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The 'have a moan' thread


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Aww Cal, u have Crohn's? :( That sucks. I've just been diagnosed with IBS, and it's getting me down a lot. Hope you feel better.

I do. I was diagnosed at the end of September.

It really does suck, doesn't it?!

I havn't really gotten used to it, it's all still wandering around in my head. Being not able to eat my favourite foods also sucks. I can't eat any wholemeal foods or high fibre foods.

School is very difficult, just worrying alot. My grades have gone down because I can't concentrate. It's all so confusing.

One thing I must mention, I have just started trying it. Manuka Honey. Try it! It is really good for us IBS sufferers. It gets rid of all the symptoms.... if you know what I mean. :wink: Here is a link... http://www.manukahoney.com/resources/condi...ach-ulcers.html

Don't get too down about it. It gets better as time goes on. I ended up back in hospital a second time because I ate the wrong foods, but try and stick to a low-fibre diet and you'll be fine.

Thanks Cal, that really helps. I'm finding it really stressful because I keep having to miss work, and we're only allowed to be off sick 3 times in 6 months or we have to go to a special hearing thingy and undergo monitering. So obviously I'm pretty worried, which only makes things worse! Also it's my 21st birthday in 2 weeks but I don't think I'll be able to celebrate because it's so difficult to make plans at the moment. :( I'll try the honey though - anything's worth a try!

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It all started Saturday morning when I got a note saying DevArt had removed my deviation %7Boption%7Dhttp://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a64/mercury_girl/diverse/djrogue.png], DJ Rogue, as I have breached their rules on plagiarism - simply saying I had stolen the original photo from a website. Not true.

Or, better yet, it started sometime last week when I asked Mavakoy if I could use his photo of Rogue as a DJ for an icon (link), to which he said yes.

I uploaded the deviation, said thanks in the "artist comment"-box to Mavakoy, and all was fine and dandy. At least till someone saw it and "reported" the plagiarism. The image was removed and I was told that if I did such a thing again, I would be banned from the site.

I replied saying I had permission to use the original photo, and asked if Mavakoy should contact them as well, to prove my point. Got a note back saying I would have to upload his permission when I uploaded the deviation, or he should just comment on it saying I was allowed to use his photograph, which would be impossible since it was removed before he even had the chance to see it!

Mavakoy checked up the rules, and pointed me in the direction of some rule saying the copyright holder, or someone appointed by the copyright holder, are the only ones who can ask for a deviation to be removed due to copyright infringement/plagiarism. DevArt has failed to follow their own rule. I forwarded a message he wrote saying I was allowed to use his deviation, and yet again all they can say is that I need to upload a permission when I upload the deviation.

They have failed to reply to his inquiry of saying who demanded my deviation to be removed, nor did they any notice of the "Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike 2.5 License" the photo was released under on his website.

As Phantoms commented when I posted this in my DevArt blog - this is how they lose good artists. Now, I'm not saying that I'm a good artist, not even close, but it ticks me off more than you can imagine. She also said that she have reported several instances where her own work has been (actually) stolen, without anything happening.


That is utter trash Mar! (I have a few colourful things to say but this is a family friendly board).

If you have permission from the original artist, and he never made a complaint, then you are in the right, DeviantArt being in the wrong.

I would get a written statement from the original artist and write a statement yourself, and demand a response. I'm sure there are avenues to take it higher, maybe if you check the forums and see if there were similar problems to this.

I hope everything works out for you, it would be a shame if deviantArt lost you!

And don't sell yourself short, you are a good artist! :D


Funny thing is that I have forwarded a written permission from the photographer, and they haven't replied to my question about why they're breaking their own rules. Another, even more funny thing is that he has done the same and they haven't even replied!


I did that yesterday trying to get stamps for all Mum's christmas cards, it's so annoying...hate when everything goes ridiculously busy at christmas.


My moan: It sounds silly but I'm really fed up because my birthday's coming to an end. :( Don't get me wrong, I've had a great day and I finally got my new computer, I just hate that 'end of birthday' feeling. :(


My moan: Get ready for it. I'll try and make it as simple as possible.

Tomorrow i have a course essay exam.

Usually i'm prepared for these things, but i'm not for this one.

I've done a lot of the work, but my teacher can't look at it until just before my exam tomorrow so it could be completely wrong.

I wanted to go and see my techer today but i had to go to a funeral (also horrible :()

So i emailed my teacher with my first draft last night and explained the situation to him on Monday.

He hasn't sent me any email back saying it's right/wrong or giving any sort of advice.

So, i don't know how to finish my essay.

I am a major insommniac which would usually give me lots of time to finish the essay, but seeing as i don't know what to do, it just means i will be up worrying about it all night.

I am going to try and get my first lesson free tomorrow (means grovelling to another teacher/bunking) to finish my essay then (before the exam) but that still leaves the problem of me going into an exam without my teacher seeing my work which could = failure.

Also, i spent all last weekend doing work, I mean ALL weekend, but still haven't made a dent in it.

As well as the exam tomorrow (today sorry) i still have a piece of coursework in for Thursday.

I haven't even STARTED that piece of coursework - yes it's only a 1st draft, but still.

I didn't not do it out of laziness, i simply haven't had any time.

I'm getting really stressed out.

The end. Any sort of advice would be great, because i'm feeling really down.


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