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Nicholas Bishop

Guest The Cure

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Yep, thank you for the clips, I intend to watch them right through sometime. Ooh, isn't that Peter O'Brien (who's now in Casualty with Kip)?!

Hey all, always nice to be here. I feel as if I first should apologise for not contributing to this topic for ages - sorry, plus thanks to those keeping it going. I guess it's mainly that I haven't been enthusiastic enough to actually write something, it's been extremely disappointing how the writers have practically ignored Peter for the last five months.

Finally the endless Kelli story seems to be at an end in the UK. I might have enjoyed it more if I hadn't been thinking all the way through how she's been too much the focus of the show for ages, been on screen for about ten times as long as Peter, and how everybody else was more important to this plot than him (firstly Amanda, then Belle, even Ethan).

I really can't believe how little Pete has had to do, he's been so much in the background and has hardly even said a word to Drew. Still, there are some highlights, from where he was interviewing Rocco's killer at the station and was wonderfully sarcastic, to the start of the wedding (oddly I'd always assumed it was in a church until it aired! But not one person picked up the pic under their chairs until the end...?), to a brief chat with Belle at the Diner (nothing out of the ordinary but it's welcome to get some interaction with as many different people as possible), to saying "hello mum!" to Dan who suggested he get up earlier (sadly that's about all they've said to one another in months), to, er, the recent scenes where he's discovered that Summer Bay actually has a nice beach! Even when he just asked Alf if he'd had a good catch was noteworthy, since he probably hasn't said a word to him for around a year?!

At last we've reached a couple of episodes where he's had some decent scenes, and has felt more like a member of the cast again, from assuring Belle at the station that Kelli was innocent, to making phone calls at the hospital, to driving Ethan to Amanda's accident, to rushing into the burning car to save her...well, nearly (how exactly did she get out anyway?), to talking and holding her hand in hospital.

"I just wanted to make sure Kelli got to the station." was a fabulous line explaining to Amanda in hospital where he'd been - it invoked the memory of Zoe/Eve escaping from the police van. :)

Of course, Dan (and Leah who's been invisible, now abroad) has had even less to do over the last...year? I'd like much more of him. Even Brad has been sidelined. I'm not too impressed with the newcomers initially, from Jules and Lily to Hugh, and I was never particularly fond of Kit and Kim. However, Martha and Jack are better not married, and Cam's a good villain!

I so wonder if a lack of good scenes prompted, or hastened, Nic's choice to leave, or if he was quite content. I can't believe the writers couldn't have worked out how to use him a lot better all this time. :angry:

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Dont know what to say C.J but have to agree on every think you have said Nic could have had a better story line being s that they brought him back from the dead, for him to leave again so soon I personaly thought he wasnt happy with the story I know I read in one of our soap mags he wasnt happy about having a seveteen year old son but I just thought it was a flash of him being young himself but there you go.

have to agree tho the writers did ignor him for a lot of that story and I suppose that wouldnt have helped.

But I do hope he comes back into the bay even if he has to have Amanda with him.

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I have to agree with C.J, it is incredible how much Pete has been in the background over the last few months. I was so happy when he returned and the first few months he had a lot of good scenes.

Ever since Kelli came on the scene he was always put in the background. It was very disappointing that he had so few scenes with Drew. It is such a pity he was not more in the story and it would not surprise me at all if this would have influenced his decision to leave. I can not believe he would have been content with the storylines he had over the last few months. I really do not understand why he wasn't given a better storyline, he was a very popular character after all.

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The episode with Nic in is not this Tuesday but Next on BBC one and up to now I have a friend who is able to upload it.

Once I have the episode on Megaupload I will paste the link.

I hear he is topless in the episode :)

The All Saints ep ?

Yep topless :)

seen it ! and his hair is really really long in it too ;)

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