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Nicholas Bishop

Guest The Cure

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Well CJ, your post was a good read. I enjoyed it. :P

Don't have much to add after all that.

Thanks a lot for saying so, Natasha! I have a load more miscellaneous thoughts, having seen two episodes tonight, the wedding, followed by the whole cast in hospital. :( Channel 5 kindly just chose to launch their new spin-off channel, meaning we could see two new episodes for one day only. They couldn't have picked a better duo of episodes, it was like an hour long season finale. My head's still spinning with it all, so since I have four months before I can contribute to this topic much more, I might as well take some time and try and get comments into at least a vague sort of order.

Please excuse me for not reading/skimming half the newest posts - trying not to spoil too much. We haven't even MET Drew yet. Sigh. So excited that Pete's back in Australia, and for what his future holds. I'd already started wondering whether it was legal or illegal drugs. I think having someone else responsible for whatever condition he is in is the best possible explanation though, rather than it being his own fault!

I really hope Peter doesn't go back to being a friggin cop again straight away, they need to actually give this guy a character by letting him interect with Drew, Dan & Amanda and even Leah. I want them to give him a girlfriend down the track, I think Rachel would be a great choice!

Yeah we want to see Peter and Dan interacting more not like last time when they were only together about 5 times the whole time he was there.

Amen to THAT. I'm so glad you said it, Lilone, because it's something I TOTALLY agree on. They're so great together, just naturally casual. Also I like Rachel very much and would be pleased to see her get together with Pete at some point. I was trying to recall the outcome of the episode, around #4105, one of Rachel's first. Dan tried to set P. and R. up over a dinner party, but I can't quite remember what happened. I think they were onto him, and while they were friendly to one another, they weren't interested at the time? Was Peter going to take her surfing? I've long felt that the past relationship, whatever it was, between Peter and Amanda is something of an unexploded time bomb, so now that the Bay is hopefully free of real bombs, maybe they can delve into this. It's somehow hard to imagine them together though! And while I certainly do want to see him at work again, I'd like some balance, because this time it was - thanks to Zoe - work and nothing else.

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God that is so weird that i just watch the uk episode where peter died, then watch the aus episode, where he back alive, never was dead. You got to love home & away. I know i do. what a excited night & morning it been for me. What a great explanation they gave about peter, i was very happy about that. I also loves the scenes between peter & his son drew. Both fantastic acting. I was on the edge of my seat. Can't wait for next episode. :D

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A couple of scenes from 4296

Drew: What about you, you just going to go back into witness protection?

Pete: Denise Gillian wants revenge and is not going to stop unless he gets it. If I stay in hiding then you are in danger, the whole family's in danger and I can't do that. not anymore!

Drew: The guy wants you dead!

Pete:If thats the only way to keep you safe Drew then their is no other choice.

Peter: There is no sign of um we should make a move.

Drew: You can't just turn yourself over.

Peter: Drew we don't have time to muck around..

Drew: NO their going to kill you for real this time!

Peter: look It's either you or its me and theirs not a choice as far as i'm concerned...

Drew: How am I mean't to live with that knowing that you got youreslf killed because of me.

Pete: Mate it's not your fault, any of it. I'm the reason you are caught up in this so lets just......

Drew: No you can't do this dad, you can't just turn up then telle me you are going straight back out there to get killed.

Pete: Drew we have to go, come on please.

Drew: NO you are going to have to think of something else because I'm not doing it. I'm just not!

Peter: For god sake we are wasting time, I just need to get you out of here. Lets go...

Drew: I have allready told you I'm not going. No get off me ok.

Peter: Drew I'm not going to argue with you so lets just go.

Drew: You are my dad and I'm not just going to let you get killed ok so let me go!. Do you have any idea what I have been going through for the past few months? Thinking you were dead!

Peter: Yes of course I do

Drew: Then why are you asking me to do this?

Pete: Because It's either you or me and there is no choice as far as i'm concerned.

Do you think that I don't want the chance to finally get to know my own son properly. You think I would toss that away, the only thing I have wanted more in the my entire life!

you think that I would give that up if I thought there was another way?

Do ya?

Drew: I don't know

Pete: Drew I am your father! now you can fight me on this as much as you like but if you think I'm just going to stand back and watch anyone of these people hurt you!. Look it's not going to happen.


So you are going to walk out that door even if I have to drag you!!!


Look I love you mate. How much clearer do I have to make that.

Please, come on aye!

*Drew and Peter hug*

*They walk out the shed and head over to the car bus as they go to get in Denise arrives.

Denise: Ha Ha long time no see Petey boy. Glad we finally caught up with ya. And the boy!

Pete: Look I'm the one you want, ok. You have no reason to keep Drew so just let him go.

Denise: Yeah your probably right about that Petey. He's done all we needed him for. Thanks kid.

Much appreciated. You served him right up to us.

Drew: Get stuffed.

Peter: look just Get out of here. Get out of here as fast as you can.

Drew: No I'm not leaving. Drew we have been through this! Please it's the only way.

Denise: Kid we have not got all day.

Drew: I just wish.....

Pete: Yeah ok Yeah I no

Drew: Their going to kill you.

Pete: Just remember that I love you and I allways have.

Denise: Come on your breaking my heart!

Drew: I'm sorry I didn't give you a chance. I reakon if I did, you would of been allright.

Pete: Yeah well I know I would have tried.

Denise: Last chance kid. Take ir or leave it.

Pete: look just go ok, just go get out of here.

*Drew runs off and Peter is pushed back into the shed*

*one gun shot is fired*

*drew breaks down as he thinks Pete is dead*

*Darren finds Denise dead on the floor and is shocked when Pete appears behind*

Yay more scenes likje that to come.... Daddy and son :wub:

I love that entire scene. Haven't watched it yet. But that was a fantastic scene. Made me love Peter even more and made me love Drew as well.... Underneath that tough exterior of his, he loves his daddy.

Thanks for that Lil! :)

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Well, first Dan was Shocked at Peter being alive then he was mad at Peter for what happened (which was all out of Peters control) then..Dan got upset, The Dan went to see Peter, and ended up bursting into tears whist hugging Peter :( It was a very emonatial scene. It had me crying :unsure:

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OMG i have GOT to see that scene! :o anyone know where i can download or see photos?

Its also good that they can get on now, dan wasnt exactly nice to peter before. apparantly before san arrived, they didnt get along in the past and peter was never close to his family. whats all that about? :unsure:

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Yes I loved the whole Dan crying in Peter's arms scene. Got a bit teary. Very happy to see some father/ son bonding. I did laugh a bit though when Peter goes "I am your father" ... it reminded me of Star Wars! Such a great guy. Gotta love him...no matter how scruffy or angry he gets! :wub:

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Yes I loved the whole Dan crying in Peter's arms scene. Got a bit teary. Very happy to see some father/ son bonding. I did laugh a bit though when Peter goes "I am your father" ... it reminded me of Star Wars! Such a great guy. Gotta love him...no matter how scruffy or angry he gets! :wub:

Hey I'm a fan in the UK and really enjoy watching Nic on screen as Peter. He's so gorgeous! Does anybody know where I can get some wallpaper/photo for my computer of him? I love your Mr Policeman pic......! x

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