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The 'have a moan' thread


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^^ Stupid teachers do they think we have no life? :rolleyes: I've got tonnes of english, Irish and French homework and its suposed to be Mid-Term :angry:


Aaron's been told he has to pay about £200 if he wants a wheelchair so basically because he can't walk he is confined to the downstairs of his house for two months or more apart from hospital visits because all he has to use to help him walk is a frame.

You could buy one for that!

Has Aaron tried looking at renting a wheelchair from a mobility service? They deal with wheelchair rentals for the elderly or injured. You still pay but most are cheaper than 200. Best place to find a service is yellow pages.

Hope this helps :wink:


Are you taking an AS Level in Literature, Jess?

I took it as a last minute option and my moan is that I can't analyse Pride and Prejudice, no matter how hard I try.

I'm doing P+P at uni at the moment, so if you need any help I'm happy to give it a go (can't promise it will be any use, though!).


I haven't done any of my work. It's all my own stupid fault. I cannot concentrate on anything, no matter how hard i try. This has been going on for a while now, it's just hard to see the point of everything. All i want to do is sleep, for the world to stop for a while. I know i have to do my work, but i've been putting it off for so long that now i have so much piling up and i don't think i'll be able to do it in time. It's making me really upset, because i know it's my own fault. I can't stop worrying about it, but now there's just so much, i can't face it.


^^ Clare...I know it's hard, but just try and break it down into chunks, set yourself mini deadlines to get things done by, reward yourself when you've reached certain points and maybe go and explain the situation to your tutors and see what they can do. If you really have got that much work to do then I'm sure they'll be sympathetic. :)


This is my first ever moan on here and here goes.

I go on another forum [it's not a home and away one] on there are a few members who don't like any of my kind post.

They want to see this lady wearing rude dresses on tv, cause they want to see what they have got, [if you know what i mean] On the forum they dont say that they want to to see that sort of thing because it's not allow to say those sort of words.

But this one member who goes on another forum that does allow to say anything and says that he is always happy to see her wearing rude clothes and he is looking for her to make one big mistake.

And i made a message saying that i hope that she will cover up and not show what she have got and then this one guy give me a abuse message, only because he wants her to wear these sort of clothes.

I love this girl that i'm talking about and i'm a massive fan of hers, but others fans are only fans cause they want to see her wearing the wrong sort of clothes.


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