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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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3 hours ago, CaptainHulk said:

Stevie had me rolling my eyes. 

May as well wear a T-shirt saying "Hi Mr Stalker, I'm in Summer Bay with Lyrik's Remi Carter!"

*Kim Fox impression* "Do me a Fayvah!"


Nowhere in that vid did it give away were they were, very neutral background so could be anywhere. 

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5 minutes ago, H&Alover said:

Nowhere in that vid did it give away were they were, very neutral background so could be anywhere. 

It didn’t need to, the point CaptainHulk was making was that she was with Remi.

Remi who we’re meant to believe is reasonably well-known as a member of Lyrik - the band who are based in Summer Bay, play ‘regular’ gigs at Summer Bay’s Salt, filmed their music vid at Summer Bay’s lighthouse, and who are sponsored by Summer Bay Auto.

Granted Stevie had only known him for a few hours and might not know that he’s ‘famous’, but it’s that lack of forethought when advertising that she’d just slept with the guy that could cause issues.

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Panic was soon over but not surprising Cash lost it with her, he is being paid to protect her, I liked how Flick was in Cash's corner when Stevie had a whinge about him more or less saying do as he asks or fire him.  I don't suppose she gets many people standing up to her.   It was pretty bland background in Remi's bedroom so no clues as to where it is.  Remi been replaced then by Cash as Stevie's co-star, will they click as well as Stevie and Remi did?    Hoping not in a  way as it could cause trouble as in them taking it too seriously if you know what I mean.😉 

I guess Xander didn't want to take the chance, you know how it is think it'll be OK  but someone  else has seen it and flashed it around.  I did 🙂 at Bree's comment about Remi getting plenty of exercise, nudge, nudge,😉😉.   Neither Xander or Flick were fooled by Bree's not bothered attitude, yes I know they are no longer together but if one half gets together with someone pretty quick after the split it's not usually being spread around on someone's social media page. 

I'm going back  a few eps but when we saw Bree's hair when she was talking to Flick on outside Salt was it just me or did it look like it had a lot of extensions in it, it looked huge!

Leah was being hard to rein in about the wedding plans - she has got to choose her dress though prompting Irene  to say what I was thinking - great minds think alike.   This person Justin was talking to - a secret guest which is going to be  a surprise for Leah.  Both mentioned VJ who is walking Leah down the aisle  so not him, any ideas peeps? 

It is a bit of a switcheroo with Valerie and Theo, although he doesn't seem too out there like he was last time, is he taking less  or getting used to them?  Valarie does seem the more desperate.  He did try and argue he couldn't con Justin as he has been so good to  him as he'd always had his back - well not always - he wanted Theo gone when he first tipped up in the bay.  Now if he gets found out which he will,  he'll be letting both of them down.   Big hint of that from the preview.

1 hour ago, Dan F said:

It didn’t need to, the point CaptainHulk was making was that she was with Remi.

Remi who we’re meant to believe is reasonably well-known as a member of Lyrik - the band who are based in Summer Bay, play ‘regular’ gigs at Summer Bay’s Salt, filmed their music vid at Summer Bay’s lighthouse, and who are sponsored by Summer Bay Auto.

Granted Stevie had only known him for a few hours and might not know that he’s ‘famous’, but it’s that lack of forethought when advertising that she’d just slept with the guy that could cause issues.

Fair enoughski, but then it depends who thinks Lyrik are 'famous' some don't  and wouldn't know any of them if they fell over them. 

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5 hours ago, H&Alover said:

This person Justin was talking to - a secret guest which is going to be  a surprise for Leah. 

Wasn't he talking to John, or have I forgotten something?

It might have been smart for Justin and John to make absolutely certain John could get his credentials in time before hiring him as celebrant: Looks like it's going to be a bit tight! That aside, I thought Irene needed to tone down the judgement, since it's nothing to do with her if Justin wants John to do the ceremony.Leah's reputation clearly precedes her as she rings around trying desperately to get information from someone.(Another name drop for Tori, but she won't confirm if she's coming to the ceremony.)This being Home and Away, Marilyn's tarot card reading is very prescient, with Valerie squirming.Theo seems to have snapped back to only being involved with drugs to keep Valerie's trust, after seeming a more-or-less equal participant last episode.As tends to be the way with these things, the Theo/Valerie/Kirby showdown built up in the promo just kind of fizzled out, but it seems to have led to Kirby going to Justin.

Dana's enthusiasm in contrast to John being his usual laconic self was quite fun.The photo of Stevie and Remi gets belatedly deleted, too late to stop Bree finding out.To be a bit fair to her, she doesn't know about Dana's lingering crush on Xander, but it was still fairly off to just plant a kiss on him like that and he was right to give her a telling off.

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I didn't think he was talking John but I could be wrong.   I thought John had had it all sorted but seems not .  Maz's tarot card reading was spot on, but it's not Justin deceiving Leah, it's Theo who's being deceptive.   🤣  when Leah rang the cake makers only to find out Justin was way ahead of her.   She must find it so frustrating not to be involved at all, trust him girlie.   Did not any of them notice Valerie's odd behaviour?  She was being very obvious earlier on Theo had to ask her to stop making it so obvious.   Theo, to me at least, doesn't seem to be so affected as he was when he first started taking them, is he taking less or none at all, he kept turning them down when Valerie offered them making an excuse each time. 

Of course as had to happen things were going swimmingly about the band not being paid as they were willing to play for free but then Justin came round and said he was OK with that but had paid Theo for this new equipment so that blew that secret open.   I suppose it was the last thing Kirby wanted to do but had no choice.  Theo was stuck in the middle with that row - OK argument - between Valerie and Kirby - he's Kirby's friend and Valerie is his girlfriend.   Valerie, naturally used the  tired excuse of any  addict "I can stop anytime I want".  

OK Bree was totally blotto but snogging Xander was out there.  it proved to us that Dana does have feelings for him and Bree didn't know Dana was behind her. 

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If Tane wants any chance of keeping Mia he should run far away from the bay but I bet he doesn’t I bet he takes her home haha

But yeah he is full on breakdown mode 

Im glad Justin knows If Theo had anything about he should also go on the run with Valerie I didn’t realise we were so close to the wedding 

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Alf's episode count this week:Two. Harper was only in one, although she was credited on Tuesday for no appearance.

What on earth was Dana thinking? I mean, I get that she feels guilty over the fact she was partly responsible for Tane being banned from seeing Maia, but helping him break an AVO was daft. And then she goes beyond daft: She stands there watching Roo like a hawk while she's saying goodbye, then wanders off and leaves Tane, who is a lot less accepting of the situation, alone with Maia (and seemingly with no way of seeing if anyone leaves the room, so I don't want her keeping watch was meant to entail). If Tane had crossed a line before by ignoring police instructions, he's definitely crossed several now.And of course, it comes right as one of Rose's pleas has finally hit the spot and they've found the baby's mother, meaning Tane has chosen to deprive her of two safe and loving homes out of selfishness.

Justin is not doing much better than Dana in the rational thinking state.He criticises Kirby for keeping Theo's drug taking to herself and then proceeds to do the same himself, even with Theo and Valerie having chosen that moment to disappear into thin air to avoid the fallout (and also because they've used up their episodes this week).

I'm glad Irene gave John some words of encouragement, which makes up for her snide "This course is more trouble than it's worth" attitude last episode.I know Leah and Justin set the wedding date for a month's time at one point but I completely forget how much time has passed since then!

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