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Nicholas Bishop

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Just found this on official site, They wrote this >>>


bexs-15 drew is really hot. He is so cute and has a great body. You picked a great actor for Peter's son he so acts like Peter did. Like when he licks him lips lots and his hands on his hips or pulls the same facial exporessions it's wicked :). But Peter will allways be better. I think Drew should have the same hair style as his dad had when he returned in 2006 or at least cut it :P. So yes Drew is the new Hottie in Summer Bay. One extra boy to drool over :) Or you could just bring his dad back from the grave :P

They replied this >>>

Anything is possible in Summer Bay!

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Sorry but id rather have Peter than Drew :(

I'd rather have Pete too. The whole 'Goodbye Peter, Hello Drew' was a figure of speech.

Sorry but id rather have Peter than Drew :(

Yeah I would rather have Peter aswell but with Drew atleast we have the chance of he allways mentioning his dad

Yes that's what I mean :) Because have you seen how popular Drew is, because he is Pete's son .

I hope the 'anything is possible in summer bay comes through.' Yeah, the poll already says so. I was really surprised that Drew is winning. Btw, Colette, did you vote yet?

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Vote where? for what? oooooooo am i voting for Peter to come back? no oh dam lol

where do i vote?

I put up a poll called 'The Baker Family.' We've already lost him over here so that really, really sucks big time. Btw, Lil, thanks for posting those pictures. Couldn't remember how hot he looked in long hair until I saw the pics. *Sighs* :wub:

I'm particularly loving the last pic-his got a cute and sexy smile :wub:

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