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Posted (edited)

I really enjoyed that episode (Mon).

I just knew what Maz was going to say when John told her that he wanted to talk about their house guests ?.  Also ouch at her bringing up the arson.  Roo spoke the truth when she said that John had only snooped to protect her though.  I can see both sides but it was sad to see John moving into the caravan, particularly as the perceived source of his troubles is right next door.  (Roo could have offered him a room in the main house but maybe that would have been seen as taking sides?).

Good to see Bella relaxing with Nik and coming to a decision about her future and nice that Maggie & Roo were supportive too.  I was glad Nik told the truth about his father when Bella asked, rather than cover it up.  Their troubled pasts give them some common ground.  I liked the scene between Bella, Nik & Gemma in the Diner.

Sad to see Alex packing up at the hospital.  Good of her to help Ari out in the end.

Edited by baywatcher

There are faults on both sides, but my sympathies lie more with John than Marilyn. I think she's treated him very badly lately. It takes a lot to appear selfish and unsympathetic when you're giving a family in trouble somewhere to stay but somehow she's managing it. She hasn't given any thought as to how any of her decisions would effect him, she's basically ignored his feelings and treated him like he doesn't have any say in the decisions, she not only disrespects him to his face but hangs around the Diner making comments about him to Irene or Gemma.I do think John's possibly misaimed by treating Gemma and Nikau as guilty by association (although why did an apparently nice woman like Gemma stay married to a criminal for so long?), and it sounds as though Ari's trouble with the police is in the past.That said, Ari is far from being the saint Marilyn tries to paint him as.He does seem to be trying to leave that side of his past behind, earn an honest living and look after his extended family, but he also has a short fuse and violent side.And Marilyn saying he saved her life is laughable. Maybe he stopped her panicking and attracting the gunmen's ire but he got some other people out, left her behind and didn't even stick around to check she was okay: It could easily have been her that got that bullet instead of Mason.(If only.)Her bringing up John's arson conviction just makes her sound like a hypocrite: She pretty much kicked him out and left him sleeping at the surf club until Irene gave him somewhere to stay, taking quite some time to give him a second chance.Roo tried to be even-handed but stroking Marilyn's ego and basically telling her to ignore John wasn't the best advice.So, Marilyn only thinks John might have a point when he isn't there and to his face refuses to give an inch.Given that he's clearly not her priority, his ultimatum was never going to go the way he wanted it to.

Again, the difference between Bella and Nikau was obvious: He's allowed to remember his father as a good dad who nevertheless did the wrong thing. While I wouldn't call Ross a good dad, Bella was happy and looked after when she was with him, but those closest to her insist she has to see him as a scumbag who deserved to be murdered (and then wonder why she's so full of anger).Ryder got a few good interjections but was pretty much reduced to a third wheel.While I'm not sure exchanging boasts about the trouble they've caused was helpful, Nikau did help Bella realise what she wants out of life and it is nice that Roo and Maggie saw it was right for her.

The end of Alex as far as the hospital's concerned but not as far as the show's concerned since she was in the promo for the next block.I'm not entirely convinced her giving in to Ari was a sensible course of action: Does she really expect him to follow her advice to take it easy?


I can see both sides too with Maz and John who can be very blinkered and keeps bringing up that old argument of "We know nothing about them" he's said that too many times about other newcomers that didn't tell everyone about their past lives the moment they arrived in town. He said the same about the Morgan's.  May have been a bit low Marilyn bringing up the arson as he wasn't aware of what he was doing but everyone knew him and after baying for his bloody  gave him  a second chance .  We don't know what happened after Mason was shot but Marilyn may have told him to go and he left the scene outside as the press were hanging about, ,he did reassure John Maz was OK. Dean's been given one and he was/is a River Boy. Marilyn has got good instincts about people and Roo didn't tell her to ignore John, she even suggested she see it from John's side.  I will give John this he did say he'd always be grateful to Ari for helping Marilyn and the way Marilyn sees it he did save her life. Not a wise move on John's part throwing down that ultimatum he should know Marilyn better than that.   Either there were no other vans available or Roo didn't check as to whom had what van.  Did I see John taking his own pillow in with him? :unsure:  

Ari is really trying to put his life back together, he's got himself a job which wouldn't have been easy to get as a ex con.  He has got a short fuse like most ex cons,  Dean can still blow up at a moments notice, John does seem to hit the right buttons with him. But he's trying to provide not just for himself but for his late brothers widow and son as somehow I think he feels responsible for what happened. Did I understand it right this woman bystander was shot by the police in the crossfire between Ari's brother Mikaera which ended in his death too?  I think he'll obey Alex's orders, he had already asked his boss for light duties and been turned down so he'll respect the trust she's placed in him.   This may calm him down now he's able to earn a honest crust again so people, well OK John, will stop thinking  he's swinging the lead. 

Funnily I saw it as Bella and Nik having quite  bit in common, despite their differences,  btw Dean soon took off after having a rant at Bella, as the next moment she's back chatting to Ryder and Nik and inviting them back to the flat.  I liked that chat between Ryder and Nik, first mate he's had his own age since Ty.  Loved him filling in Nik about Dean and how he fits in with Bella and Colby and Dean was like another brother to Bella so he'd better watch his step. So sweet Ryder at seeing how well Nik and Bella were getting on made a discreet exit.  May have been the only one she had but no way was Ross a good dad to Bella, was she happy, looked after, he kept her isolated at that house, stopped her going to school,  making any friends, almost like living in a cave as she herself said, no medical check ups for 10 years.  Nik's account of his dad however was completely different criminal or not he seemed to love his wife and son.  Nik can at least talk about his dad  as he is dead, but Bella has to watch what she says OK to use the word was as he is in the past, as he's 'disappeared.'   She does seem very relaxed around him, even laughing, the swapping stories of bad behaviour at school did lead to him suggesting what she could do next.  I guess Nik knows what he's talking about and didn't just pluck it out of the air. Is it possible for her to do that, go to TAFE without doing her HSC's. Apparently she can, if the info is still up to date.  It does make sense, she'll be doing something she loves, photography, and the other course which I missed.  Colby I think will be OK about as long as she is happy and will buckle down to doing the work. 

Without giving anything away, seems Ryder has a big decision to make and I think  - not a spoiler - it's to do with Bella and Tommy and if he gives Nik the heads up on what nearly happened or not as he can see they are getting closer and wouldn't want to see Nik make a move on Bella by trying to hug or even kiss her and have her freak out on him.  We know what happened but she does seem  as I said before very relaxed with him so he wouldn't see any harm in wanting to give her  a hug. 

And the Astoni's have a not so welcome visitor. :o






Once again, can totally see things from John's point of view and can see exactly why he doesn't want anything to do with the Parata's.  And as I've mentioned before if the positions were reversed, there's no way Marilyn would stand for that.  However, the way John comes across makes it hard to sympathise with him.

Really enjoyed the scenes with Bella and Nikau.  She's actually not annoying when she's with him.  It will be interesting to see if something does happen and whether the writers bring up the subject of Tommy.


Is there anyone else here who is annoyed at Marilyn's appropriation of the Palmer (formerly Austin) residence.  I don't think it's ever been properly clarified whether Gina left the house to John or whether it belongs to Xavier and he's just allowing John to stay there out of respect for his mother's wishes but, in either case, surely John has a stronger claim to the property than Marilyn so why is he the one moving to the caravan park?  And this situation isn't without precedent (John moved out when Marilyn said she couldn't live with him after he came out of prison - another double standard she conveniently forgets).

And, yes, I also dislike the way that John has had Marilyn's "good deeds" forced upon him.  I don't think the Paratas are bad people (and they do deserve some support) but it's unfair that John is expected to just suck it up (to coin a familiar phrase from the H&A vernacular).  I can't help feeling that there is a fundamental inequality in their relationship (again, not without precedent with Marilyn) and that there is one set of rules for John and another for the rest of the world (and not in a good way).


  • Like 2
  On 29/04/2020 at 07:44, English Invader said:

Is there anyone else here who is annoyed at Marilyn's appropriation of the Palmer (formerly Austin) residence.  I don't think it's ever been properly clarified whether Gina left the house to John or whether it belongs to Xavier and he's just allowing John to stay there out of respect for his mother's wishes but, in either case, surely John has a stronger claim to the property than Marilyn so why is he the one moving to the caravan park?  And this situation isn't without precedent (John moved out when Marilyn said she couldn't live with him after he came out of prison - another double standard she conveniently forgets).

And, yes, I also dislike the way that John has had Marilyn's "good deeds" forced upon him.  I don't think the Paratas are bad people (and they do deserve some support) but it's unfair that John is expected to just suck it up (to coin a familiar phrase from the H&A vernacular).  I can't help feeling that there is a fundamental inequality in their relationship (again, not without precedent with Marilyn) and that there is one set of rules for John and another for the rest of the world (and not in a good way).



Same can be said about Summer Bay House as Alf let so many people move in since Sally left. 

Posted (edited)

I'm glad that Leah was more talkative.  It was going well until she felt crowded out.  Good idea of Irene's for Justin to ask the psychologist to see what he could do to help.  I can really feel his helplessness.  At least he got some answers from Colby about Leah's situation when she was held captive.

I know some people think that Roo is a busybody but she is only looking out for her friends and she is doing the right thing by Maz & John.  I like her.

It's not long that I feel sorry for John before he does something to annoy me again but I think that Maz is being equally stubborn about all this.  They want their heads knocking together.

Gemma was right to speak to Maz about the reason John moved out.  If I was her, I'd feel uncomfortable that it was her family staying there that had caused the rift.

So, people have started to find out about the Parata's background.  I don't think many will care, as something similar has happened so many times before in SB. 

I enjoyed the scenes between Colby & Willow.  He and Jas convinced her that it was the right thing to do to see Alex before she left but will she still be going alone?

Edited by baywatcher

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