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Nicholas Bishop

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(Are we all right? I got a virus warning here the other day, fled instantly, ran a check, fortunately seemed that I didn't actually get it. They can be a pain to get rid of, so I've been cautious and stayed away - right at the moment I particularly wanted to share some good news with the world!)

Thought I'd bump this thread up the pile by mentioning Petey in his PJs last night! :wub:


Mmm, and what a marvellous excuse for bumping the thread that is.

(Nicely spotted with the identical ties! That's funny.)

So, the good news - I received my first H&A fan card this week! (I wrote to Zoe, to ask for tips on stalking handsome detectives.)

Okay, that isn't strictly true. I thought someone here mentioned a three-month time frame for Nic, so I had hopes in mind of getting one by Christmas. Plus having read various comments, several months seems pretty much the average, with a fair few requests to the cast going unanswered. The Royal Mail site states a minimum of four days to Australia, and it looks like it took six the other way. It took just 19 - yes, 19! - days from me posting my letter to getting his card back, which is way beyond my most optimistic expectations.

The picture looks so much better in reality than whatever version I once saw on the net, bright, colourful. The cards are a slightly unusual size aren't they (quite long and thin)? His writing is indeed very nice, as someone said previously.

Sadly he didn't take the opportunity to answer my quickfire questions, shame since I so much would like to know more about him, and as you say, for whatever reason he doesn't seem to do a lot of interviews - unlike the super-nice Tim, who has a new one on every single H&A site I get to. Indeed, maybe Tim is the one to ask questions to about Nic! Now THAT would be fun! Still, I don't regret for a second asking, whereas I would if I hadn't, there was a chance he'd answer, or had an info sheet or something. Maybe he likes being a bit mysterious, or perhaps he's just a private kind of guy which is perfectly understandable (though my questions weren't too probing, honest!).

Needless to say, he didn't spill A Bean about his future on the show. If there is such a thing. Unless there's a clue in invisible ink on the envelope, well, he's a detective, you never know. Should I "send it to forensics for analysis"?

Maybe this unique situation, not knowing if Pete is gone or not, was what finally motivated me to write, but I'm glad it did, because it feels good to tell Nic so directly that he's been really great on the show, and let him know exactly what I think of him. It was a fine line between sneaking in as many compliments as possible, while keeping in mind that he's very much not single! The bonus is that I'm very happy to have his photo, and more so in case he's not with the show much longer. If he's back, I really think I'll never take his scenes for granted any more after this.

I think I'd be more likely to write to him again, than to write to someone different actually. Much as I rate and like, lots of the cast, I don't think it would come as naturally to fill blank pages to anyone else. It was a real blast to do, it pretty much wrote itself, but boy, how much would I like to know how he took it, to have watched him reading! Wonder if he thought it was rubbish, and quickly forgot it, or did it put *that* smile on his face for the rest of the day? Oh well, I'm sure his pic will put a goofy grin on my face for months!

Good on H&A for having in place such a smooth system (and paying their postage, it must add up), and Nic goes up yet further in my estimation (hm, is that possible?) for being so amazingly fast. Maybe I was just lucky and caught him at a good time - or maybe he actually is the awesome guy I suspect. Such attentive service is not going to help cure my ever growing crush on him any, however. (I don't know that you'd ever read this, but thanks, Nic.) :wub:

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Congrats CJ! Found a place to put it yet? :P

By the way, you totally write exactly how I felt when I received the fancard. I was a little gutted that he didn't answer my questions but I was pretty much alright after that because I got his autograph and his picture :wub:

I like Nic being private. Somehow there's something to it. Makes us like/ :wub: him even more.

I'm guessing if it took him 19 days to reply to yours and about 3 weeks for mine, does that sort of say something about the possiblity of him being back? Just wondering. :)

Speaking of handwritings, is the writing on the card he sent to Leah and Dan, wishing them Happy Anniversary the same as his writing on the fan card? I can't seem to tell. Eventho I spent 10 mins or so analyzing both writings. :P

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