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The 'have a moan' thread


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:rolleyes: Yes I do :P

But I'm lucky, I don't have to buy "nynorsk ordbok" and the german one ;)

BUT, the problem is, Lånekassen haven't replies yet, and I'm sure my parent's are earing enough to give me some :P

I don’t know how the system works with you and Mer in your country. I don't think any student should have to pay a penny for anything. Governments should be pleased that people want a education, in stead of sitting at home and sponging of the state. All books should be given to you, and then passed on after their use. I know this will never happen, but all students should not have to apply for a loan to survive, but have a income from the government to support them selves. As there is enough people sat on butts in the house, getting money for nothing. My kids are only 3 and 5, but already we are putting money aside for them, as we don’t like the fact that when/ or if the go to college and uni. They will be in debt at the end of it.

But we can always dream the world will change,, yeah right.

The trouble is us tax payers have to pay for it in the long run

Us tax payers pay for it anyway, if they are in college or uni. So i rather pay for it to be at a use, instead of the idiots sponging of the state and playing on their play stations for nothing to show for their lives. I rather pay for that, than the bloody dome in London, or the rubbish being built in Cardiff for the olympics in 6 years time. Also the students in college and uni, are also going to be tax payers in the future, so they will be paying back in to the system. But will the lazy sods that sit on their butts be doing the same???. I don't think so.


I don‘t believe any books should be bought by students, they should be supplied according to the courses the person takes. My eldest brother went to uni, but this was the time it was for free. I think it is disgraceful that it is means tested, depending on the income your parents receive.

Katya, that much debt is terrible for you and thousands of others. It may be a learning curve on the financial side,, but the whole point of you all being in uni, is to concentrate on your studies. I hate when people go to uni and study rubbish things like the different sorts of coloured grass, as it is pointless. But when youngsters study legitimate subjects, it should all be FREE.


Students (in the UK at least) are given the opportunity to take out a student loan which is intended for course materials (or in my case, alcohol, clothes, food and holidays). You do have to pay this back when you're working and earning a certain amount, but it does help to ease the financial worries when you're studying. Although I'm now £15000 in debt :angry:

I was quite happy to pay for my books; I saw them as an investment, and knew I would always refer to them even after my course was finished. I think if students didn't pay for anything at all it would have a detrimental effect on them; I certainly learned how to budget when I was studying, and to have everything given to me on a plate wouldn't have done me any good at all. Uni, in my opinion, is about more than academic learning. You need to learn to take responsibility, to plan your time, budget, se;f-motivate, and a whole load of other things.

Katya, i wished there were more like you trying to be self surfficent, it does help to realise the value of money, instead of hand out which can come too easily.

Even though Katya is in debt for that much, at that young age. Nobody at that age should be in debt for the education, because they want to do more with their lives. Instead of being sat on their butts doing nothing about their lives.


This is why I gave up having friends years ago. They are too much hardwork and only stab you in the back when things go wrong.

Stick to imaginary friends. You can argue with them but you'll always make up... unless they steal all the chocolate <_<

Muse you are right there, but in my case. Families are to much hard work at the moment........

So i have given up on them, until i am ready..

Why is life so damed hard at times, and people the closest to you make it harder, because they kick you when you feel down. And the reason why you feel down is because they made you feel this way.

( i am talking about my divorced brother, that lives with my parents). Thank god for my hubby steve, as he is fab at listening and understanding.


My Moan: I am about (-) this close to doing something very drastice to myself. Why is life hell and then all the people you love turn out all confsuing and you dont understand it at all, and then you think your falling in love with someone else at the same time your in love with the first person..

Ok, that dosnt make anysense at all. :angry:


Sorry to double post but I have anonther moan.. yes I know my life is full of them

My sceond moan: Had a rather hard convo with partner and now I think I just lost a very good friend :(


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