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The 'have a moan' thread


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I got scratched on the back by a pitbull today and she didn't even leave a cool mark so I can impress people. In other news, my nail polish is taking too long to dry.

tbh, i'm glad about the pitbull :) they get far too much badpress....

They're a restricted breed in Australia, that's why she's at the pound. She's a really nice dog, she just gets excited. Unfortunately she'll probably be put down. If that's not something to moan about, I don't know what is

I don't mind pitbulls either. It's people's fault that they've been bred to be aggressive. Dogs shouldn't be destroyed because idiots want to pay other idiots to watch them tear each other apart. It's not like they can't be trained to settle down. I spent 15 minutes with that dog yesterday. She went from jumping all over me to sitting with her head in my lap. Watch The Dog Whisperer some time. He's got like seven of them! It's also the fault of idiots that untrained dogs get out of unsecured yards and attack kids, strangers, and other animals because no-one bothered to teach them any better. People suck <_<

You work in a shelter? :D I used to be involved in animal rescue back in Ireland, although for the most part it was fundraising as I wasn't in a position to be able to foster - and I was banned from the local CSPCA [pack of blackgarding idiots!]

In the last year, I've grown really fond of American Pitbullies, and Staffies - they're such loving creatures, and really trainable if they're in the right hands; I don't think they deserve the reputation they've gotten at all. It's a moan of mine when people stereotype dog breeds - like all Pitties will kill you, and all Dobes will attack you, and all small dogs are stupid and yappy etc etc.

Not a fan of Cesar Milan at ALL though ;)

lol, he's my hero. I am a bit iffy about the way he stresses the dogs out sometimes, but he sees it through to the end and leaves them "calm submissive." I am getting slightly irritated by the amount of times I hear that, since I practically watch it every day :P

My friend works for the RSPCA and I volunteer with her sometimes when she's rostered on alone. There's just way too much work for one person!

Ahh - well yeah. I dunno - I just don't like the way he treats the dogs a lot of them time. I'm looking into being a canine behavourist when I move back to Ireland [sussing out where's the best spot to start training] so have been checking in on the 'known' dog trainers / behavouirists, and it just seems to me that he sometimes takes a long way around doing something, totally freaks the dog out in the process and hten magically has it all work out in the end; i get the feeling there's a lot going on behind the cameras that we don't see - or i could totally just be over analysing the situation... ;)

that's awesome that you do that though!

I'm having a moan becauseeeeee .. um ... i still don't have a job :P

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I got sunburnt again today <_< I went for an hour walk with my mum and didn't even consider getting burnt a possibility. But now I have a half inch white line around my hairline that is visible if I tie my hair up lol, and the rest of my face is red.

Ouch! :(

That is very painful. I feel for you right now. On the plus side atleast you have lovely, warm, bright, sunshine at the moment. And think of the tan later on. Unlike us Brits with the damn freezing cold weather & on top of that we still get tingling, burning sensations & frost bite. <_<


Did anyone in Australia see the Futurama repeat on Ten tonight? because you would not believe the censoring:

* The scene where they realise Bender's antenna is interfering with the TV reception:

Bender: You people are nuts. My antennae never interfered with my old TV.

Leela: You had cable. This is satellite.

Farnsworth: Obviously your thoughts are being transmitted on the same frequency.

Tenant #2: They're on my cell phone too.

Bender: Madam, I believe you're mistaken.

Bender: (thinking; on phone) Wow, that lady's got a huge ass.

Bender: Those could be anyone's thoughts, fat ass!

They cut Bender's thoughts on the phone and nothing else.

* And they cut at least two references to Bender's sobriety. WTF?! This after they leave in every single double entendre about Bender's antenna?!


Yeah, I didn't get them cutting out the thoughts on the phone, and then having him say "fat ass" directly after it. It's like, either cut the whole joke or leave it alone. It made no sense, and actually came out more offensive than if they had have left it in. One way it's an amusing joke, the other it's just Bender being incredibly rude for no apparent reason. I didn't get that edit at all.


my quads feel like they have died and gone to hell! our choreography session today was more like a cardio training session but harder. we had a bench which is half a metre high and we had to jump off and on it intime to this crazy fast song while singing at the same time.


Before we got our cats we had mice in our garage and I'm terrified of them. I got stuck inbetween the garage door and the lawn mower and there was a mouse under the lawn mower (with a trap attached to it so it couldn't get out from under it). I've never run so fast in my life. They like bacon but they love peanut butter (they do not like cheese, it's a myth!).

I don't like mice either. I used to be scared of them but then I saw a rat once (not in our garage, thank God!). That was even worse. I'm not so scared of mice anymore but I still don't like them and prefer to avoid places where I know there are some. Every time, I go to the garage, I go as fast as I can and grab what I need and then get out as fast as I can. We had a mouse in our garage before we had our cat and it ate cookies and chocolate.

It snowed last night. Everthing is white. Okay, it's pretty to look at but it's not going to last long and it is going to melt and turn into a disgusting melted black substance which will be dangerous to walk on. <_< I live in a cul-de-sac (I love the English pronunciation of that word, don't ask me why :P) and they don't even come and put salt on the road. :rolleyes: And they're forecasting even more snow this week. :( I wish I lived in a warm country.


Did anyone in Australia see the Futurama repeat on Ten tonight? because you would not believe the censoring:

* The scene where they realise Bender's antenna is interfering with the TV reception:

Bender: You people are nuts. My antennae never interfered with my old TV.

Leela: You had cable. This is satellite.

Farnsworth: Obviously your thoughts are being transmitted on the same frequency.

Tenant #2: They're on my cell phone too.

Bender: Madam, I believe you're mistaken.

Bender: (thinking; on phone) Wow, that lady's got a huge ass.

Bender: Those could be anyone's thoughts, fat ass!

They cut Bender's thoughts on the phone and nothing else.

* And they cut at least two references to Bender's sobriety. WTF?! This after they leave in every single double entendre about Bender's antenna?!

Channel 10 always sensors The Simpsons aswell. Bunch of tossbags :angry: Thank god for Foxtel.

I missed a night's sleep and now I've got a cold n feel like crap.


I was doing a temp assignment (still am, it doesn't finish until the 18th),and the supervisor was giving me hell, not giving me the required breaks (even if I asked). Constantly yelling and screaming at me, abusing the other temp staff because they are from southern America, and don't have impeccable english. So I have talked with my consultant at the Temp Centre, and she was all great about it, because the other 2 staff have complained too. I really am not looking forward to the rest of the assignment because Jess now has to let my supervisor know, and I know that she won't be happy because I am the only experienced KitchenHand that they have apart from the 1 other permanent Kitchen Hand.

And... I now have to wait another week to get my laptop back, and I asked Noel Leeming if I can have a loan computer because I am allowed to have 1 free of charge because I am leasing it, and They won't tell me If i can or not :( (and I also want to know if they are going to re-imburse me for the internet cafe's I have to now use :( )


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