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What is it with people in SB inviting someone to move in without checking with others in the household first?

Still, Ziggy is completely right not to rush into moving in with Dean and he was surprisingly ok with her decision and reasoning.

I'm not Bella's biggest fan but I sympathise with her situation, being pushed into counselling (which she needs) but not being able to talk about 'the elephant in the room', which is probably the main reason she needs it in the first place.  I'm not clear on why she isn't going back to school though.  I think she went back after the assault and it seemed to do her good.

Poor Jas.  It's just one thing after another for her at the moment. 

Edited by baywatcher
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I guess we're just going to have to accept the fact that Bella's going to counselling without being able to talk about the fact that she knows exactly what happened to Ross and that he's not coming back.That whole business, and the way she's been encouraged to view it, certainly hasn't helped her mental state but I guess it still leaves plenty of scope.Roo has been a good influence on her for the most part after initial teething trouble, and her handling of Bella here demonstrated again that Bella really needs to spend more time out of the ghetto of Mangrove River ex-pats that she's normally stuck in.While her life with Ross probably wasn't the hellhole that Colby would like it to have been, he probably didn't tolerate her having an opinion different from his either.Patricia has been doing a fairly decent job giving the fairly thankless task she's been lumbered with (a less-than-willing patient being less-than-honest).It's been mentioned that Bella's missed too much school to go back into her old class, and she didn't want to drop down a year, so doing the work at home was her only option.I do think it's a shame she's missing out on the social side but I guess her only two friends aren't there anymore anyway.

As Justin pointed out, on some level he's a very odd choice of confidante for Ziggy, but they seem to be able to put the awkward history aside and relate to each other.And Dean did take her decision well.

I guess Colby found out about Willow moving away off screen.Dean seems to have dropped the attitude but only by ignoring the subject.In an ideal world, Willow would be sticking around and managing the gym for Jasmine, but Jasmine wouldn't want her missing out on a chance of happiness to stay and support her.


It was good to see Jas being more positive.  She had some nice scenes, particularly with Tori.

Speaking of Tori, I'm really surprised that she is so keen to go back to work at the hospital where her brother has just died.

I've been rooting for Willow to find someone to love, who really loves her back and I do like Alex but...

Really not invested in the Leah storyline.  It just seems like unnecessary drama to give Ada a few extra weeks holiday.  When did UK viewers last see her?  I must say that I haven't particularly missed the character. 


I did like seeing Jasmine’s face light up when she saw Grace. There’s still going to be sad moments of course but at least she’s smiling again. (And a glimpse of Mason in the flashbacks, although that probably wasn’t deliberate…) She seemed to take Irene’s advice to heart, as suddenly she was the one telling Tori that they can’t second-guess what Robbo would have wanted them to do, they can just do what feels right and trust that he trusted them. Meanwhile, Alex seems to have come up with a way for her and Willow to stay in town, except the result is Willow giving her a rabbit-in-headlights look on a par with the one Ziggy gave Dean last episode. She seemed to have more or less come to terms with the fact she and Alex were going to be moving in together, although her chat with Irene suggested she hasn’t thought about practicalities much, but getting a mortgage together might be pushing it.

Okay, so it sounds from Tori’s comments here that it is only Gemma and Nikau living with the Palmers. I guess Marilyn was just making an offer which Tori was free to turn down, but her attitude towards John is still extremely unhelpful: Her initial response was basically “Stuff John, it’s nothing to do with him”, and then when she realised Tori wasn’t exactly on board with that attitude, she gave a rather rose-tinted view of how keen on the idea he is. She’s probably exaggerating his attitude to the Paratas as well.

And then we end it on Leah’s post, which poses more questions than it answers…including why the blog’s referring to her as Leah Patterson-Baker as well. It’s like the art department haven’t watched the show in five years. UK viewers last saw her back in February, by the way. I’m not sure if I’d say I’ve missed her exactly, but I want her found for the sake of the people worrying about her. And hers, I guess, if she’s in trouble…

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I did appreciate how well Alex has handled the hostage stuff as a professional and the toll it took, having to help Bella and especially Mason's death.  I actually hope she doesn't leave as I quite like her character.  As much as I hate to say it must have been extremely difficult for Marilyn as well.

Was gutted that Robbo died as despite not having the best interpersonal skills he was one of my favourite characters in the Bay.

Thought his funeral was very emotional and probably won't watch that episode again.  During this whole time, I've felt very sorry for Jasmine.

Glad Jade got outed although to echo previous comments, the police have a duty to press charges against her as the next victim might not be as lucky as Ryder.

Not really keen on the new family, although the mother is OK and I've slightly warmed to Nikau.  Don't like the other 2.  As much as I dislike and can't stand John, I do understand why he didn't want them to move in and was basically forced into accepting it.  I still find it hard to sympathise with him because of how he often acts towards people.  Although, I don't think Marilyn would have been too happy had it been the other way round.

After having 3 weddings in the same week in Neighbours, I wasn't particularly excited at the prospect of another Wedding so couldn't really get too thrilled with Alf and Martha although at least they were reunited for more than 5 minutes.

Whilst I really enjoyed the scene where Colby helped Mackenzie out, I'm not keen on the whole Colby/Mackenzie will they/won't they stuff.  Feels like the ex is just a plot device to facilitate another reunion.

I do wonder whether, Home and Away and any of the other Aus/UK soaps will eventually incorporate the Covid-19 pandemic into the actual storylines once they restart production.  Soaps are usually on par with the dates in their respective countries and as they often like to explore real issues, it would make sense to cover it as the crisis now permeates into every aspect of society.


Would have been hard for Jasmine to see Grace but she couldn't ignore her forever and it did help her and Tori, Grace looked happy to see her and it was nice to hear Robbo had set up a trust fund for Grace, typical Robbo, in his line of work it'd be something that would have been thought of by all AFP's.  Lovely to see  a proper smile and she got her appetite back and as she said she hasn't completely lost Robbo Grace is part of him. Looking round the gym, hearing Robbo's voice has made her decide to keep it, it was her idea and with her encouragement he bought it after all.  Of course there will be still be sad times, but Jasmine has realised there can be happy ones without having to feel guilty about them.  

Agreed with Willow who would have thought she'd be the one thinking of the practical aspects of her and Alex moving!   Where are they going to live, near the hospital, near town where a gym may be.  You would have thought with all the moving about Alex did she'd know the routine off pat. The thought of  a mortgage did spook Willow though even if she was trying to put a positive face on for Alex. 

Tori hasn't said a definite no to Marilyn and now she can afford to she'll pay Marilyn for any time she does help out easing John's worry about Marilyn doing less hours at the Diner. 

Baywatcher - I wouldn't say Tori is keen to got back to work at NDH - she wants to get back to work and NDH is the nearest.

Hasn't Leah's surname fluctuated over the years - sometimes just Patterson - sometimes Patterson-Baker? :unsure:  


The show's been reasonably consistent about Leah's surname: Obviously she was Patterson back when she was married to Vinnie. When she married Dan, given that characters were only credited with first name at the time, it was a long time, into the following year, before we were told she was now Patterson-Baker, with some listings magazines assuming she was a Baker. She stayed that way up until around the time she started work at the school, at which point she was suddenly Mrs Patterson, which was reflected in the credits and on screen name plates, and stayed Patterson even after marrying Zac. And now, suddenly, even though she was still Leah Patterson in the credits throughout last season, all the props are calling her Patterson-Baker. With her about to make her first appearance of the season judging by the promo, it'll be interesting to see if that's universal.

Alf's episode count this block (as we finally reach the end of the first five episodes of reduced schedule):None. Roo was in four.

Okay, this is getting ridiculous now.The level of incompetence from the conveniently off-screen police, and the amount of insult to the audience's intelligence in expecting us to swallow this, has plumbed new depths here. So they speak to Leah on the phone (not even in person apparently) and decide that they don't need to investigate further and it's Justin who's got the problem? Let's think about that for more than a couple of seconds. Leah has left the town where she's lived for twenty years without saying a word to anyone and leaving all her things behind. She has abandoned the business she's been a partner in for well over a decade. She has made no attempt to contact her large extended family or any of her old friends, or access her bank accounts. And the police's response is to basically say "Get over it"? Are they going to say that to her parents and her brothers and her son and Irene as well? It's just a flimsy excuse to have the story go the way those making the show want it to, and it doesn't even make the slightest bit of sense.

I think possibly the age gap between Willow and Alex is becoming obvious now.Things went a similar way with Justin in the end: He wanted him and Willow to settle down, she wanted to carry on running around with her dodgy childhood friends getting into scrapes. Alex did seem a bit intense at times and not really getting where Willow was coming from: She's at the point in her life when she wants to buy a house with someone, whilst Willow is only just getting her head around moving away.Seemed like a bit of a swerve though: Last episode Alex was talking about finding a job close by, now they're suddenly back to talking about moving to Queensland.

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I think  but wiling to admit I'm wrong, but haven't we seen various names on her lap top?:unsure:

I can see your point Red but Leah was reported as a missing person but now she has been contacted by the police, so they know where she is having traced her somehow through the posts, I'm guessing,  so therefore she isn't 'missing' anymore.  The dictionary definition  being 'absent from a place, especially their home,  and of unknown whereabouts'. The cops involved aren't our usual crew but specialists in using internet.   The cops investigating don't know Leah like her friends do or even the Yabby Creek cops, but sadly people do suddenly up sticks even if they seemed perfectly happy.  Obviously, though, as we saw all is not well.  My mind may be going but is Irene au faix with the latest?  What hold has he got over her, has he threatened her family? 

That was a lovely scene with Justin and Grace, she managed to calm him down, sadly he ruined it later by shouting at Tori which woke her up. 

Willow's about 26/27 and Alex 10 years older?  Alex has had a different life style as well, studying, practising as  doctor, whereas Willow has only recently knuckled down to a serious job. Alex has moved around a lot more than Willow who has only known Mango River and the bay.  It was a big jump from Willow being OK with renting a place and accepting it may not be for long before moving somewhere else.  Then Alex throws in them actually buying a place nearby, getting  a mortgage and settling down, based on what she overheard Jasmine and Irene talking about, thinking Willow needs to stay where they are or somewhere close.  Alex's argument she told Willow from the beginning  she wants a  stable relationship was fair enough, and wanted Willow to be sure but it may be  Alex may meets someone when they move and she dumps Willow?  

I thought Ziggy gave Willow good advice without imposing her own experience on her.  She did decide it was worth the risk but then Alex tells her she is going to Queensland alone, I don't think she is really seeing from Willow's side. 

Whatever happens we won't know until Friday.  


Willow was right to be angry at Alex and Jas was right to give Alex some home truths but actually, as Willow said, Alex did have a point.  I do feel for Willow though.

I'd be interested to know what the mystery man has over Leah.  She is not the oppressed lady we were seeing today.  I can't believe that she hasn't tried to get away from him and get her life back.

Good to see Justin more positive.


*hums Twilight Zone theme after watching that scene with Leah and the Fruitloop* Doo doo doo doo dooo doo doo doo....

In all seriousness, the temp drops like 30 degrees when that guy's on screen!

And based on the teaser... Oh sweet, lord.


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