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Nicholas Bishop

Guest The Cure

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If Jack suddenly gets made Detective now I will be so mad...

I like the idea of Jack having Pete's liver - Pete will still be around then (kind of, in a quite icky way). I've been persuading myself that they wouldn't kill him off after only just bringing him back and I was so sure... How wrong I was.

Ooh, I will also be mad if they kill of Kit as well. I may stop watching for a while in protest!

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I am so upset and mad.

I'm going hystercal.

He dies and I am just..too sad.

I already toughed that he dosen't die and now it comes out that he does. Well at least he dies at the hospital.

But, maybe that Mafia thing is true and Peter actes like he is dead, but actually he is taken away from Summer Bay and put into a witness protecion program.

The only thing they will be taking away is his liver ( or was that kidney)!!!!

Soooo angry! He can't be dead! R.I.P Baker

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I think it is liver, but maybe it even is the kidney, I'm not very sure wiche one it is.

Peter almost never was happy in Summer Bay, he didin't have a lovelife or any other kind a life. He always sat in his office and paniced or yelled or was mad. And the residents of Summer Bay always blamed Peter about Zoe 's return. They made Peters life sad and now I'm gonna make sure that Summer Bay will pay :lol: .. Well, actually I'm not gonna turne into Zoe, but I am gonna be very mad if Peters Memorial service won't be perfect.

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