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Okay, I was going to wonder if they got complaints and that resulted in it being cut from the terrestrial showing, but I guess that's another elegant theory out of the window!

  On 11/03/2020 at 11:35, 630si said:

I already have friends who are FOR(fans of Robbo) saying things such as "he's not dead, he's faked it to keep Jas safe, he will be back" etc etc and I'm like.... WHAT ABOUT MASON PEOPLE!! Tori is just put of a coma, he finally got his job at hospital, it's only a skip since he lost Beth reall, the weed stuff for Raffy and now this ?


Yes, exactly! Before these episodes aired, people were going "If we don't see him die and don't see Jasmine visit the body, he's not dead." Then we saw it and they were still going "Naw, he's not dead." Meanwhile, we don't see Mason die, we haven't seen anyone visit his body and frankly I'd much rather see him back than Robbo. I mean, I'm not thinking of a good reason for him to let his family think he's dead, but it's no more unbelievable than Robbo leaving Jasmine and Grace behind. McCarthy said there was an attempt to revive Mason but we didn't see anything and he certainly didn't seem to get the forty minute failed resuscitation in full view that Robbo got. The bullet deflects somehow, Alex pretend he's dead to keep him safe, he gets hidden away somewhere until he can give evidence against the gunmen: It's at least as believable as Robbo secretly being on a sheep farm somewhere...Yeah, okay, I'm not expecting it either. I tell you what I would have liked.A few people said, after he lost Beth, that he should die when he left so he could be with her.I didn't agree, but he's dead now, so, given we've already seen Beth as a ghost, I'd have loved to have had just a bit of them together, watching from a distance and then fading away.It'd be a better last image of him than "...Oh, yeah, he's dead.Sheet over body."

(I should probably say at this point: I really hope we hear what happened to Victor and Des, whose trial should be...well, now.They did after all basically succeed in getting rid of nearly every witness against them, even if it resulted in their remaining allies on the outside all being dead or in jail.I'd guess that the statements will still be used as evidence and it'll all be for nothing, but it'll be nice to hear.)

Anyway...yeah, Robbo's gone.I must admit, a part of me's pleased.I'd have been happy for both him and Mason to survive, but I didn't want the token nice guy to be the only fatality, so I'm glad one of the producers' action man favourites has gone too.I quite liked him at times, but he brought a lot of things to the show that I wasn't keen on, including this storyline which, in one form or another, has lasted pretty much the whole of his time on the show.And at the back of my mind, even though I long ago came to terms with the fact it was dealt with legally, is the fact that he did kill Dennis Novak, not exactly in cold blood but not exactly in self-defence either, so maybe it had to go this way. I agree there's a danger of Mason's death being overshadowed by that of a more prominent character: No-one's floating candles in the sea for him! (I read it was meant to be for both of them, but Mason didn't get a mention and it was Robbo's home they were doing it in front of.) I did like the characterisation of Jasmine: Initially in full-on denial, knowing what Colby was going to say but not wanting to hear it, then shutting herself away, then trying to be strong but not able to bring herself to tell his parents.

In other news, Alf and Martha are back.

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  On 11/03/2020 at 15:10, Helena said:

I recorded it on 5 star and it was cut it didn't air the crash at all so whoever said that is telling lies.


Thanks for confirming. All a bit odd nonetheless! All the other crashes have been shown without issue in the past.


I didn't mean for that to come off as rude as it did I apologize it was due to lack of sleep I wasn't thinking clearly before I could reword it I accidentally posted it.

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Great, now Who's gonna be Summer Bay's answer to Rambo??

They pretty much gave away Robbo's fate in the promos for the next ep. SCREW YOU CHANNEL 5!

I will miss Mason, although his fate was given away to me yonks ago.

  On 12/03/2020 at 00:31, Red Ranger 1 said:

,Alex pretend he's dead to keep him safe, he gets hidden away somewhere until he can give evidence against the gunmen


2006 called and they want that Peter Baker script back lol.

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Posted (edited)

After at first not showing the crash, Channel 5 then showed it several times in the evening slots.  Car overturning with bits of it flying everywhere, maybe it was done for dramatic effect with the screen turning black. It would have been season finale in Aus and they wanted to keep people guessing.:unsure:  As to that as far as anyone else knows, even the cops, it was an accident, I think only Colby know what really happened. 

Can I point out Red, Robbo's home is on the beach whereas the Morgan's isn't.  After being so involved in the siege and rescue where was Dean and by extension  Ziggy, Ben and Maggy were there. When Mason was shot we didn't know where he was shot, could have been in a very vital part of his body, plus Alex had no access to any machinery or equipment to help him unlike when they brought Robbo in which in the end didn't save him. All she might have been able to do is stem blood flow.  I have said before although traumatic it may have been the way Orpheus wanted to go, rather then just get sick and die. 

At least there wasn't any open hostility between Mac and Bella and Bella acknowledged  she doesn't know why she does what she does, she just doesn't want to be on her own. 

You've missed another disasters that had hit the Morgan's - Brody getting into drugs, then Brody crashing his car because he thought the bad guys were after him resulting in Mason being paralysed for a while, Ava being kidnapped.  Along with all that there were minor hiccups, like Tori's love rat ex turning up and other failed romances, Justin's too and Brody's marriage to Ziggy going pear shaped. Tori and Justin must be thinking Summer Bay wasn't the ideal place they originally thought it was.  I certainly wouldn't have wanted to have been McCarthy breaking that news to them, they didn't have a clue what had been going on did they, if they had Justin would have been at the hospital. McCarthy did it so well and very gently.  Tori was right it isn't the kind of news you can break over the phone, but saying that Jasmine was going to tell Ian and Wendy by phone until she broke down and Colby had to tell them. 

I for one, but may be a voice in the wilderness, will miss Robbo, he was as Alf said at heart he was a  good guy, even though the first time they met Robbo did knock him out.   I'm glad Justin and Tori visited him with Grace and you could, well I could, tell Robbo knew then he wasn't going to make it. Justin despite how he must have been feeling about Robbo's part in Mason's death, kept quiet, it was most certainly not the place or the time.   Robbo was so tender with Grace and the way she held his finger was lovely.  Another give away he knew he was dying was him sending Jasmine home, he didn't want her to see him die, typical Robbo. He seemed to have a pretty strong grip when he was making sure Colby understood what he was saying, asking  him not to let Jasmine know about Scott's part in it, though that could be taken out of his hands, then having made sure felt able to let go. 

Felt the same there Red about Jasmine being in denial when Colby told her Robbo was dead, the sensible, nurse part of her knew it was true but the loving wife part of her didn't want to acknowledge it.  Quite cliched scenes with her sobbing over his body, begging them to do something, but moving all the same.  Went through all the emotions, shock, tears, be a  lot of those, anger.  Helped a bit that Alex was able to talk her thought it.  Talking  of whom she has been amazing, practically working herself into the ground, blaming herself that she couldn't do more for either  Mason or Robbo, she may be a very good doctor but she is also human. 

Maz feeling guilty she couldn't find Grace's memory baby book, a silly thing in the grand scheme of things, but you tend to focus on small things like that. 

After all this trauma we've all been through we do deserve to know if Victor, Des and the rest get convicted or not. 

Sorry Alf it  may have been very well intentioned and deeply and sincerely meant but that proposal was so ill timed. 


Edited by H&Alover
  On 12/03/2020 at 13:07, CaptainHulk said:

2006 called and they want that Peter Baker script back lol.


Hey, it was "Maybe they're doing a Peter Baker and they gave Robbo something so he only looked dead" for days in some threads. I'm just changing the names.

Robbo told Colby to let the feds know about Scott being blackmailed by Victor into killing him and Lance, but everyone else thinks it was just an accident. Justin found out about the siege from Roo and watched a news report on it but he kept it from Tori, which I guess is why he stayed with her instead of going there.

Today! Well, a lot of toing and froing between Alf and Martha.For once, Roo did a good job as a go-between, finding out what they were both thinking, getting them on the same page and getting them talking.So, after that ill-timed proposal, a bit of good news. I think Alf was wrong to criticise the press.Okay, maybe it's confronting to see Robbo and Mason on the front page like that, but I doubt anyone really close to them is reading the paper.It would be wrong to just ignore what happened and it seemed to be a respectful tribute.

Ryder is an idiot.He should have just ignored Jade but he let her push the buttons every time, even though he knew she was filming him.I'll give him good intentions in trying to warn Nikau, but once it became clear he wasn't listening, it might have been best to back off, not insult him and get into a fight.Still, it led to him revealing all to Alf and Martha, so that's good, I guess?

  On 13/03/2020 at 00:27, Red Ranger 1 said:

Hey, it was "Maybe they're doing a Peter Baker and they gave Robbo something so he only looked dead" for days in some threads. I'm just changing the names.

Robbo told Colby to let the feds know about Scott being blackmailed by Victor into killing him and Lance, but everyone else thinks it was just an accident. Justin found out about the siege from Roo and watched a news report on it but he kept it from Tori, which I guess is why he stayed with her instead of going there.

Today! Well, a lot of toing and froing between Alf and Martha.For once, Roo did a good job as a go-between, finding out what they were both thinking, getting them on the same page and getting them talking.So, after that ill-timed proposal, a bit of good news. I think Alf was wrong to criticise the press.Okay, maybe it's confronting to see Robbo and Mason on the front page like that, but I doubt anyone really close to them is reading the paper.It would be wrong to just ignore what happened and it seemed to be a respectful tribute.

Ryder is an idiot.He should have just ignored Jade but he let her push the buttons every time, even though he knew she was filming him.I'll give him good intentions in trying to warn Nikau, but once it became clear he wasn't listening, it might have been best to back off, not insult him and get into a fight.Still, it led to him revealing all to Alf and Martha, so that's good, I guess?



9/10 times in Soapland, the press are absolute gets unless they're a protagonist (even they are sketchy at times)


Forgot another disaster for the Morgan's Raffy's epilepsy and all that trauma that caused.  Mason didn't escape the failed relationship curse, his revealing to   Lara about the Morgan's being in WP only to find out she was tied in with the Syndicate, Beth dying then Dempsey who aborted their baby. 

Robbo also told Colby not to  let Jasmine know the truth about Scott she had like and trusted him , of course back then he could be, but he didn't want her memory of him tainted. 

I'm putting Ryder's naivety  regarding Jade to his young age and inexperience of dealing with women like her.?  He was perfectly entitled to go to the beach without having  to check where she is first.  If he had thought he should have just walked off further up the beach.  But as said she knew what buttons to push, probably had loads of previous guys to practice it on.  Still she's got a new and older guy in her sights now although we didn't hear his name , did we:unsure:, it's Nikau who was as bedazzled as Ryder was when he first saw her.  Dean had the luckiest of escapes there even if he hadn't been with Ziggy, maybe some part of him knew she was a wrong 'un or she knew he couldn't be used.  Full marks for Ryder trying to warn Niakau , but if someone had tried to warn him off would he have listened?

Complete u-turn on Ryder not wanting Grumps to know about his sex tape charge, but just how long was he hoping  to keep it quiet, it would have come out eventually or as Roo said someone else would have let  it  slip.  Took the wind out of Alf and Martha's sails and rather put a dampener on their good news, but they'll both be behind him.  Martha and Alf are as stubborn as each other so just as well Roo listened to both sides and made the decision of getting  them both listening to each others reasons of why Alf did it then and why Martha ran off.  Perfectly reasonable  explanations from both and rather sweet seeing Alf go down on one knee and ask Martha Jane Stewart to marry him, he got up OK too.:D  Then calling out to Roo that she could stop hiding. 

I guess if you're  closely involved with the story you would react the way Alf did, it didn't appear to be derogatory in anyway, just reporting the facts - two locals had died.  Won't be the first time there has been a headline like that in the bay and won't be the last.  

No sign of Jasmine, but Irene was pretty cut up, she was an on off fan of Robbo but it's Jas she's thinking about now.   I guess Colby will be pressed, now that the siege is over, if there is anything new regarding Leah, who thanks to a few people asking now and then hasn't been forgotten, Leah was the first person Jasmine connected with when she  came to the bay. 


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