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Nicholas Bishop

Guest The Cure

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In my defence I didn't start recording H&A for the Peter scenes. I started recording because I am a big fan of Noah and I realized that when the Sarah storyline ended, there would be no more Noah. And that would mean I had no inspiration for Noah fanfics.

Hence the reason I started taping :lol:

Plus I kind of took a real liking to Felix and Sarah so I made sure I taped those episodes :wub:

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In my defence I didn't start recording H&A for the Peter scenes. I started recording because I am a big fan of Noah and I realized that when the Sarah storyline ended, there would be no more Noah. And that would mean I had no inspiration for Noah fanfics.

Hence the reason I started taping :lol:

Plus I kind of took a real liking to Felix and Sarah so I made sure I taped those episodes :wub:


Lol good on ya wish i could see the episode though :(

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If I ever get them tranferred from video to DVD, I'll upload them. I was planning on getting the equipment to do that but all the money I have is tied up at the moment.

Thinking about watching them again has made me want to watch them all. I want to see the Sarah/Peter action again and laugh evilly at the chemistry they had :lol:

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Hi! I'm new to the forum, though not new to this great site which I've visited from time to time for quite a while, and certainly not new to the show - I've watched happily from about the second year. I'd love to get into these forums properly but I do enjoy it more not hearing spoilers, I don't mind knowing which actors are leaving or returning, but I'd rather not know too many plot details.

(and sxc_detective_baker, thanks very much for the clip you just posted - but I'm not sure whether to break my rule and peek at it now!)

I just about fell off my chair when I saw this 171 - 171?!! - page appreciation thread dedicated to the actor/character who's brightened up the show immensely for me over the last year! And who's actually motivated me to join and say so in here. I have a feeling I have a lot to say about Peter/Nic (Nick? Nicholas? How does he prefer to be known?)...apologies if some of this has already been said, but I feel I need to say it - you don't have to read it!

Here in the UK it was a real rollercoaster couple of episodes this week for us fans of him. Since I like him SO much, it was perhaps the worst cliffhanger they've ever put me through on the show! I knew he was leaving, so after the two gunshots in the barn, I spent 24 very nervous hours quietly freaking out, praying to the scriptwriter gods that they hadn't killed him off, and hoping that Peter "Ned Kelly" Baker was a faster draw with his gun than the baddies. :cowboy: It was such a tense moment as the next episode began with the truck zooming off because I wasn't expecting that, I thought the criminals would have been hurt. Well, one of them at least? It was done very well though with Scott, in the dark like the viewers, running over to find out what had happened. The transition into the hospital was a bit abrupt, and p'raps we didn't have long enough to be concerned about Pete's condition - we found out pretty quickly that it was a fairly superficial wound. I'm not sure I bought that Dan would suspect his brother to that degree (though Peter's line "I haven't given you much reason to trust me" went some way to counter that) and I guessed Pete was working undercover, but I didn't suspect that the whole "corrupt cop" theme had been thought up by the police. So I didn't ever believe he was dodgy, but did have fun considering that it would have made an interesting path to take the character down. I absolutely loved the tiny clue which foreshadowed the whole storyline - Kim had a radio on, rather in the background, with the story breaking. Loved all the scenes in the hospital too, both of them proposing was the fairytale ending (except for the fact that Clare was taking my favourite character away!). I wish the episode had ended with them though. I hardly heard a word Kim and Hayley were saying in between because I was so busy reflecting and basking in all the Peter scenes!

So - still with me? thanks! - after the show I finally get to visit here for a few days without too much risk of spoilers given he's only just returned in Oz. (That said, I've already heard that Clare isn't back - it's a bit of a jolt to find out, just after they ride off towards the sunset, that they've already split up.) :(

Where I discover that 1) he IS returning and 2) he may have signed a two - TWO! - year contract. Can anyone confirm this? As I say, a complete rollercoaster, going from one day wondering if his character is to be killed off, to the next, this, the BEST possible news. :wub:

It's just fabulous to know that lots of people are very much liking Peter/Nic too, and that he's returning primarily because his character is so popular with viewers. I wasn't too keen on the thought of Peter/Clare's wedding occurring off screen, but who knows, maybe now he will have one in the distant future. I've heard rumours that Dan may be leaving though, and that would be a huge shame because the relationship between the brothers is one of the most interesting things about the show, it just adds an extra dimension, and while in this ep we were treated to some top-class scenes, I don't think the writers have made the most of the two of them.

I can't fathom why he's never been added to the main title credits, it's always bugged me. His role is pretty much as big as many of the cast? Isn't this something an agent should do - negotiate these sort of things? One thing that's always impressed me is that (unlike Neighbours) the titles are always kept right up to date. I was a bit peeved when Dan sailed straight into the titles, while Pete was relegated to a hospital bed for three months, because, while I like Dan, I've always felt Pete was the more interesting brother. The way the closing credits are often squished here now, you can't even read the extra actors names.

Finally I'd like to contribute to this topic the permitted amount of drooling. Throughout all the years of the show, while I've liked many characters, there have been just three who I've been utterly and completely attracted to, and Nic is right up there as one of them, maybe even at the top. Then I'd like to add some more drooling. Hopefully I'll get into trouble with our local policeman... :D

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