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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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Well I'm not ashamed to admit it but I did 😢 when Tane handed Poppy over to her mum and Sonia thanked him.  The way Poppy looked back at him when he left her.   Ethan and the baby who played Poppy always looked so comfortable with each other.  Now I could be going way, way out there but could we see Tane and Sonia getting together over Poppy  at some point? He has bonded with her and her birth dad didn't want to know and it is soapland.   It was mentioned a couple of times Sonia would be getting help, be monitored by SS which is good to know. 

Mac had the same coloured specs as Roo when she was talking about Tane to Levi. 

The locals - well Alf, Roo and Irene were utterly gobsmacked at the allusion by the cops, well Sgt Callan, Tane was dangerous.   I was surprised, but glad, it was Mali with help from Harper who persuaded him to come back.  I don't know what the law is like  in Aus but in the UK Poppy would need her own passport  so that would scupper his idea to skip the country.   It wouldn't be any life for Maia/Poppy  being on the run  and he'd be denying her a family which we know is very important to him.  He was wavering and did the right thing.   I guess he feels he's  let Poppy down by upsetting her routine, letting his friends and  family down too.  He, as said, broke his AVO, kidnapped a baby so not looking good.   

Rose didn't have a choice when Eden, Kirby and Theo were brought in as although we didn't see him very well, Sgt Callan was hiding in the back office, so she had to follow proper police procedures.   She didn't want to risk being accused of letting her friends  'off'  lightly again.  Theo got it in the neck plenty by Eden & Kirby wait until Remi finds out.  Kirby got flack too for not telling Eden about knowing Theo was taking drugs with Valerie, it was his case Valerie had stashed the drugs in.   I'm guessing it was Sgt Callan who put Rose up for promotion so why is he now getting his pants in a panic and suggesting she's rubbish at her job? 

Eden didn't seem to clock it was odd Levi was in town or at Mac's when the news broke.   They were having such a good chat at Salt oh and Mac giving free drinks away again!   Typical soap timing at the end - Mac and Levi just chatting, OK fine nothing suss, but then the 😚 which was SO not OK.   Mac, as  we saw, also gets  a tongue lashing from Flick about it.  They don't know yet that Mali and Tane knew about it. 


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All police officer guest stars are always written hard nosed and ruthless except for McCarthy and Emerson. It’s a shame they did not stick around as they were fair but firm. 

Rose, once she was more hard, here she is as soft as marshmallow and then any other time I will you tell how I feel without thinking of other people feelings  or circumstances. 

Rose is very much early days Kat Chapman .

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So basically an aftermath ep.

Tane, quit burying your head in the sand.  Seems like Harper's the only one in his corner being realistic.

And Levi and Mac keep your respective Zipper up and Knickers on! And socials some people are actually in favour of those two, well, no accounting for taste🙄

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H&ALover, I did shed a little tear too; I've loved the Tane/baby scenes throughout despite their reasoning!

I think as well with the consequences now, the thing that has struck for a fair while in many aspects and certainly in his submissiveness now to his fate as it were whether there's an element of depression/PTSD from all his previous traumas manifesting itself here too..

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I wonder if there's a plan to make Tane the least objectionable person in the storyline so the audience will sympathise with him? Because unlike his cheer squad, he seems to accept that he did the wrong thing and is going to be punished for it and that's not Rose's fault. Whilst I'd be tempted to charge Mali just for being a stroppy teenager, I think bringing charges against him and Harper is pushing it: They didn't go by the book, but they went to talk Tane into giving himself up and succeeded, and sending the police instead might not have ended as peacefully. That said, I don't think either of them thought about what to do if Tane hadn't been won round by their arguments. Mali's sole response is "I trusted him". Well, yeah, I'm sure Mali trusted him not to kidnap the baby in the first place.Dana trusted him when she left them alone.Rose trusted him when she tried to deal with the situation with a friendly warning rather than making it official.That doesn't mean anything.

Mackenzie and Levi getting some much-deserved flack for their behaviour, which is probably going to get worse as more people find out. I think Levi probably did want to reconnect with Eden, but using her as an unwitting pawn to cover up his affair was really not a good way to go about it and risks him losing everything. And do they seriously still think they can cover this up and carry on as before? I know Tane and Mali have been willing to keep quiet but Eden knows Imogen. Felicity had a point about Mackenzie's hypocrisy: Mackenzie gave her hell for lying to Tane, but she's happy for Levi to lie to Imogen when it benefits her.

CURS: Why did we get all that stuff about the drugs being found? It wasn't mentioned at all!

18 hours ago, j.laur5 said:

Rose is very much early days Kat Chapman .

Worth pointing out at this point that Rose has been there two years now and remains the firm-but-mostly-fair police officer she started off as, compared to where Kat was after her first two years. So I'd say she's a definite improvement!

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I never said I didn't like the episode, I said it was OK.

Whilst he was a bit heavy handed, I thought Rose's boss was quite correct to point out her conflict of interest with regards to her not going public quickly enough because her boyfriend lived with Tane.  I appreciate she is in a very difficult position so it wasn't easy for her to arrest Theo/Eden/Kirby but I am glad she decided to be more of a cop and not do favours for her friends (Although I agree she had no choice).

I honestly don't have very much sympathy for Tane and don't think he should have been able to hand the baby back to the mother.  I was half expecting him to comment on her parenting skills.  I can understand Harper and Mali trying to talk him into giving himself up but I once again strongly disliked how they were with Rose (although Tane does seem to accept that his fate is sealed).  It was a timely reminder to Harper that she could face charges, given that she's done this before.  I'm pretty fed up with Mali and have reached the point where I think him and Rose should just go their separate ways.  I felt bad for her when she poured her heart out to Bree and was glad Bree was there as a shoulder to cry on.  I like the scene when Bree apologised to Levi for hitting on him, although I wouldn't mind seeing her get drunk again as she's quite amusing.  

I genuinely couldn't understand why Mackenzie and Levi were kissing in public, especially given the close call with Alf a few weeks ago.  I did wonder whether subconsciously Levi wanted to get caught.  I did question how serious he was about Mackenzie but given he told Eden he's in love with her, he must be.  If he is in love with Mackenzie, Imogen needs to know about it.  Objectively, I can see why Eden is so full of anger and hatred and from her perspective it very much seems like Levi was using her as an excuse to spend time with Mackenzie but I also do genuinely believe he wanted to get to know and rebuild their relationship so I hope there is something to salvage.  I am really interested to get a follow-up to the fact that Mali and Tane knew about the affair so am hoping Eden does confront Mali at least regarding that.

I wasn't sure what to make of Felicity.  When she called Mackenzie out, she expressed frustration at her Mackenzie because of how Mackenzie was to her being on the pill and not telling Tane despite the fact he wanted to have kids.  I initially thought she was annoyed because Eden's her best mate but also because her own marriage failed.  Unlike Eden and Levi, I don't think this is anywhere near as bad.  Felicity and Mackenzie have gone through constant ups and downs but they've still remained friends.  Even if they weren't, Felicity isn't the type of person to hold grudges.  I mentioned that I wanted her to be free of anything Tane related so I'm glad she's focused on other characters but am surprised we've had no reaction from her re Tane leaving with the baby, handing himself in and getting arrested.

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I admit I am in the Tane camp, yes he did wrong but he has now seen that.  He is not a bad man. Poppy liked him and was so comfortable with him.  You could see him wavering when Mali and Harper were talking to him.  Where he grew up,  mums didn't  have to abandon their babies as they had help from the community possibly  a cultural thing, ditto with Mali, which is why he couldn't understand Poppy being abandoned. 

Rose would get it why Mali and Harper didn't tell anyone when Tane contacted Mali and went to see him, but now of course she is under the thumb from HIM.   She has to cover all her tracks so as not to be accused of not going by the book.   I've said before it's tricky when a cop lives with the locals, they can turn to you if any problems which is OK when they are behaving themselves, but they only have to overstep the  law a little bit and expect the local bobby to ignore it or get jumped on and risk  alienating the rest of the locals. Rose is in between a rock and a very hard place, she knows her friends wouldn't do anything wrong but now has to toe the line.    Is HE sending Rose to do all these meetings with Tane/Mali/Harper deliberately to test her?  I get the order from the magistrates about getting Tane's passport wasn't anything to do with the  cops but it would have come into Yabbie Creek nick and I bet you He thought I'll send Delaney to get it.   Have you guessed yet I don't like HIM!

Harper may have more to lose than Mali, her worthiness/integrity as a SW called into question.   

Blame the writers for things/scenes we don't like.   I thought the handing over of Poppy to her mum was very poignant even though it may have not been the correct/legal thing to do. 

To be slightly fair to Levi he and Mac weren't having an affair when he and Eden re-united.   That came along later and then he did start using Eden as an excuse to be in the bay to Imogen anyways.  May be going against the flood but I think he does love Mac.    But NO, NO Eden don't be the one to tell Imogen, she mentioned being the messenger - you do know what happens to then don't you?  She and Flick clicked when Flick mentioned that was why Levi was at the Farmhouse when she came round to chivvy Mac going to the Fund Raising, prompting them to reason Mali and Tane knew all about it. 

I know its out there now but still pretty brazen - good old word that - them snogging in Salt like that, no wonder Felicity threw him out - asked him to leave.   Bree apologising  for her flirting with him would have been the last of the worries on his list.   

The drugs thing I guess is going to be tonight's topic. 

:offtopic:  Poppy being named Maia may have been a bit out there as it was Tane who chose it, but it does happen.   Babies do  get named after  a location they were found in, a street, someone who found them - a cartoon figure.   The baby who was found in a London street this January was named after Elsa as she was  frozen.  

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^True, read that this morning, her brother and sister the same, poor scraps. ☹️

I feel for Eden here because she knew in her gut she should never have let Levi back into her life because he would hurt her again and Hey Presto! here we are. She owes him nothing so if she'd wanted to tell Imogen she could have done but then again Eden is in an impossible situation there as she'd still have to take the flak for him where Imogen was concerned. She got pulled into the lie without consent.

Pot, kettle Flick? You and Mac are exactly the same; you both lied and schemed to try to get your own way and it blew up in your faces. They both gave as good as they got mind, I was half-expecting screeching and hair-pulling! Mac did once have self respect, clearly that has looooong gone, the way she's trailing after Levi.

Back with Planet Rocket and the Red Brat, of course she's never going to own up, lying's second nature and she is no victim, it's all been a choice; Justin & Leah and the other memembers of Lyrik are though. I found Theo really irritating and Valerie pawing at him just embarrasing really.

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