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The 'have a moan' thread


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Yesterday was the longest and most exhausting day ever. So I thought I could sleep in today. Well I was wrong. :angry: My stupid neighbour is having his trees sawn and it is making way too much noise, which made it impossible to go back to sleep. :angry: I love spring but I hate it when neighbours decide to mow the lawn or use noisy tools early in the morning. Maybe I should mention that there are a lot of retired people living around here and for some reason, the only time they can mow the lawn is on a Saturday morning. I know it's not Saturday today but it was still a day off for me. <_< And, no I'm not a morning person. :rolleyes:

I'm also hoping none of his trees will fall on our roof because they are pretty close to our house and they're way too big.

And my tonsils hurt again when I swallow. Not as much as last night but still... I hope I'm not having tonsillitis again. :(

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^ I noticed that the other day.

I'm so tired and I've been sleeping so much lately. Go figure.


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