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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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No-one's saying Tane's the devil incarnate, but he did the wrong thing for what I'm far from convinced was the right reason, arguably causing Poppy more distress in the process, so I don't agree it should be shrugged off with "But it's Tane" like Mali thinks.

A lot of people coming back to town and being bombarded with news here! I agree that Levi should be the one to tell Imogen, so if he is going to do that, fair enough.(No mention of the fact that he wanted to do that before and Mackenzie threw a fit: Now she's fawning over him like a schoolgirl about it.)Whilst I do hope Felicity and Mackenzie make up eventually, I think Mackenzie deserves a bit of stink-eye for now. She tries to claim it's not as simple as her going after a married man but really, it is, isn't it? She knew he was married but she let herself be led by lust and an attachment developed from him being her doctor.

I was mostly on Kirby's side and Theo did come across as a bit of a deluded figure still chasing around after Valerie after everything that happened.But...I don't know.I guess I want her to feel something for Theo, even if I'm not entirely convinced she does.She came back, and she admits it was partly for the drugs, but maybe there is a part of her that appreciates having someone genuinely care for her and try and keep her safe.I was half-expecting her to go out and buy more drugs when Theo gave her his card, but she didn't.So whilst I think Kirby is right to ask questions of her, I also kind of respect Theo a bit for refusing to turn his back on her just because things have got difficult.

Oh, and Cash has decided to go off and be a hero because of cause he has.Even Eden saw that one coming.

Edited by Red Ranger 1
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Take your own advice and blame the writers for things/scenes you don't like.  It's pathetic the kidnapper being the one to hand the baby back to her mother whereas they should have just given her to the police.

I wasn't sure whether Levi was genuine when he said he wanted to tell Imogen before or whether he just wanted to appease Mackenzie but given after Mackenzie spoke to Imogen, Levi went round to her place to have a go at her he may not have wanted it coming out at that particular time.  Very surprised that Remi was on board with rallying against Levi/Mackenzie given he was sleeping with Bree, when she was married to Jacob.  I know the situations are completely different i.e. Jacob vs Imogen but there is still an element of hypocrisy.

Yeah...I've defended Mackenzie numerous times but I can't disagree about her getting some flack.  I just wasn't keen on Felicity doing it because 1)they run a business together and she was calling her out during work time 2) She seemed to want to have a go at her because how Mackenzie towards her during the pregnancy thing with Tane more than the fact that what Mackenzie was doing is wrong.

I'm done with Valerie.  She's too problematic and unwilling to change until she gets full treatment for her drug issues.  She needs to go back to the clinic ASAP.  I was firmly on Kirby's side for the whole of their scenes.  Theo is as equally as frustrating trying to bail her out, but he's apparently in love.

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But Poppy didn't seem at all distressed being with Tane, she had got to 'know' him when she was in the hospital so he wasn't a complete stranger.  I probably have asked this before but would we be getting this disturbed if Tane was a woman  of good standing who had also grown attached to Poppy enough to snatch her from the hospital? 

Not getting you there Slade?🤔  There are probably scenes in all soaps that wouldn't happen in real life  but there is  such a thing as dramatic licence so they do, always have and always will.  It did just happen, of course that Sonia was at the cop shop when Harper and Mali brought Tane in so the police were there. 

Definitely Levi should be the one to tell Imogen who as we heard via Eden knows something is up. I guess we'll know if he has if Eden gets a call from a distressed Imogen wanting to know if she had known about it and for how long so let's give him the benefit of the doubt.  Bit different from before, it was only Mali and Tane who knew about it but now others do too so he has no option really.   It was  different with Bree/Jacob as he was an abuser but none of us  knew she was married until she told  Remi.  Did her colleagues know? 

Theo neatly threw Remi off when he asked how things were after the Wedding - he obviously had fun with Stevie - but soon got brought up to date and down to earth with a bang by  Kirby.  They are stuck about getting the van and their gear -  as in guitars. equipment that is -  back as it is registered under Justin's name and of course he is on his honeymoon. Then he finds out about Levi who he had seen as a friend  but has known Eden longer and knew what she had been through before.   Then Cash pops back up, wonder where he had gone, seemingly he was being debriefed after Stevie fired him and he's being filled in on the latest news.   Then there she is celebrating the fact she's got her new role but telling everyone where she is.  Cash to the rescue and with Eden's blessing.  

Apparently Theo didn't know where Valerie was either and did she really think he'd still have the drugs?  I'm confused.com though if he didn't know the drugs were in the van as he believed she'd thrown them away, why did he belt off like he did when Rose and her pal flashed them?   I'm not sure about her protestations about not just coming back for the drugs.   None of us can know until we've been there what we'd say/do.   Thing is you can't force her to go back into the clinic, it wouldn't work, she'd just say what they wanted to hear.   Let's hope Theo doesn't get too badly hurt if it goes wrong. I don't think he is that into the drugs myself one of those who can take them or leave them. 

Mac and Flick, Mac did interfere with Flick and Tane's marriage by keep telling Flick to admit to Tane what she was doing  BUT she didn't tell Tane about Flick still being on the pill, he knew something was up between them and when finally pushed Mac just told him to go and ask his wife.   Mac has lied  not just to Flick who is a small cog in the wheel but Eden, his sister who has only just forgiven him and Imogen.  Mac and Flick did get over it last time but it took Mac to have a heart attack to bring it about and look where that led.   

Edited by H&Alover
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I am glad Leah kicked Valerie out, saw through her lies entirely; she doesn't want help, some addicts genuinely don't, it's true but she needs to be alone for that. She'd be a danger to Theo as co-dependancy is a very slippery slope.

I liked the scene with Cash and the staler, good bit of adernaline there! 

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4 hours ago, H&Alover said:

I probably have asked this before but would we be getting this disturbed if Tane was a woman  of good standing who had also grown attached to Poppy enough to snatch her from the hospital? 

Yes. In fact, I think, in general, soap audiences tend to be a lot harder on female characters who behave badly than male characters, who tend to get portrayed as "lovable bad boys".As this episode demonstrates...

I was VERY disappointed with Leah. I genuinely thought she'd have more compassion than that.She insists Valerie's her friend, she told her repeatedly that she wouldn't kick her out, and then the minute she proves to be anything less than whiter than white, she does exactly that. In fact, in the end, both Justin and Kirby, who've given Valerie a lot of attitude, showed her more compassion, while Leah just stands there stoneyfaced declaring "It has to be done" without any real justification for it.Sure, they gave her the choice to go back to the clinic, but it was more of a threat than a choice.Summer Bay prides itself on provided shelter to young people in distress: Theo gets that, Kirby seems to get that. But every now and then, someone is apparently deemed not worthy of their help and support, only of being judged and driven out. Was it really the only solution? To an extent, Valerie was kidding herself, given how quickly she went back to being dependent on drugs after the initial rush of having a family to look out for her wore off. But they knew the score now and could have at least attempted to keep an eye on her. Instead, they didn't even try. Evidence that she was a lost cause is very thin on the ground. They're all running around mollycoddling Tane when he's doing nothing to help himself, and now we're apparently stuck with the selfish Levi as a permanent resident when I'd much rather he went and Valerie stayed. The whole thing left a very nasty taste in the mouth and left me feeling much less charitable about Leah and Justin that they'd just abandon a vulnerable young woman like that because it suddenly seemed like too much effort.

Oh well, at least it's apparently a happy ending for Stevie, as it turns out her public appearance was exactly what was needed to flush the stalker out, although I doubt that was her intention! And it was nice to see Cash relax a bit and realise what this has been like for Stevie and why having to spend all her time locked away felt like a kind of living death for her. The thing was so confused I wondered if Channel 5 had cut something, as all Sidney seemed to do was take a step towards her, but then he did much the same thing as he was being led away so maybe he was a bit lacking in a plan.

Nice to hear that Roo's got to visit Poppy and check in on her and Sonia, it shows the value of being the one who keeps a clear head!

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36 minutes ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

Yes. In fact, I think, in general, soap audiences tend to be a lot harder on female characters who behave badly than male characters, who tend to get portrayed as "lovable bad boys".As this episode demonstrates...

Not necessarily, still plenty people who want the head of Max Turner off Corrie given all the s*** he's gotten away with.

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3 minutes ago, CaptainHulk said:

Not necessarily, still plenty people who want the head of Max Turner off Corrie given all the s*** he's gotten away with.

And yet there seem to be far more people saying they want rid of Bethany because they don't like her voice.

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Yes I don’t think Leah especially should have thrown Valerie out They could have helped her surely as a family I mean the message of the show was I guess helping out those in trouble

If Leah was Valerie’s friend hate to see her if she was a enemy the outcome didn’t really make much sense Valerie could end up overdosing or dying now she is on her own 

I wasn’t expecting Cash to catch the stalker I thought it was going to be the director of the movie I’m sure I have seen that guy before 

6 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

And yet there seem to be far more people saying they want rid of Bethany because they don't like her voice.

Well I guess Joel could end up getting rid of Bethany now if she gets to close to his secret

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There was an AVO out on Tane, he kidnapped the baby and should have just handed her to the police, not directly to the mother.  Pathetic.  And no, I would have said the same thing if it was a woman, even though that's completely irrelevant to the point being made.

Not getting you there Hlover?🤔  Criticising the actions of certain characters, or not being happy with how certain scenes have turned out is perfectly acceptable.  It's called having an opinion.

So Leah, missed Marilyn at the wedding - I didn't.  I actually thought Leah was going to let Valerie stay but I'm glad she didn't.  Leah has only just come out of the clinic herself, so technically she's still recovering.  When you combine that with Theo now having issues, Justin running a business and having to manage a band, I think it would have been a bit too much.  I'm probably being harsh but Valerie has proven herself to lie compulsively and she believes she knows better than the people at the clinic and staying with Justin and Leah is the solution, or really she just wants free reign to do whatever she likes and has shown no signs that she's willing or even wants to give up the drugs.  Well despite her desperation, it seems she didn't sell he car to score the gear, so I guess there may have been some level of self-control.

I'm glad Cash caught Stevie's stalker and he's going to be behind bars.  I wonder if Remi's going to keep seeing her.

As an aside, I got an email notification earlier this morning that the image sharing site I was signed up to has disabled my account.  I'd completely forgotten about that.  Turns out it's because you now have to pay to store images.  The only reason why I joined it was because if you wanted to have an Avatar on the forum back in the day, you had to link to an external image sharing platform.  The good old days.  Now you just upload the image directly from your machine.


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