to be any reason for Dean to act like the fun police and kick them out when they weren't doing anything remotely objectionable: Just listening to music (at a reasonable volume) and chatting. And cry me a river at Colby having to work overtime to pay for Bella's counselling and tutoring. He also murdered her father and buried the body and Dean helped him (as we're subtly reminded here when she can't even tell her friends the truth), which is probably the main reason she needs counselling and tutoring, so forgive my lack of sympathy at them reaping what they sowed.

And haven't we gone back a stage with Bella's schooling? We were told months ago that she couldn't go into Year 12, and she chose home schooling over repeating Year 11, and Colby had tutors lined up, and Roo and Maggie suggesting long distance teaching was only meant to help him out with paying for it...so why is Roo suddenly saying she can't go into Year 12 and has to repeat Year 11 as if this is new information rather than something discussed, rejected and moved on from ages ago? What happened to the home school and tutoring, which Dean was even whining about a few scenes later?

I'll say this for Dean though: He and Ziggy gave Mackenzie good advice over Colby. She was in danger of being overrun by her emotions and forgetting the fact that there were good reasons for ending things with Colby and they haven't gone away.

I'm left thinking on reflection that I'm not impressed with either John or Marilyn.John's behaviour towards the Paratas seems to be crossing the line into victimisation, as him looking for the slightest excuse to kick Nikau out of the surf club demonstrated, including blaming him for something Bella did.Nikau didn't do himself any favours by spoiling for a fight though, and Ryder's realisation that you need to pick your battles shows that the adults can learn a lot from him.But I'm left feeling it's not the Paratas who are taking advantage of John but Marilyn, who's now blatantly disregarding his insistence they only be there temporarily (having moved them in without consulting him in the first place) and making a load of nice sounding but rather taking liberties comments about there being no limit to charity. Of course there is: What you can afford. She's expecting him to feed two extras mouths who aren't contributing anything (not because they don't want to but because she won't let them) on whatever she brings home from the Diner and whatever he earns from his job at the surf club. I understand why Irene said what she did to Gemma:She doesn't want to talk about Leah's private business to someone she doesn't really know or make promises she can't keep.But it really didn't help matters, leaving Gemma thinking she could be out of a job at any time.And she could be right.

  On 24/04/2020 at 18:45, Little bean said:

Didn’t Romeo also have it once? I can’t remember how or why he hurt his leg, but it rings a bell. 


Well remembered! It was after he got clipped by a car and injured his knee.

  • Thanks 1

Good to see Leah getting something meaty, so many questions as to how she ended up with Douglas which I hope will be answered later. I hope the aftermath of her ordeal isn't rushed and she's back working at the diner again in a couple of weeks. Anyone else find it strange when Alf got married while Leah was missing? And then to go on his honeymoon while she was still missing. I thought the actor who played Douglas looked familiar, he appeared in 2008 (I thought he'd kidnapped Rachel but then I remembered it was Aiden) 


Not that it will absolve him of anything, but like you Slade, I'd like to find out why Douglas  chose to kidnap Leah, other ways  of getting his revenge if that is what he was after, he'd obviously had it all planned out. He seemed a very uptight guy, had he always been like that or only after whatever it was happened to his wife?  I guess the scissors were the nearest thing to hand, he was hiding in the wardrobe in 'his' bedroom, struck with enough force, they'd do a hell of a lot of damage and did.  

Not that we'd moved onto much lighter storylines, but we needed the break if no-one else did. Everyone else has tried to get through to Bella so why not Dean and he didn't hold back, just how did she think her extra tuition  and counselling was being paid for?  Maybe time has run out on getting enough home schooling for her to catch up and not have to repeat? It was stated Bella didn't qualify for long distance tutoring and now school has restarted Maggie and Roo have less time to home tutor her. There is no shame in resitting any year, plenty of kids have before her and there will be plenty after her.  Now of course she's fretting over Colby, but surely the one way to help his recovery is for him to know she is going back to school - think on that Bella.  One thing has occurred to m, when he finally comes out of hospital, wil he go to rehab, noway could he manage those stairs up the flat.

The John, Marilyn and the Parata's situation isn't  getting any better, though neither John or Nik is helping any.  It wouldn't have hurt Nik to pick up his dish and put it in the sink or on the draining board.  Maz should let Gemma contribute some money just so Gemma feels she is paying her way and not relying on charity.  John totally overreacted in the surf club, it was an accident on Bella's part, anyone could  have shot the cue ball off the table but he took it as  a personal affront to his authority.   Ryder was the most adult of the lot of them.  I still think a lot of it is to do with John being jealous of Ari and the fact it was him Marilyn turned to rather than him.  Now of course he's done some digging into the Parata's past, but John being John only read what he wants to read and it's likely not the whole story. 

Awkward conversation between Dean and Ari,  Dean telling Ari that he'd be there for him while agreeing not to acknowledge them knowing each other beforehand.  John's continuing sniping at Ari for not working is not needed, he's trying to get back to his job, and asking if anyone needs any jobs doing.  Dean doing his stand in big brother act didn't go down well though, but he doesn't know Nik and may have been tarring him with the same brush people did with him. 

When did Ziggy and Dean turn into the Agony Aunt and Uncle of the bay, was good advice even so.  Mac was in danger of getting too involved with Colby again when the same problems that tore them apart are  still there.  What was it Colby said, he's just a small town cop where nothing happens.  DOH.

Irene handled Gemma's question about where she stood regarding her shifts very well, without going into details she said she had shifts for as long as she needed them or at least until Leah came back which won't be for a while if TPTB treat the storyline honestly.   Maz had to ease herself back in after the siege. 

Ziggy, I must say, has been a great support to Dean with the Colby situation. 


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