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Nicholas Bishop

Guest The Cure

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Right.... lets get this thread going......

1) Best scene that Nic has acted

2) Best line he has said!

3) Best outfit?

4) Worst outfit?

5) most memoral momement for Peter? (episode)


1) Explaining to Drew how he survived!

2) episode 4296

Drew: Why are you asking me to do this

Pete: Because its you or its me and thats not a choice as far as i'm concerned!

Do you think I dont want the chance to finally get to know my own son properly! Do you think I would toss that away, the only thing I have ever wanted in my entire life? you think that I would give it up, if I thought there was annother way?

Do ya?

Drew I am your father, you can fight me on this all you like but if you think I'm going to stand here and watch any one of these people hurt you, look its not going to happen ok so you are going to walk out that door even if I have to drag you right! look I love you mate!

(well ok maybe its not a line but I think that lil script was written so well :D )

3) gotta love that shirt...


4) 32.jpg

Dont like him in that colour!

5) the best/ memoriable episode has gotta be him in the abbitoir with Zoe or him crying by Dans bedside awwwww

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Angel_Parrish - I'm also glad I'm not the only one who feels that way :P

Vlienski - I can't wait to see Monday's ep now :P I'll let you know what I think of her then!

answers to Lilone's questions:

1) I think he acts very good in all his scenes but if I have to pick one I'd go for the scene at Jack & Martha's wedding after the explotion, Pete's on the floor and Dan & Leah are thrying to keep him consious, Nic was so convincing in that scene (when he puked it even looked real :P )

2) that's a difficult one, I'll think about that

3) this one


and this one


and also the first pic that lil said, with the blue shirt :P

4) normal4297capture34oh1.jpg

5) his return from the 'dead'

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Right.... lets get this thread going......

1) Best scene that Nic has acted

2) Best line he has said!

3) Best outfit?

4) Worst outfit?

5) most memoral momement for Peter?

1) The stuff with the drug addiction. The best scene was after he and Amanda were locked in the pantry and he was back at Leah and Dan's going through his clothes looking for his pills. He yelled at everyone to just "shut up" I thought Nic was absolutely brilliant in that! My joint favourite was when Zoe texted him at his apartment (after the bomb I think it was?) and he threw the cellphone off the balcony.

2) Any line that he says... lol. But the one that sticks out in my head was when he was investigating the Josh West murder and he walked into the diner to get a coffee. I can't remember the details, but everyone pretty much avoided him. He looked so sad and he said to Leah, "It's not easy being this popular." I think after that Leah told him about Dan threatening Josh at the gym. He looked so very sad and alone when he said that. I felt so sorry for him!

3) Best outfit is definitely any of his police shirts and that damn sexy holster and belt.

4) He looks good in anything, but I don't like him in the white shirt and the grey sweat pants. He looks like he's a patient in a nursing home. (Sorry if that sounds harsh... but I didn't know how else to describe it.)

5) Saving Sally/At Dan's beside/When he saved Leah... all the times that he's been a hero!

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(1) the one with the explosion where they caught zoe

(2) "Claire:zoe is dead whan are you going to accept it?

Peter:well I can't not after today.

Claire:OK. Well how abt I make it really easy for you unless you can proove what your saying I don't want her name mensioned in this office again.

Peter: But Claire you even said that sarah was...

Claire: That sarah Lewis was some how linked to the stalker Yes but I never said for a second the a dead women was terrerising the bay.

Peter: And I never said that was some dead women terrerising the bay.

Claire: Well she is dead.

Peter: OK well listen why don't yo tell me what this is really about?

why don't you tell me the thruth?

Claire: the thruth?

(Peter looks at her VERY seriously)

Claire: The thruth is you are a libility to this investigatin k you making it personal and it's putting the whole case a risk k onemore slip up like his and your off the case.

Peter: aw this is crazy.

Claire: Well if you don't like it you can step down, now.

(3) the one with the black suit, white shirt,no tie,and the gun hostle.

(4) the thing he's waring when he come back from the dead.

(5) either the one onewhere he's crying over dan or the one where rachel comes in and says he's dead from lack of oxegen.

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Yay your keeping this thread going with me glad I get you thinking Marianne°° :P Its nice to go back through his episodes and think what you like the best :D

Adia I agree with you when he says "It's not east being this poular" because he has that lil grin on his face:D

Alyson Amy Baker I love that scene with him and Claire you really start to see the sexual fustration build up.

:( Wish chrissie was awake she would help me out :P

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