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  On 29/04/2020 at 12:32, H&Alover said:

I think Sally signed it back over to him when she left.:unsure:


Which time? Definitely not the first time when it was co-owned by her and Miles (and Alf went around treating it like his place and forcing Miles to accept it when he moved Marilyn in to annoy him, which was very infuriating).Maybe the last time but it's never been entirely clear.

And neither has the ownership of the Palmer house, which started out as the Holden house way back at which point it was rented, and has since been passed through the family to Jack and Martha, Hugo and Xavier, John and Gina, and now John and Marilyn without it ever being mentioned any of them have actually bought it. Either way, I wouldn't necessarily say it's John's house and not Marilyn's just because he's been there longer (marriage is about sharing after all), but she certainly isn't giving him any say in what goes on there.It would have earned him even less fans but I wonder how she would have reacted if the ultimatum had been "They're going, and if you don't like it, you can go with them." Both have their blinkers on.John has taken against the Paratas and has now got evidence that he's right so he's not going to see it from any other point of view.Marilyn is acting like a silly little girl playing at being a grown-up, refusing to talk about anything that might make her think, be it the Paratas' history or John moving out.Ari's being pretty objectionable, refusing to take responsibility for John and Marilyn's troubles.And Gemma is caught in the middle seeing that their presence is just causing trouble.

Justin didn't learn anything that we didn't already know, but he's being a rock for Leah here and I remain impressed.Did it really did take this long for him to find out Colby's in hospital though? I know Irene didn't want to talk about it in front of Leah but she might have given him the nod.I'm surprised Leah agreed to go out given how dead set against it she was earlier but the trip didn't last long: Roo and Jasmine meant well but Leah was always going to feel crowded.It's nice that Jasmine got a farewell scene with Alex given she was one of the first people to meet her.So Willow's changed her mind again: Will this one stick?

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I think it was the last time when she took Pippa abroad for treatment.  The Holden/Palmer house.  Didn't Gina live in the house next door at one time and was rented by the Braxtons's when Roo was landlady?:unsure:  I guess we are expected to accept it became John's after Gina died and she'd taken over ownership when Tony left.   Now, without it being said,  we are supposed to take it both John and Marilyn own it.  He didn't come out with the "It's my house" comment. 

John was rather economical with the truth "She threw me out" er actually, she called your bluff on the 'it's them or me'  ultimatum so you left.  Knowing Marilyn she would have gone with Gemma and Nik.  Roo did know John's van was next to Ari's then.  Roo has got the story from both of them, did call John out on his claim he was thrown out, but now she should step back and let them sort it out between them.  Both of them can be stubborn and we have been here before.  Ari blew her cover story of John going to work early by mentioning John was staying at the caravan park.  Ari isn't even staying at the Palmer's so he isn't responsible for the row.  John is tarring Gemma and Nik with the same brush, assuming because Ari is 'bad' so are Gemma and Nik by association but that is John's default.  I'm glad Gemma managed to pin down Maz long enough to ask her why John left.  Now Gemma knows John has found about their history but I didn't get how she wondered John found out, she has heard of the internet hasn't she? Anyone can find out about most things/peope nowadays.  It was a big news story so public knowledge so accessible to all who wanted to find out.  Ari, as we saw, didn't see it that way though and blames Dean. 

A week has passed then since Leah's return as mentioned by Irene and Leah did seem more at home and not so jittery around Justin, he is doing great even if he doesn't think so.  Is it me or is she having more showers than normal, maybe to wash the smell of that place out of her skin and hair? That was odd about him only finding out just now about Colby,  he would have called round just as a friend if not in cop mode.  Irene, obviously, knows the damage of keeping things like this to yourself because you just want to forget about it, but she should also know you can't be pushed into getting help or making a statement to the cops.   That was a good idea her suggesting Justin ask the therapist how he can help until Leah is ready to talk to them herself.  At least Colby was able to fill in Justin what it was like at the house and  what it looked like the situation was - Leah having her own room - even if she was locked in.  We know, as he surmised, it looked like Douglas didn't touch her sexually which is a small blessing.  Saw in the trailer Leah has changed her mind after hearing about Colby, surprised there wasn't a woman cop there though.  Leah was doing OK on her walk, did think a visit to the Diner would be too much as her just running into Roo and Jas proved.  As an aside it doesn't seem Jasmine is going back to NDH.

Colby is sitting up and taking notice then, not bad considering a week ago he may have died, another miracle soap hospital.   He knows Willow so well and she was surprised Alex had stopped working there the day before.  After persuasion from both him and Jas she made it just in time to say goodbye to Alex or not, we'll see. :unsure::rolleyes: 

The Freeview programme pages seem to have got their twickers in a nist on their guide pages.  The synopsis for some days  for H&A have repeated themselves, both for Channel 5 and 5Star, bit mind boggling.   


So, we finally found out what happened to Leah after she answered that phone call.  I'm glad she decided to speak to the police and the situation was handled well.  Strange that she hasn't noticed Mason isn't there.  I wonder how long it will be before finds out what happened to him?

Slightly o.t. but we haven't see Buddy for ages (at all in 2020 I think).  It would have been good for him to be around to offer Justin and now Leah some comfort, as dogs can be said to de-stress  people and it's always good to see him.

I'm glad that Alex & Willow got to have one last night together but I think Alex was right to leave as she did, knowing that Willow's heart wasn't really in leaving to set up a life together, despite what she said.  Nice that she turned to Dean for comfort.  I really like Willow and I really want her to find someone to love but being a spoiler troll I wasn't invested in Willex,  as I knew that Zoe was only a temporary guest, so the relationship would be over almost as soon as it started.

Sheriff Palmer tried to run Ari out of town, which was completely out of order.  I'm not looking forward to weeks of Marilyn & John going at each other.

Tori was on edge about going back to work but seemingly because she had been off for so long, not because her brother was killed at the hospital, unless that is implied but unsaid.  How nice of Jas to return to work so that she could be there for Tori and they could support each other.  I like their developing friendship.

? at Irene in goo-goo mode with baby Grace.


  On 30/04/2020 at 13:18, H&Alover said:

The Holden/Palmer house.  Didn't Gina live in the house next door at one time and was rented by the Braxtons's when Roo was landlady?:unsure: 

The Freeview programme pages seem to have got their twickers in a nist on their guide pages.  The synopsis for some days  for H&A have repeated themselves, both for Channel 5 and 5Star, bit mind boggling.   


Tony and Rachel lived next door, which Roo ended up leasing and, at least for a time, seemingly subletting to the Braxtons.Gina was in that house from when she became permanent.Yes, I think the EPG got confused when Channel 5 added the third episode earlier than planned, because they seem to be an episode behind with the summaries.

So, where to start with that one? Ari manhandling Dean (not for the first time either) may have been resolved quickly but it was enough to confirm John's opinion of him.I do feel sorry for Ari a bit but he's making assumptions about John just as much as the other way round.While I can't get fully behind John, I don't see Marilyn as the force for good in this either, she's just hearing what she wants to hear and ignoring everything that doesn't fit with her view of things. I can't believe she accused John of not caring anyone's opinion but his own: Talk about pot, kettle, black. They're as bad as each other and oh look, Marilyn's got another baby to get overinvolved with.

It was nice to finally get some answers as to how Leah ended up in Douglas' clutches.It takes a bit of suspension of disbelief to accept she just went off without telling anyone where she was going but it's plausible. (What did Douglas do with her car?!) I'm glad she spoke to the police and that Justin was there for her throughout it.It might not seem that way, but this is kind of a win, getting Douglas' wife away from him and putting him in jail.

So, goodbye, Alex. The relationship with Willow has been well done but only time will tell whether she'll do a Charlie and go straight back to dating men with her LGBT history not rating anything more than the occasional passing mention.And I do appreciate Jasmine and Tori going through the "going back to work" thing together.

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Posted (edited)

All this talk of Alf and Summer Bay House and I'm like I'm actually certain Sally signed it to Alf when she came back didn't she need to raise cash for Pip's treatment? And at one point the whole gang including Marilyn all offered to put to?  But now I'm questioning it haha.

Sad to see Alex leave I thought she was great and a really strong character. Willex was very popular and they worked really well together. I hope it can somehow be worked out and Alex can return at some point. 

Edited by 630si
  On 01/05/2020 at 22:54, 630si said:

All this talk of Alf and Summer Bay House and I'm like I'm actually certain Sally signed it to Alf when she came back didn't she need to raise cash for Pip's treatment? And at one point the whole gang including Marilyn all offered to put to?  But now I'm questioning it haha.


That storyline did happen, but it didn't really have an ending! Alf, Roo and Marilyn applied for a mortgage and got rejected. Alf then sold the Blaxland to raise a deposit (but was allowed to keep using it by the new owner), but before things could go any further, Brax made that anonymous donation and Sally left without any mention of the sale going through.


  On 02/05/2020 at 01:23, christine king said:

It was mentioned in a previous ep (forgot which) that the police had found Leah’s car abandoned somewhere (forgot where).


Really? I thought the whole point was that they hadn't found her car. If it had been abandoned, that would make Missing Persons even more incompetent in closing the case on the basis of a phone call and a photo on the internet.


John's concerns are valid but he's so obnoxious that for the umpteenth time, I don't have any sympathy for him.  It's interesting thinking about how much I dislike him.  Similar to how he first was when he rocked up in the bay.  There was a period of time where I quite liked him with Xavier and eventually Jett and I remember feeling really sorry for him the way Skye was towards him, when she left after he took her in.  But now, whatever he does seems to annoy me even when he's in the right.  It's reached the point where I prefer Marilyn at the moment, even though she's clearly in the wrong how she's gone about inviting the Parata's into their home.

It's a shame Alex has gone, because I liked her as a person and.....she's hot.  She said she loved Willow but her going out with Willow in the first place IMO was clearly built on physical attraction.  This is one of the reasons why she had reservations about getting with her initially (another being the fact Willow had only gone for guys previously).  She knew that they weren't really compatible then you have the age thing as someone mentioned a little while ago.  I'm of the opinion when you take away the physical element, it's hard to see what likeability Willow has (Is her character really that popular?).  In a way it similar to how things didn't work out with Justin.  Although, excluding age differences, you do wonder if anyone could be right for her.  Alex made the correct decision because if Willow had gone with her, it wouldn't have worked out and might have ended a lot worse than Alex simply disappearing and leaving a note.  Again, her spending one last night with her does re-enforce the whole physical thing as she just couldn't resist.  Although I accept that she also did it for Willow as much as herself.

Good to see Jasmine at least try to go back to work even though it was purely motivated by Tori's return as well.  I quite liked the scenes with her and Alex.  Shame we didn't get to see more of Alex interacting with people on a friendship level when she wasn't being a doctor.

So at least we get an explanation for Douglas's actions which is good.  So his treatment of Leah was built on disdain from having his ex wife taken away although you can argue he probably has disdain for females in general anyway.

My5 seemed to give away what was going to happen with Alex and Willow with their picture for Friday's episode (Although I imagine a lot of people would have guessed anyway).  They also got the wrong town in their description for the episode.

"Leah tells the police what happened to her while she was kidnapped. Marilyn is appalled when John makes it clear to Ari that he wants him to leave town. Tori is apprehensive on her return to work, but Jasmine is on hand with support. It's Alex's last day in Erinsborough, but can Willow persuade her to stay?"

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  • Haha 2
  On 02/05/2020 at 14:11, Slade said:

My5 seemed to give away what was going to happen with Alex and Willow with their picture for Friday's episode (Although I imagine a lot of people would have guessed anyway).  They also got the wrong town in their description for the episode.

"Leah tells the police what happened to her while she was kidnapped. Marilyn is appalled when John makes it clear to Ari that he wants him to leave town. Tori is apprehensive on her return to work, but Jasmine is on hand with support. It's Alex's last day in Erinsborough, but can Willow persuade her to stay?"


Didn’t know Alex was in Neighbours :lol:

  • Haha 1
  On 02/05/2020 at 08:02, Red Ranger 1 said:

That storyline did happen, but it didn't really have an ending! Alf, Roo and Marilyn applied for a mortgage and got rejected. Alf then sold the Blaxland to raise a deposit (but was allowed to keep using it by the new owner), but before things could go any further, Brax made that anonymous donation and Sally left without any mention of the sale going through.


Really? I thought the whole point was that they hadn't found her car. If it had been abandoned, that would make Missing Persons even more incompetent in closing the case on the basis of a phone call and a photo on the internet.


Ahhhh! I completely forgot Brax and his donation. Thanks for that.

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