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The 'have a moan' thread


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^ It's their own choice though. Teenagers these day's never care if it's an offense, even the 16+ having sex with under ages don't really care. I know guys that are like 25 that have sex with 14 year old's.

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Moan: guys who are 25 having sex with 14 year olds , gross! But yeah its sad but true, there's nothing you can do to stop it. I just think it's wrong. I really hate hearing about underage drinking/ teen binge drinking on the news/in the media.


^ I agree about the 25 year old guys sleeping with 14 year old girls. One of them live just down the road from me. He's such a creep.

I'm still a teenager (16), and I have drinks. But I don't get hammered so I'm lying in a ditch at 6am in the morning ( a bed/couch is much better :P), or end up in hospital with alcohol poisoning. Those ones that end up in hospital are so stupid -_-.


^ It's their own choice though. Teenagers these day's never care if it's an offense, even the 16+ having sex with under ages don't really care. I know guys that are like 25 that have sex with 14 year old's.

Yes and as with all choices there are consequences. In the eyes if the the law anyone under 16 is not capble of making that choice, which makes people over 16 who have sex with minors culpable and breaking the law and liable. Yeah, I know it goes on and I know those that do it have no respect for themselves or others. Very sad.


^ Some 14-15 year old's are quite mature these days though. Anyone and everyone is having sex these days. Some teenagers just have sex, so they can 'fit' in with what their friends are doing. And also peer pressure has a lot to do with it too.


In any case... my latest whinge.... I got married 6 months ago, at last today our photographer told us our photo album from the printers is ready ! :lol: But, we live in the country, he is in the city and he doesnt want to post it to us just in case it gets lost or damaged.... and we wont be in the city for at least 2 more months. So, we have to wait a bit longer to see our album :angry:


^ Some 14-15 year old's are quite mature these days though. Anyone and everyone is having sex these days. Some teenagers just have sex, so they can 'fit' in with what their friends are doing. And also peer pressure has a lot to do with it too.

14-15 year olds were having sex when I was a teen back in the 80s that is nothing new (showing my age now!). Peer pressure is nothing new either. My point being tho, having sex with anyone under the age of 16 is against the law and can land you in gaol.


I don't wanna believe the the stuff about Matty Johns. No, no, no. :( I feel like a little part of the football fan in me died...

I don't believe it.I'm sorry but if she's that shattered why wait seven years to speak out.Money much?!

I also don't wanna believe it.He seems like such a nice guy.


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