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Nicholas Bishop

Guest The Cure

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I just saw ep 4319 and also the promo for Friday's ep. Lilone you were right, it was hillarious seeing Peter jump behind the sofa :D

I must say he has been looking extreemly good ever since he came back :P Of course, he has always looked hot, but I don't know... there's just something about him now that he's back... okay, maybe I'm imagining things :P

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A very good question, Adia, which I was just that second considering! Possible reasons that Peter could be jumping behind a sofa:

1) he spotted a penny on the carpet

2) practicing for the next Olympics

3) playing hide-and-seek with Ryan

4) catching a spider

5) he was hiding from Amanda

or 6) Amanda was there first?

re: nudity, as this topic, strangely enough, seems to have been turning to a lot lately, we - and Sally - were offered a view of Brad locked out with nothing on this week. But I don't think it did the character or the actor any favours (not commenting on his body, which I don't mind seeing!), it was kind of too much, too soon - when you start off like that on the show, where do you go next?

Whereas with Pete it's the opposite, if he did appear once in half a wetsuit, it's so long ago that most of us have actually forgotten. :o I'm all for it being a rare occurence, there's a lot to be said for leaving things up to the imagination, but are we not overdue some kind of sight by about a year?!

re: what's been happening in the UK episodes:

We got to see Amanda's swimming pool the other day. She managed to pull Macca in fully clothed, so that Irene could come along and jump to the wrong conclusions. It was all a bit too contrived. The thought occurred as to how much Pete's presence would've elevated things, how much of a thoroughly fun scene it would have been if it was him instead, and even more so if there'd been a romantic edge to it. (Wonder if the pool will make a reappearance in the future, or if it was a one-time guest starring role...)

Morag read through Pete's will. If I had believed he was really gone, it would've been very moving to hear his ("mushy", according to brat Drew) words, explaining to Dan, some weeks after his death. And even though he's out there somewhere, it was, again, unexpectedly touching, and still a great scene.

Drew is not endearing himself to Peter fans yet, in fact this comment was awful, to say the least.

Dan: "Maybe you could get to know more about him." Drew: "As if I'd want to. The guy was a total loser." Dan: "Show some respect." Indeed.

How can Drew say that when he was offered the chance to get to know Peter, and didn't take it? I think it was only after Drew decided not to live with P. that he went off to boarding school. I do wonder how many time Drew and Pete met (once? regularly?), exactly how well did Drew know him, because it's not clear at this point in the story.

re: the season finale, who's very curious to see where Peter will be? Involved in a cliffhanger, or not? Here's a novel idea: happy? (He'd just better not be in hospital!)

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