christine king Posted January 26, 2021 Report Posted January 26, 2021 Title: Worth It Type of Fic: Long Fic Rating: T/A Genre: Romance/Drama/General Characters: Tori, Christian, Justin, Leah, Irene, Robbo, Jasmine, Colby, Lance Rating: Violence (V/D) Spoilers: Yes Summary: Tori has just kissed Christian and is confused and she goes to Robbo for support but how will Robbo feel about Tori and Christian getting closer? Chapter 1 Robbo, Jasmine and Colby’s apartment Tori rocks up on Robbo’s doorstep and he can instantly see she is upset. He hugs her and they walk into the house and get comfortable on couch. He takes her hand. Robbo: what’s happened? Tori: the surgery went well and Justin should hopefully be ok Robbo: that’s great. Then why are you crying? Unless it’s happy tears? Tori: I was so overwhelmed by it all and happy with how it went that I might of accidentally kissing Christian Robbo: your brothers surgeon? Tori: yeah that’s the guy Robbo: ok I don’t see the issue. Unless he did something. Did he do something? Tori: no! I kissed him and the he looked so shocked so I ran for the hills Robbo: so do you think he likes you? Is this what this is about it? Tori: I don’t know whether he likes me! I don’t want know whether I like him! I kissed him on impulse! It was a mistake! Robbo: Tori kissing someone isn’t the end of the world. I mean he is single right? Tori: yeah he is Robbo: so he got kissed by you. I call that lucky. Tori: really? Robbo: of course. Your great. Any guy who ends up with you will know if for sure Tori: thank you. I was freaking out. But being here with you. I feel safe and clam. Robbo: I will always be here for you, I love you Tori: I love you too
christine king Posted January 27, 2021 Author Report Posted January 27, 2021 Chapter 2 Christian’s apartment Christian is thinking about the fact that Tori kissed him and then their conversation after, like why does she regret kissing him? Did she not like it? Is he not good enough? He told her it was shame she thought these things. He was starting to see her in a new light. Like he wants to see if they can be something? Maybe he just needs to win her over. At the hospital Tori’s office Tori is thinking about Christian and how he said he thinks it’s a shame that they can’t be anything and she still doesn’t know herself whether she wants that with him, it’s just confusing. At Salt Christian walks in to find Tori at the bar and he realises this is his chance Christian: hey Tori: hi Christian: so no daughter tonight? Tori: nope she is with Jasmine Christian: then you can stay and have a drink with me Tori: um sure
christine king Posted January 27, 2021 Author Report Posted January 27, 2021 Chapter 3 Salt Christian: so tell me more about you? Tori: well I’m a doctor and mum Christian: is Grace’s father in the picture? Tori: yeah he is. He’s a great dad. Christian: so he’s... Tori: he’s right behind you Tori smiles at a Robbo who has just arrived Robbo: hey Tori: this is Robbo, my best friend, Grace’s father and this is Christian my brothers surgeon Robbo: nice to meet you Christian: you too. so your.. Robbo: here to steal Tori away yeah Tori: what? Why? Robbo: do you need to be rescued? Tori: Urg no Robbo: ah my mistake. Anyway I’ll see you later. Bye Christian Christian: bye. so what was the about? Tori: no idea. Sorry I have to go Tori runs after Robbo leaving Christian very confused about what all that was.
christine king Posted January 28, 2021 Author Report Posted January 28, 2021 Chapter 4 5 minutes ago Robbo had just walked into salt and saw Tori their and he was surprised to see her with some other guy. He realises he wants to know more so approaches them. Back to Present Outside the surf club Tori finally catches up to Robbo Tori: just stop and talk to me Robbo: what was that about? Tori: we were just getting to know each other Robbo: do you like him? I thought you said you didn’t. I’m confused Tori: I don’t know ok. I’m just trying to sort my head out Robbo: then talk to me, explain it Tori: I want to give Christian a chance I guess Robbo: why? We don’t let people in and you know why Tori: I want a partner! Robbo: you have me isn’t that enough? Tori: of course it is! Never doubt that! But we’re not.. we have never been... you know I just want that Robbo: I know I’m sorry I’m being selfish, I have Jasmine, you want someone too I get it Tori: don’t be jealous Robbo: I’m not! Well I am but not in that way Tori: I get it Robbo: so you going to go back? Tori: I think I’ve confused Christian enough for one day. I’ll talk to him tomorrow. Let’s just go spend time with our daughter as a family Robbo: sounds like a plan Robbo takes Tori’s hand and they walk off together
christine king Posted January 28, 2021 Author Report Posted January 28, 2021 Chapter 5 The Morgan House Justin is surprised to see Christian at his door Justin: hi Christian: is Tori here? Justin: nah shes with Robbo. Why what’s up? Christian: I just need to talk to her about last night Justin: wait you were with her last night? I thought she was with Robbo and Grace? Christian: she was with me but then bailed to go after Robbo Justin: after Robbo? Huh? Did they have a fight or something? Christian: he seemed jealous or something over us spending time together and she chased after him it was werid Justin: right Christian: so can you tell me what’s going on? Justin: um Christian: I mean she kissed me, does she like me? Justin: wait she kissed you? When? Christian: after your surgery Justin: right Christian: so do you know what’s going on with her? Justin: um maybe? Christian: right but your not going to tell me? Justin: well I think you should hear it from her. I mean you want to date my sister? Christian: well I was hoping it would end up like that yeah Justin: wow um this is too much for me. You need to talk to Tori Christian: wait? But I need to know what to say? Justin: just tell her how you feel what’s the worst that can happen?
christine king Posted January 29, 2021 Author Report Posted January 29, 2021 Chapter 6 The hospital Christian was trying to weigh up what he was going to say to Tori but ultimately he just didn’t know. He soon goes to Tori’s office to see if she is their but as he knocks on the door Robbo soon comes out of it Robbo: hi Christian: hi, is Tori in their? Robbo: no Christian: then why were you in their? Robbo: I was talking to Jasmine Christian: right why though in Tori’s office? Robbo: Tori said we could use her office when she’s not here it’s fine Christian: right. Do you know where Tori is? Robbo: doing rounds? Christian: right ok I’ll go find her Robbo: ok you go do that, bye Christian: bye Christian is now even more confused but decides to go see if he can track Tori down
christine king Posted January 29, 2021 Author Report Posted January 29, 2021 Chapter 7 The Morgan House Justin comes in to find Tori Justin: hey Tori: hey Justin: did Christian find you? Tori: um no, why? Justin: he was going to talk to you about his feelings Tori: um since when? Justin: since he bailed me up for info on you and Robbo Tori: me and Robbo? Justin: T have you told Christian your not with Robbo Tori: well I... ok technically no. But Robbo is married, has a wedding ring on, and I don’t so clearly he would join those dots right? Justin: maybe he didn’t notice Tori: but surley he would of right? Plus I kissed Christian, what he thinks I kiss people if I’m with someone else? Justin: you got to admit that you and Robbo together isn’t a normal friendship/ relationship it’s hard to explain what you are too each other. So how do you expect Christian to get that? Tori: I guess I can see why he would think we are together. He clearly hasn’t seen Robbo and Jasmine together Justin: well if he had of I think that would confuse him more Tori: ok so what do I do? Justin: well what do you want to do? Tori: I’m confused Justin: do you want to be with Christian? Tori: I don’t know Justin: if you don’t do you care that he thinks you are with Robbo? Tori: I don’t know. I have all these confusing emotions about Christian and I’m not sure what I want with him or what I want us to be Justin: ok but what are you going to tell him? Tori: that... I don’t know Justin: well this is going to be a disaster but good luck Tori: wait your leaving me hanging? But I need advice! Justin: well I tried and you still don’t know. I don’t get what you want me to say Tori: I want you to tell me what I should do about Christian Justin: the only thing you can do. Be honest and hope he gets it Tori: your no help Justin: love you too sis. I am stepping back from this conversation. Good luck
christine king Posted January 29, 2021 Author Report Posted January 29, 2021 On 29/01/2021 at 02:32, torian said: Loved this Loved Justin telling Tori that her and Robbo isnt a easy thing to figure out Loved then chatting about Christian Loved bro sis moments Expand Yep Justin was just pointing out the obvious about Robbo and Tori. Yep Justin and Tori’s relationship is so special. Chapter 8 Outside the surf club Tori is walking and see’s Christian and tries to leave before he see’s her but it’s too late Christian: hey Tori: hi Christian: so your a hard woman to track down, not at work? Not at home? We’re you been? Tori: around look do we have to do this? Christian: do what? Talk about our feelings? Figure things out? Help me out here? I’m so confused Tori: confused about? Christian: about you? About us? About Robbo? I don’t get it. But I want to get it. Please just let me in Tori: maybe it’s better for you if I don’t. Maybe it’s better if we’re not together. Christian: isn’t that my call? Or our call? I’m pretty sure that’s not just your call anyway? Tori: maybe I’m making this decision for us? Maybe it’s better that way? Christian: for you maybe but not me. I just want an honest answer Tori: about what? Christian: do you like me? Tori: yes Christian: well that’s all I wanted to know. I’ll see you around Tori: what?! That’s all your going to say to me?! Christian: well what do you want me to say? You won’t talk to me about anything? So asking about whether you feel the same might be the only answer I get from you so I’ll take it Tori: don’t leave Christian: oh now you want to talk? Tori: I want to talk. I went to tell you everything. I want to trust you. I want us. I just can’t right now. Give me time Christian: ok I can do that. Tori: really? Christian: yes because for some reason I really really like you and I think we could be really good together I’m just hoping you will give me the chance to prove that to you
christine king Posted January 29, 2021 Author Report Posted January 29, 2021 Chapter 9 On the beach Robbo and Jasmine are sitting on the beach together and laughing Jasmine: hey your not going to get away with that? Robbo: with what? Jasmine: you know what? Robbo: no really what Jasmine: not going in the water Robbo: oh that.. but I really don’t want too Jasmine: come on it’ll be fun Robbo: but it’s cold Jasmine: oh wow I would not of guessed Robbo: fine but your coming with me Jasmine: well duh just fyi that was too easy Robbo: what can I say I’m soft for you Jasmine: and Tori. And Grace Robbo: yeah only for my family Jasmine: after this swim we really do need to talk about Christian Robbo: do we have too? I mean we’re going in the water yeah? Let’s go swimming Jasmine smiles at his avoidance tratic but follows him into the water anyway Up the top of the dunes Tori is on a walk with Grace and stops at the top she looks down and see’s Robbo and Jasmine in the water together, she smiles. Suddenly she is interrupted by a voice Lance: what you doing up here by yourself Tori turns around is super excited and happy to see Lance. She quickly hugs him Tori: what are you doing here? Lance: came to see Robbo but I couldn’t not see you. And I had good timing to find you alone Tori: yeah Robbo and Jasmine are in the water Tori points down towards the water and Lance see’s them together, he smiles. Lance: I’m glad they are happy. They do make a good couple don’t they Tori: yeah they do. I just you know... Lance: wish it was you? Yeah I think you guys could of worked together as a couple I’m never quite sure why you didn’t Tori: it was never like that with us. We just didn’t... Lance: I know. Which is why you deserve someone too. Tori: my family is enough Lance: and you have me! Tori: yeah I’ve missed you so much Lance: me too Tori grand Lance’s hand. and he smiles Lance: I’ve missed this Tori: what? Lance: us being together. Hanging out. Talking, just being happy together Tori: me too. let’s go down and join the happy couple Lance: sounds like a plan to me Tori and Lance walk off together holding hands. 5 minutes earlier Christian was walking alone when he see’s some guy talking to Tori and they look happy together, Christian is wondering who this guy is? And what his connection is to Tori? He soon see’s them walk off hand in hand together which makes him more confused. Just who is this guy? And is he a threat to what he’s trying to build with Tori?
christine king Posted January 29, 2021 Author Report Posted January 29, 2021 Chapter 10 The Morgan House Justin was surprised but happy to see who was with Tori when she arrived back at the house Justin: hey mate Justin and Lance bro hug Lance: long time no see Justin: yeah I missed this. Having a mate around. I mean you know me I’m not Robbo’s best mate or anything but Christian and me might become friends who knows Lance: wait who is Christian? Justin: um a guy that likes Tori. He’s a surgeon at the hospital. He saved my life Lance: oh I didn’t realise you were that close to him Justin: I’m not yet but I could be? I don’t know we’ll have to see Lance: and you want to date him? What’s he like? Can I meet him? Wait does Robbo know? Has he met him? Tori: wow so many questions one at a time sorry Lance: sorry just trying to catch up I’ve missed a lot clearly Tori: yeah I do like him but I don’t know if I want to start something yet. He’s nice. You can meet him if you want. Robbo does know and has met him. You all good now Lance: no not even close Tori: ok what else do you want to know? Lance: everything Tori: that could take awhile Lance: good thing I have time then Tori: really, how long you staying? Lance: however long you like. I took some time off work to spend with my family. If you want me here Tori: what of course I do! I’m so glad your here! This is going to be amazing spending heaps of time together. Robbo will be stoked too Lance: well I didn’t just come for him. I came for you too. And Jasmine as well Justin: what about me? Lance: you too. we all have to stick together. We only have each other to rely on and you know why. Tori: I know Justin: of course we know Lance: good so family time? Tori: family Justin: family Lance: I heard your dating Leah how did that happen? Justin: I don’t know we just got close and it did. Lance: I’m glad your happy you deserve it Justin: thank you. Leah is great. Lance: so should we call Robbo and Jasmine? Let’s all have dinner together Justin: can Leah come? Lance: of course I know we can trust her Justin: cool I’ll call her Tori: I’ll call salt Lance: I’ll call Robbo and Jasmine then Tori: cool let’s do this
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