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I'm guessing the body is generally privately cremated or buried with only close family attending, while others attend the service. Sort of like on Neighbours post-plane crash where only Harold and Sky attended David's burial (as his body was the only one of the Bishops that was found)


It's disappointing that Mason's memorial service is off screen, but that's better than having an on screen one with Brody and Raffy absent. It does feel as though what we should really have is an off screen funeral for family and on screen memorial for the Baysters, which I guess is what we kind of had here in a low key way. As Ziggy feared, Dean really didn't get it, and needed a good shake from Mackenzie to offer up his modified River Boy service. (We saw it when Rocco died, as I recall.) Ziggy probably wouldn't be the obvious choice to be mourning him, but I guess it adds to what I said last week about him being someone who touched more people than you'd think: He was her brother-in-law, they lived together, he was on her side over Brody and Simone, of course it would affect her, and I did well up again at that point.

Mackenzie is definitely earning her halo at the moment, not only giving Dean a kick up the backside but running around with food packages for Colby and Bella. I hope this is about her and Bella bonding during the siege and not about wanting Colby again as Dean thought. I was glad to see Bella genuinely worrying about Jasmine after all that time of being a bit insular: Okay, she put her foot in it, but that was less down to her and more down to how Jasmine was feeling. Even though it meant breaking his word to Robbo, I think Colby telling Jasmine the truth about Scott was the lesser of two evils, although he could have done a better job of explaining how Scott ended up doing what he did.So, Des and Victor are seemingly in permanent solitary in supermax. There'd still need to be a trial at some point, but if we don't hear anything more, I'd take that.

Alf reappears for wedding prep.I notice Ryder was uncredited so I suspect his scene got moved from next episode, although I've no idea how the episode was meant to end in that case! (I must admit, when Alf rhetorically asked who else he'd have as his best man, my response was "Do you want a list?")

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Posted (edited)

Leah is mentioned quite regularly, Ben said to Justin on top of everything else he had her disappearance to cope with and he replied he was glad she wasn't there as he wasn't in the right frame of mind to be of any use to her.  I think at the beginning someone said all her family had been contacted so I guess that included VJ.  

That was a very moving service for Robbo, :cryingsmiley: Colby gave a good eulogy as did Ian, liked there was a touch of humour in them both, although as you said Jasmine was in no state to take anything in.  Until she cracked that is, he kind of broke his promise by saying they would always be together but not in another as in keeping her safe. I felt a bit for Lance's dad sitting there on his own.  There was the formal side with the AFP guys In their dress uniforms alongside his friends and family. I was really surprised at Alf not being there, he was the first person still in the bay Robbo met even if  it was an unconventional meeting, they did become good friends, Alf giving him a job, van and backing him when others didn't.  I can see why Marilyn couldn't face it, though she did go to the wake, If I remember correctly she did have the lusts for Robbo when he first rocked up.:blush:  She is going to Mason's memorial service partly I guess  to see Raffy.  I did notice Justin kept referring to  the place they were meeting  was mid way between the bay and Brody and Raffy's not Brody and Simone's.  I'm glad Marilyn was able to open up to Alex who is going through the same thing - PTSD - who said everyone expected her to be able to cope and carry on as normal but although she is a doctor and  a professional first she is also human.  Marilyn said to Alex no-one who hadn't been there could understand which is true but Alf knows what PTSD is like so could help her but she should let John know  how she is feeling so he can be there for her even if it's just listening and holding her.  

Hard decision for Ziggy, even Justin referred to her as their sister-in-law.  Dean couldn't win there suggested Ziggy go that was wrong,  saying she shouldn't that was wrong.:rolleyes:  Guess Dean isn't at all into funerals or memorial services.  Mac was the wise sister telling him she could see why Ziggy was upset and just because he wasn't into that suggesting he think of an alternative which he did and it was a lovely thought, :cryingsmiley: took me back to the RB's tribute to Rocco. 

From what I could gather when Colby and Jasmine were talking on the wharf Victor and Des have been locked up in ultra solitary,  sounds like Belmarsh, wasn't their trial meant to have been  this week? They  won't be coming her as she wasn't a witness to anything. 

Colby may have broken his promise to Robbo by revealing what really happened in that car 'accident', which we certainly have seen plenty of now, and Scott's part in it but strangely it seemed to have helped her make sense of everything, maybe she can start healing now.  She isn't stupid and while accidents do happen she knew something was off, it was just too coincidental  living with Robbo rubbed off on her.  As we knew another reason Robbo sent her home was because he knew he was dying and didn't want her see it.  I'm guessing Ian  & Wendy will be kept in the dark.  

Bella also had her suspicions though in a vague kind of way and had done a bit of turn round, last time we saw her and Robbo they were having a blazing row.  She really has made her peace with Mac even dropping hints about her spending time with Colby.   Bella has finally agreed to see a counsellor whether she'll open up to them is another matter.    Maybe wrong but is that the first time Bella has revealed to anyone what happened to her mum.:unsure:  Colby's dad dying was before Bella was born so of course she wouldn't know if he attended, he wouldn't have been very old. 

No explanation from Alf about his no appearance at the funeral.  Be interesting to see what it is he's asked Ben to rebuild.  Palmer wouldn't be on the top of his list of people to ask to be his best man Ben maybe but I like that it's Ryder. 

From the trailer looks like Nikau catches Jade thieving and then steals her phone.   Mentioned before about Nikau ignoring Ryder's warning about her, but if that had been the other way round Ryder wouldn't have believed Nikau.  


Edited by H&Alover

I've been meaning to say all week (if not all season) and forgetting: It does feel like a major omission that we never saw Dean and Ziggy discuss that phone call.Dean's never given any indication that he even knows Ziggy called him, and you'd think Ziggy would be curious about the strange woman answering his phone, which was what prompted her to cop off with someone.Even though nothing happened, I'm not sure if Dean was serious about flirting with that woman or just trying to wind up her boyfriend, but either way he doesn't really come out of that story well.But they've moved on now, so that's that.

Nikau cottons on to Jade a lot faster than Ryder did, but I guess he's more worldly, and it's hard to pull off a scam when you're busy taunting your previous target at the same time.Jade's tendency to keep people on side with a mix of tears and sex isn't always going to work: It didn't really work on Ryder that well. I know that she's busy with Colby and Bella at the moment, but given that she's 99% sure Jade's stealing and only kept her on because she couldn't prove it, why would Mackenzie leave Jade working there unsupervised? (Unless it's a clever trap, I guess. Money goes missing and she's the only one that could have taken it?)

So, the Paratas have a Secret. It's surely got to be more than Ari having been in jail, since as Dean pointed out, the locals have accepted him despite that.(Mind you, ten years inside? Sounds like something more serious than not paying a parking fine.) I think there must be someone after them for Ari to be keen not to have his name and picture on display everywhere.Where did the paper get that photo (apparently from the day of the siege) anyway? Did they get Marilyn to trawl through the snaps they had on file and point him out? She's getting a bit overinvolved with that family without really knowing enough about them.

John would probably be Alf's closest friend in the Bay, but is there a reason he can't pick up a telephone and call someone instead of just asking the person that lives with him? What about Donald? Duncan? Ric? Blake?

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Does seem one of those times when an incident/event has been air brushed out. Dean may have ignored it, Ziggy didn't say anything. 

You read my mind Red about Nik, he may not be that much older than Ryder, well he doesn't look it,  but definitely more worldly wise.  Jade certainly has a more than one screw loose, immediately accusing Ryder of stalking  her when he was just walking up to his own front door and in front of Roo.  Nik looked amazed at her reaction and she looked like she was spoiling for a fight but neither Roo or Ryder were playing her game.  Good point about Mac laying a trap but there are other staff around so Jade isn't alone alone in Salt.  Nik played it cool when  he saw her pocket the money but the look on his face said "Ryder was telling the truth about that so he may about the sex tape."   Then there was the way she treated Gemma what had she ever done to her, they'd never met before, yet it was like Gemma was something she'd trod in.  Who died and made her boss!?  Then when Nik reveals she was his mum cue waterworks and "Ryder took my innocence"  please excuse my laughter.:lol:  She looked very sniffy when Nik took her back to our favourite motel.  Her try on didn't work hence her going off in a  strop.  Just how did Nik know Jade had planted her camera where she had - not that I'm complaining - he nailed her - YEH!  "Did you remember to press record?"?‍♀️? Guess we'll see why tonight she was looking for something in a drawer  at Alf's and Ryder and Nik surprise her.  As someone once said 'this could be the start of a beautiful friendship'.  We've seen that tonight Alf tells her to pack her bags and sling her hook.

Yes of course the Parata's have a secret, clearly something to do with Nik's dad and Ari having been in prison for ten years.   He and Dean knew each other even if they weren't best friends, Ari has a temper, but to Dean's credit he didn't tell Ziggy about his later meeting with Ari. Took Dean a while to be fully accepted by the townsfolk so not the easy ride as he made out to Ari. 

Marilyn meant well by telling the journo about Ari, she wanted him to have the recognition she thought he deserved not knowing what trouble she has brought on their heads. This is Marilyn we're talking about, she always sees the best in people.  Is this going to be another pitchforks and burning torches scenario in the making?

Palmer isn't the first choice I'd have as Alf's Best Man but you're right Red about Donald and Duncan.  Likely the actors didn't want to come back for even one or two episodes. 


Wedding pics, a video of Ray & Belinda's appearance on Seven's Sunrise which has some behind-the-scenes stuff, and a rundown of Alf's past loves are in our article on the site if anyone's interested (or were avoiding spoilers before the ep).


  On 20/03/2020 at 15:27, H&Alover said:

Likely the actors didn't want to come back for even one or two episodes. 


They wouldn't have been asked in the first place.

Instead they've filled up the ceremony with random extras who we are supposed to believe are like family to them, as per Alf's speech. Much cheaper. ?

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It was a sweet affair but ultimately overshadowed with all the other tosh.

Nice Roo was there, I get the feeling she was the reason for their original marriage given how lucky Alf was back in the day! ?

Had Cornelia not died, Morag probably would have been there standard and talking about how fate has gifted them another chance, though that would be more Celia.

I did chuckle when Alf told Jade to basically hit the bricks and threatened to dash Nik out if he didn't have a drink and a piece of cake

I was gonna write a short fanfic around the wedding and Alf and Duncan butting heads again but have shelved it. It would have also included a 50th Birthday celebration for Maz, a Robbo/Tori/Jas "compromise"

and also, Dean unravelling and exposing Colby, also some RydElla lovin'.?

*awaits Red to dissect Friday's ep* Here are the scissors. Go nuts



I forgot to say yesterday: Unless I misheard and the subtitles got it wrong, Ari suggested Nikau was 25, which makes him a fair bit older than the teen crowd and closer in age to the likes of Dean and Willow!

Alf's episode count this week:Three. Robbo managed a solitary appearance despite being dead.

  On 20/03/2020 at 19:59, CaptainHulk said:

I was gonna write a short fanfic around the wedding and Alf and Duncan butting heads again but have shelved it. It would have also included a 50th Birthday celebration for Maz, a Robbo/Tori/Jas "compromise"

and also, Dean unravelling and exposing Colby, also some RydElla lovin'.?

*awaits Red to dissect Friday's ep* Here are the scissors. Go nuts


Firstly...I would really really like to read that fiction. Secondly...

How do you manage to give Alf Stewart of all people a low-key wedding? Well, to be fair, his last wedding was even more low-key, so I guess there's a precedent.But 32 years on the show, and not a single family member, let alone old friend, attends the wedding, aside from Roo and Ryder, who live there and didn't have any choice? What's more, it happens at a time when Leah's missing (I guess Alf and Irene's chat about expecting it to lure her back was meant to cover it) and half the town's mourning Robbo and Mason, so hardly any of the current cast are there either. I shared Dan's amusement at Alf telling this bunch of people we've never seen before that they're his family, while that random extra at the back looks like he's thinking "What, even me?"

I should reserve judgement here until we see what if any follow-up we get next week. But I hope that isn't the last we see of Jade: The show has had an annoying habit lately of having its villains fizzle out with everything resolved off screen if at all. It was kind of satisfying, if rather perfunctory, to see Alf be the one to cut the Gordian knot and just kick her out while everyone else is worrying about upsetting her, but she needs to be charged, not just driven out of town by Sheriff Alf, or it devalues the whole storyline. I will say this: We get confirmation as I noted in finale week of how utterly incompetent Colby has been in looking at Ryder's phone but not Jade's. This could have been resolved last season if he'd done a proper investigation instead of just stopping at the first piece of evidence he came across.Instead, he needs a moody youngster from the wrong side of the tracks to do his job for him.

Okay, so now it appears there isn't anyone after the Paratas, they're just worried about the locals finding out about their past, whatever that is.In which case, as Nikau said, what exactly was the big deal about the article, since anyone who's curious about them could just look them up online? (We see him looking at an online article which seems to be connected.) So, yes, Gemma was overreacting in wanting to up sticks before anything has even happened.Only one episode ago she was saying everyone's nice and she wishes she could be proper friends with them, now she's suddenly decided it's all fake!


Alf and Martha get married just a week after getting engaged do they have different rules in Australia about Banns and things?  The short period of time may explain the absence of other relatives and old friends but Alf did mention his children  and grandchildren.  He said in his speech Martha was his first love so what does that make Viv Ric's grandmother?:unsure: I thought it was a quite a low key ceremony for the Bay, due to current circumstances, not over the top but a quiet celebration and lightness in the dark.  Neither Mason, Robbo or Leah would have wanted them to put it on hold, may be cliché but life is too short and neither  Alf or Martha are getting any younger.   He looked stunned when he saw Martha get out of the car and all soap Weddings/Christenings/funerals have random guests we've never seen before - I know the guy you mean Red, he did seem  rather to make a point of being seen. 

Glad to see he got a new hat for the occasion he looked very smart without being OTT  and that dance between him and Martha at the end was well done just them. 

No need to worry about upsetting Jade  now that Ryder and Nik have proof Ryder wasn't the first she'd done it to may have made Ryder feel a bit better that he wasn't alone. Nik was right she wasn't as smart as she thought she was - rather stupid in fact keeping all her previous conquests on her phone no doubt so she could gloat about them when she's on her own. Hopefully there will be more to it, all those other blokes who will be proved innocent of any wrong doing. Explains why she was so desperate to get it back, Nik certainly broke records getting to the Stewart's before she did giving Ryder time to move the film/tape.  She's very practiced at this Red she'd moved the film/tape from her phone to Ryder's while  he was getting drinks likely had the timing  down pat.  Besides had Colby discovered it no need for Nik to be the hero and likely become best buddies with Ryder - things happen in a certain way in soaps for a reason.  Loved Ryder and Nik appearing in the doorway together, Ryder brandishing the tape and asking her "Is this what you're  looking for?"?

I can think of at least two people who owe Ryder a big apology - step forward Mac and Bella. 

Did I sense a easing of tensions between Nik and Ari when they were talking about Ari's face being splashed all over the front page  and Gemma saying they'd have to move on and Nik wanting to stay.     Criminal dies in raid- Nik's dad by any chance?   :lol: when Ari slammed the motel door shut in Jade's face.   I understand her concern over Leah being missing but I think Irene overreacted in not wanting to take Gemma on as she felt it would be replacing Leah.  Perfect common sense as Marilyn pointed out, now more or less back to her old self, the Diner needs an extra hand while Leah is not around.  

Oh Gemma most of the townsfolk are nice but there is a dark side. 


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