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Nicholas Bishop

Guest The Cure

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Can someone please let me know if this is Nic Bishop's correct birthdate

Nicholas Bishop ** Peter** October 7 1969

Edit: Nevermind found it!! :)

I thought I read somewhere a while ago, he was only 31 (turning 32 this year). And I remember that on the official site in nic's bio it said he was born under the zodiac sign of virgin, so if that's right he can't be born on october 7. hmm, sorry if I'm maybe confusing with someone else his bio, but then again I'm pretty sure about it.

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His birthday - Marianne, you're right, the official site definitely did say he's a Virgo, plus someone once stated here he was 31, so I'm not sure that the IMDB - which isn't always 100% reliable - saying 7 Oct 69 is right. Then again, it does seem odd if someone entered an incorrect date there.

Anyway...recently I e-mailed the official site to say how fantastic Nic and Peter are, and how disappointed I was to hear that he'd been killed off, excerpt: "...His name is - was? *wipes tear*! - Peter."

I seriously got a HUGE shock, when they unexpectedly replied with: "Don't cry too much, amazing things can happen in Summer Bay!"... :o

Now obviously they're not giving anything away, but I would like to think that they wouldn't be so unfair as to say that if they didn't Know Something... I still can't believe I didn't seriously consider he could be back. I think it's partly that death tends to seem pretty final(!), plus there seemed to be little doubt he'd left, plus maybe I didn't dare to hope. But now it equally makes sense that Nic wanted some time off to be with his new baby, took a vow of silence about his future on the show, and could quite easily return. Somehow or other. So you're technically dead? Not a problem in Summer Bay! Apparently the official site are soon going to invite suggestions as to how to bring Pete back! - I also like to think they wouldn't stir up this kind of line of thought amongst fans, unless it was going to happen. I wonder...

D'you think this is a Very Exciting Big Deal, or are they just messing with us (I'd be extremely peeved), trying to enhance the show online/retain interest in a popular, departed character? :unsure: I so WANT to believe! :)

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