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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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I'm not excusing Tane and his behaviour but I guess if I, you or anyone found an abandoned baby we'd feel a certain attachment so would want to see how they are progressing and if there was any news about mum/dad being found.   It is in Tane's culture which he had mentioned that they look after the baby and the mum if she is having difficulties until she can manage but not every culture is like that which is something he can't grasp.   He is very good with her though and she is very comfortable with him. The actress who plays her is very lucky getting cuddles from a hunk like Ethan Browne.  Of course he has likely wrecked any chance of getting to be Maia's foster carer. 

He has been very unfair to Rose, it's not her call he has to stay away from Maia, she asked Sarge if it couldn't be lifted  and she was even lenient with him when she found him at the hospital but then she had to present him him with the AVO as another nurse, not Dana I'm guessing, rang the cops.  Talking  of Dana it was down to her that Tane turned up at the hospital.  All she had to say was when Tane asked her how Maia was was "She's doing fine" but no her put foot in mouth  syndrome kicked in and told him she had a slight temperature. 

Oh before I forget we actually saw another cop so others do exist - faint, shock, horror. 

Roo, for once, hasn't jumped straight in like she usually does, she's given it lot of thought, even OK'd it with Maz as Maia will be at the Stuart house so her routine will be disturbed. It was presumptuous asking Harper if there was some sort of short cut to hurry things up.   She was seeing long term, getting  accepted as an emergency foster mum while waiting  for Tane to get his residency visa so she can hand her over. As if it would be that easy. Anyways as Harper said she may not get approved.  

I'd forgotten all about that drama with Sally and the run away horse  but  it was before his time.  He is coming across as very Groomzilla,  we needed some light relief. What is wrong  about having a normal dance like  a waltz?

Both Leah and Justin were over the top with Kirby thinking she's still into Theo because of the way she is with Valerie, if they only knew.  She is over him but she still cares for him.  It did take her  a while to believe he wasn't taking drugs anymore.  Of course it had to happen Valerie caught her holding Theo's hand in the Diner, I was waiting for that to happen especially as they were sitting at a window table.  He didn't  help by lying he had to drop off an assignment.   Theo does have the habit of falling quickly for his ladies, Chloe, Kirby and now Valerie.  The fact he admitted he didn't take the pill Valerie gave him didn't go down well, making her think he'd let her down somehow and was seen trying to coerce him in to taking one. 

Edited by H&Alover
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I'm not feeling much sympathy for Tane here. His constant refrain of "Maia needs me" is coming across as rather delusional, as if he thinks that because he found her, that means he has some entitled right to have automatic access to her.Maybe we are dealing with cultural differences, but this is increasingly about him, not Maia. "Why am I being treated like the bad guy?"he complains.Er, because you decided to start a fight at Maia's bedside? Roo and Dana giving Rose attitude doesn't help in the slightest.

It probably wasn't the smartest move for Theo to tell Kirby about Valerie's brother, which has caused her insecurities to come to the fore again.No matter how much Leah tries to reassure her that they consider her part of the family, she's still convinced they'll kick her out.She doesn't seem to realise that the drugs are going to be the biggest deal-breaker, not whether or not she's dating Theo.I guess by her twisted logic, dragging Theo back into that world means he can't go against her.I get that Theo was backed into a corner and probably worried she'd start packing her bags again if he said no, but I think he should have drawn a line at that point and refused the pill.

I think Justin and Leah are as bad as each other when it comes to the wedding planning: They both seem to have very definite ideas, and it's not like Leah's bringing much to the table other than a lot of negativity.I like that Dana is one of the few people who's whole-heartedly supportive of John, but I think he took her advice the wrong way here by barging in on Leah and Justin. And I thought Leah was too harsh on Justin for basically doing what she was telling him to.

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I do wonder if Tane is kind of having the start of a depression/break down type thing here as I think he does genuinely care and does show good parenting instincts, however, he has crossed a line in a BIG way. (Am enjoying the scenes though) Though, for some reason Roo doing the same...not a peep.

Kirby was completely right with Theo though, a co-dependant drug relationship is so not the right way and also, some people actually don't want the help, so you can bang your head forever but they won't change. It is a sad fact but it does happen, she hasn't yet hit her 'rock bottom' for that stuff, sometimes it's a good catalyst like a new baby or a bad one like major health issues but it can happen but, whether Theo likes it or not, he and his family aren't it.

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Tane may well indeed care for Maia but as said his fighting and arguing over her bed isn't doing her any good, she may only be a baby but they can hear things like  raised voices and pick up on the tension which will be causing her stress.  He did leave ND's  peacefully at least and went to Yabbie Creek nick with Rose and wow and double wow we saw even more cops!!  Roo had no business lashing into Rose the way she did, poor girl is only trying to do her job, she gave Tane plenty of chances to do what was asked.  He did finally agree to sign the AVO but he can ask Roo how Avia is doing as long as she isn't as loose lipped as Dana who was the cause of him turning up in the firs place.    That is the problem with cops working  in the same area where they are living.  People around you are neighbours and friends, they ask your advice, you look after them but then sometimes you have to nick them.   You know I haven't yet seen Roo holding Maia.  Roo has sent off her app then, but it's not written is stone she'll get it.

Not the wisest move on Theo's part telling Kirby about Valerie's brother, he is the only one she's told and he has betrayed that trust.  It did seem to be  an ultimatum her 'asking' him to take that tab/pill another one.   Valerie is convinced she'll get kicked out if Leah & Justin find out about the drugs it'll be more the fact she's lied to Leah about getting more therapy and getting Theo involved into taking drugs.  Didn't her family kick her out over the drugs?  I do think there is  more to her story than she's even told Theo. 

Bridezilla and Groomzilla both going OTT about the Wedding, can't even agree what to have to eat and where?  Neither seem willing to compromise, yes we know it's Leah's fourth marriage so doesn't want to make a huge fuss but it's Justin's first so she should allow him to want to make it special.  Going off an a tandem, no mention of Ava being invited?     

 John got his Celebrant  licence - 👏 - thanks to him 'marrying' Xander and Dana. Hope the door to the Diner was big enough for him to get his head  through.🤣 He  may be  a doofas sometimes but he's our doofas. Leah ducked out very quickly to watch the vid, but apart from the beginning being  a bit long winded Justin was impressed.   Not the best idea of looking up vows on't net., but I think he meant it as getting some ideas for their own. He was trying to convince Leah to have a rethink about John but she was so down on the idea which is why Justin told John to stuff it.  I said before he did a good job, may have been pretend, but he came across as sincere.   Irene was very dismissive but Maz at the end did actually watch it.   I said before I think they will ask him, after a lot and I mean a lot of grovelling to marry them.   

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Leah has officially entered bridezilla mode with even her friends commenting on it and Marilyn experiencing first hand just how dismissive of anyone's ideas she can be.It remains to be seen how long she can stick to her decision to back right off and let Justin organise a surprise wedding for her.Still, it's given Justin the green light to give John the green light! John says Leah and Justin are his two closest friends: I notice he waited until Irene and Marilyn were out of earshot!

Eden's looking forward to three days straight of, ahem, quality time but had forgotten about Cash's inability to switch off.I guess she was right when she spoke to Levi about being in a relationship with someone you hardly see! It was perhaps inevitable that Cash would offer Stevie a bed if all else fails. I wonder how Felicity will react; Eden was a big fan of Stevie until she started taking up too much of her boyfriend's time! (And a reference to the fact that Cash's safe house never has the door locked...)

Edited by Red Ranger 1
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The totally irony of Valerie being scared of being kicked out before she blackmailed Theo was laughable...she definitely would be now! Leah really isn't giving an inch on the wedding either, I refer to my coat hanger comment in another thread because that does seem to be how she's treated Justin. (I am an ep behind this week.)


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14 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

Leah has officially entered bridezilla mode with even her friends commenting on it and Marilyn experiencing first hand just how dismissive of anyone's ideas she can be.It remains to be seen how long she can stick to her decision to back right off and let Justin organise a surprise wedding for her.Still, it's given Justin the green light to give John the green light! John says Leah and Justin are his two closest friends: I notice he waited until Irene and Marilyn were out of earshot!

Palmer's always been a bit two-faced lol

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I'm not keen on Valerie but I don't blame her for getting annoyed and doubting Theo for telling Kirby about her brother.  If I confided in someone I was seeing about something personal like that and they went and told their ex, I would be livid.

Really hate the way Rose is being treated.  Tane is just being Tane and acting like an aggressive spoilt kid who hasn't gotten his own way.  Dana is just being annoying like she always is and I hated how she said Rose was wrong for just doing her job.  Roo is the one I was disappointed in, with how she was with Rose at the police station and I expected better.  Given how Roo and Tane have been, I actually hope Roo's application for emergency fostering fails and Tane doesn't get his hands on Maia.

Have to admit, I did raise an eyebrow when Justin was brutally honest with John about not wanting him to be celebrant although I suspected that he would get to do it anyway (I guess there are parallels with John and Tane/Roo as they are all wanting to do things they didn't consider previously for the wrong reasons).  This time I've found the arguing with Leah and Justin quite amusing.  I also loved the way Leah reacted when telling Irene and Marilyn Justin said she was micromanaging everything and they basically agreed with him.

Thought Cash was a bit out of line bringing his work home with him and I don't really blame Eden for being displeased with it.  Even if you put aside the fact she is entitled to alone time with him, there's also the issue that Felicity might be at risk.  I know Cash said it's safe but you'd think if Stevie stays there for longer than planned, the stalker will find them eventually.  We'll see if Eden is going to be as much as a Stevie Marlow fan now.

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