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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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Who's to say John wouldn't want to be anyone else's celebrant - Justin & Leah's wedding just gave him the idea and the price and work that went into it didn't put him off.  Though I don't suppose there would be many other weddings in the bay itself, he may come across as doofas but he's got a big heart as we've seen before and he couldn't see any other way to give them a gift.  But that's just my opinion and you are entitled to yours.

Maybe just me but I feel Flick  is still feeling guilty about 'robbing' Tane of having his own family so this was her way of atoning.   Now of course Maia has a foster family what will they do with all those donations of toys/clothes?   

Remi did have other things on his mind rather than meeting a film star who just happened to be living over the road.   But as we've seen that changes somewhat. 😉😳  But be warned Stevie you're a rebound.  

I got that re the broken leg aside, things you say  without thinking.😆

It may not have worked out with Bree and Remi, let's not forget when we first knew him he was a player never got serious with any woman but something about Bree got to him and he could have run when he found out about Jacob but he stuck around. 

I honestly didn't see it before but when I saw Eden with Imogen I thought yipes she, Imogen, looks so young.   Anyways Levi was really getting his pants in a panic.  Despite his warning to Mac who dodged out of her shift at Salt so they could  have dinner there without her being around he couldn't prevent them running into each other the next day, it just had to happen. Mac  wouldn't need to be a rocket scientist to know who it was walking alongside Eden.   Levi must have had to think on his feet and quickly book a room for him and Imogen at that motel as we of course know where he has been really staying.   There is the song Torn Between Two Lovers.  Not totally sure how long Levi and Imogen have been a couple but maybe having busy lives  and not spending a whole lot of time together can do that to a couple and he, at least, does love Imogen a different way to Mac. 

I'd forgotten Tane was in on the secret as he's had other things  on his mind.   That was one big blow up from  Mac when Tane was ranting at Rose and Mali was trying to defend her, not that she needed it, but putting things into perspective her love life does come along way down from what has been happening with Maia. 

Talking of which that did come rather out of the blue  an emergency foster family being found just as Roo has applied for the role/position.  I know he's gone OTT but I think I'd be concerned if Maia was going to be OK in this new family.  It'll be  a big change of scene for Maia, quieter and she'll  need time to adjust.  I take it this they have done this before, but course SW would give them a good checking over  and they'd be supervised to help them settle in together.  I thought Harper was there but he blew up at Rose because  of the AVO which he feels wreaked his chance and has stopped him visiting Maia.   it was the first time we saw Roo holding Maia.  


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Well, Stevie seems to have found another attraction of staying in Summer Bay! I'm guessing that there was more to the audition than what we saw, especially since the line she kept reciting wasn't in the bit they did. (They, perhaps fortunately, didn't seem to be recording either.) I liked Felicity trying her best to enthusiastically volunteer herself as a scene partner. (Would she have been keen to do a romantic scene with Stevie if Stevie hadn't shut it down?)

I still have no idea what Levi and Mackenzie want. Do they want to be together but not yet? Do they want to spend the rest of their lives sneaking around? Do they think this affair will fizzle out eventually? When Levi made that big speech about not wanting to hurt his wife, I was left wondering how exactly he thinks that's going to work. Oh well, seems like Imogen has a few days with him coming up, provided he doesn't go back on it.

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16 minutes ago, pembie said:

Bree who forced her husband to work away so she could run off and have a affair The story was meant to be about abuse of Bree but her husband was hardly around because he was away working in mines or something 

I felt mostly sorry for Jacob got back to find Bree cheating on him I think you would be a tad angry and telling everyone he hit her but going for surfing and no marks at all

For a abuse story I thought it was rubbish but people on here thought it was good 

Where on earth did you hear/read Jacob had been FORCED to work away?🤔  The first rule of physically abusing someone is the marks are hidden. 

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1 hour ago, H&Alover said:

Where on earth did you hear/read Jacob had been FORCED to work away?🤔  The first rule of physically abusing someone is the marks are hidden. 

Well he did vanish for weeks I thought it was could silly to have the abuser not there for most of story 

Just what I thought like I say many other people liked it

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As they say in auditions don’t call us we will call you Stevie You really aren’t given the best scripts 

Imogen don’t move to the bay what are you going to do swap your doctor salary mansion for a caravan? 

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As I say, day behind again this week so...

I felt sorry when Imogen was talking to Eden about Levi..she knows something's up and, in some ways, I wouldn't be at all surprised if she does already know he's cheating but doesn't want to admit it to herself. (There's a very well known story about star from the Golden age Debbie Reynolds, she sensed her husband was having an affair so confided in friend Elizabeth Taylor about...she was the one having the affair with Deb's husband Eddie.)  I got the same vibes from that convo with Eden/Imogen, though Eden only knows he's lying not an affair but I'm surprised she hasn't had suspicions considering his easy alliance with their dad!

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John's to say John wouldn't want to be anyone else's celebrant.  When Justin apologised to John last week for having a go at him the night before and mentioned he didn't have to be a celebrant for his and Leah's wedding and could do it for other couples, John admitted that taking the celebrancy course was never about being a celebrant.  He said he only did it so he could marry his two closest friends.

I feel quite sorry for Imogen.  She seems like such a sweet person and really doesn't deserve this.  She knows something's wrong.  The tired excuse that Levi gave when not wanting to be intimate with her can often be a bad sign.  I actually think Mackenzie sitting down and meeting her in person is a good thing as she's got to know Imogen as a person, so hopefully it will steer her towards ending things with Levi.  I'm not as annoyed with her because at least she actually feels some guilt.  Levi on the other hand I'm starting to quite dislike.  He lies to his wife, constantly fobs her off and goes round to have a go at his mistress for something he started.  I was actually hoping Tane and Mali would be present during Mackenzie and Levi's chat towards the end of the episode as they would have stepped in when he kicked off.  I was glad he was on edge when he was at Salt with Eden, Imogen and Mackenzie.

Remi and Stevie eh.  Well Remi can now claim the - I've slept with a movie star - been there, done that and got T-shirt.  Presumably Cash is going to hit the roof if Stevie posts pictures after he sleeping with Remi on social media.

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At least while Jacob was away Bree could have  a normal life.  Jacob did hit her, she had to wear sunglasses to hide the bruise near her eye. 

Rather awkward scenes there with Mac, Eden and Imogen, her bumping into them was by chance  but Mac did ask Eden and Imogen up for coffee so did bring it on herself.  Then Eden revealing Mac had been Levi's patient, more awkward moments.   I'm guessing Imogen knew Levi had treated someone in the bay but not who, patient confidentiality  and all that but Eden wouldn't have that restriction.   Wouldn't Levi's ears have been burning like  a furnace with them all talking about him like that?   He and Mac did hold it together well.  Another  meal NOT paid for .🙄

I suppose Imogen could put Levi's distance down to his job, he's not your average surgeon but a top notch one so it would  bring it's own stresses so must get to you after   a while.  Anyways Imogen's bright idea of moving to the bay wouldn't work he'd still have to travel back to the city, how far is it btw?   Imogen is sweet, but I hope I'm not coming across as being anti Imogen but maybe too sweet?  We don't know what she is like behind closed doors, could she be a bit on the controlling side? 

Strange but true when Mac told Tane and Mali that under other circumstances she felt she and Imogen could be friends.   Where did Levi get off by ranting at Mac for talking to his wife he can't control what she, Imogen or Eden do when he isn't around. 😠  Mac didn't need Mali and Tane to be there 'for her' she only had to have called out if he had turned aggressive. 

We did need some light relief  which Flick, Stevie and Remi gave us.  I thought Stevie said it needed a man as it was a rom-com, clue is in the name.😁   OK Stevie fancied a change of scenery but maybe sitting outside in the front garden wasn't a good idea, yes it's a cul-e-sac so no through traffic  but the kids on the bikes may have recognised her and told their mates so not surprising Cash had a go. The back garden and pool would get very samey but no clues as to where it is. Then biker guy aka Remi, who doesn't seem remotely bothered she is.   I'm supposing this self tape things is OK as long as it doesn't give too much of the background scenery away.  Stevie and Remi worked well together, the roles they were playing her  a posh bird, him  a struggling photographer - totally different lives - echoing him and Bree.  OK Bree's not posh but they do have different backgrounds.    Cash's panic when he came back and found Stevie had vanished, although we know we she is, she could have left  a note though I don't suppose things like that occur to her.  Just as well they weren't recording those last scenes. 😉  

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I saw the Bree and Jacob story differently Because of that I have never liked Bree But when you side the villain mostly maybe the story isn’t that great so have to disagree to agree 

Theo the other week I applauded you for not taking the pill wasn’t so keen that he gave just to have a quiet life with Valerie but I thought whatever But today stealing Justin wedding money I thought Theo what a massive twathead haha

How famous is Remi I’m surprised that Lyrik fans haven’t recognised him with a famous movie star from the photo 

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Cash's panic quickly turned to fury once he realised exactly where Stevie had gone.Felicity was in the odd position of trying to give Stevie some words of wisdom...although I noticed she quickly ignored Cash's instruction to not take her eyes off Stevie! Stevie did at least seem to back down a bit when she realised how worried Cash had been about her.Cash did volunteer to take part in her audition tape:I'd love to see that one! Xander thought he was being a good friend showing Bree the photo but ironically, if he hadn't, she might not have seen it before Remi got Stevie to take it down.

As many predicted, Leah is finding it hard to maintain her hands-off role with the wedding! Theo and Valerie's character arcs are completely messed up at this point.It started with Valerie giving Theo pills, then Theo was demanding more while Valerie thought they should ease up, then Valerie wanted more while Theo was trying to get her to stop, then Theo was only taking the pills to keep her trust, and now they're both desperate for more pills to the point of conning money out of Justin? I give up.

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