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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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He did tell Imogen then, took a bit longer as it appeared she'd been held up wherever the conference was so was later getting home than he thought she would be.  He didn't waste much time did he - was he afraid he'd chicken out if he didn't do it sooner than later?   She must have got  a feeling something was up as after her shower she was putting him off by wittering on about making some food.  He did bite the bullet and told her even if she initially thought it was to do with them having children.  Yes he's the guilty party but still not an easy conversation to have.  Naturally she'd want to know the name of the woman he's leaving her for, could a little part her be wondering if it's someone she knows, but if it was Levi wouldn't be going out of town would he so not local.  I'm in no way making excuses for him but you can't help it  if you fall in love with someone else and decide you can't be with your other half and keep lying to them.  

 Eden may not always  be the most popular person but she didn't deserve Imogen's rant which we only got  a brief hearing of but she was the closet - be it by phone - for Imogen to vent to, Levi's gone so it fell to his sister.    Re the house if it is in both their names she can't change the locks.  

That was either very brave or very foolish of Mac turning up for work, but she can't stay at home and hide away for ever though.  It is amazing that only  a handful of people know about it.  Eden ducked Irene's query about not seeing Levi for a while with "He's busy in the city".   Flick handled it well by 'suggesting' Mac go home, more grown behaviour from her, twice in one day. 

OK it's Mac's home but the way she spoke to Rose was so belittling and insulting!  Mali should have gone after her but he is a bind as it is a secret and he is good at keeping those  so he should be praised for it.  Once Rose does know she'll get why he couldn't at least it's nothing illegal.    He & Tane are going to be pretty relieved when it's out. 

If Flick and Harper gang up on Tane to help him he stands no chance!  Who would have thought though a few months back that Flick and Harper would be joining forces to help the guy they love/like.   He'd be very resistant if they went in all gung ho so play it subtle ladies.    Harper wouldn't have  a clue as to how the judges/jury would deal with his case.   Tane has been very lucky so far, he did used to get up to a lot of wheeling and dealing back in the day but managed to stay out of prison, remember that van he stole and drugs were found in it and Willow and Ziggy had to dump it.    But I guess this is a lot more personal.  

Despite all that going round in circles, misunderstanding, blunders they finally got there.   It is a risk friends becoming lovers but all end in disaster  look at Justin and Leah.   He would be good for her and she may bring him out of his shell more.  Will Harper be delivering the "If you hurt my sister look out" line? 


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I found those episodes quite boring to be honest I don’t really care what happens with Mac 

I will say that Mali and Rose aren’t very stable in their relationship at all  a gust of wind and they just seem to have unimportant fights 

Leah I never been keen on really so when she says she’s there for Theo and I  think but why not Valerie? Theo says it was stress he started with the pills but I think that sounds quite lame In truth I think he did it because he is bit of a blank character due to the writing Also he was trying to impress Valerie

Roo is missing she’s been kidnapped by Tane haha

Edited by pembie
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Well, Mackenzie's finding out the down side of breaking up a marriage: Once the thrill of the affair is over, you're stuck with a mopey guy snapping at you. I'm glad Eden went to see Imogen and got a fair hearing and has decided to stay and support her: It'll probably only last until next week when they need her for some more episodes, but it'll be a shame if her and Imogen's friendship is a casualty of all this. I kind of got Eden's point in stopping Imogen calling Levi but part of me thinks Imogen needed to find out for herself. Mali did indeed seem like a third wheel.I quite like him and Rose together when they're like this. (I assume Xander and Dana had left and weren't still in the bedroom the whole time they were there!)

I think both Leah and Justin had trouble realising that Theo wasn't in the talking mood.I understand his rationale but I really can't see Theo quitting Lyrik for good.Is this the latest setback to stop them hitting the big time, which they seem to have been on the verge of doing for about two years?

I'm not sure if we should really be worried about Roo or it was just a case of Marilyn being a drama queen.It smacked of the show's makers needing to have Alf and Marilyn in an episode so they gave them this non-story.

Edited by Red Ranger 1
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I purposely didn't comment on Monday's episode because it was largely about Dana's happiness and that's the last thing I want to see.

Really wasn't looking forward to Levi telling Imogen about the affair but whilst I didn't enjoy watching it and Imogen was devastated, it wasn't as bad as how I thought it would be.  She was reasonably controlled considering.  It's hard not to feel sorry for her because as I said before, she seems like such a nice lady but imagine coming home from a conference to have that dumped on you.  Don't think she was expecting Levi to fess up about cheating on her but it did seem as though she sensed something was amiss as she was going out of her way to avoid talking to him.

I was also glad Imogen heard Eden  out, not because I care that Eden deserves a fair hearing but I do think Imogen needs support.  The way Eden has been acting, she's reminding me of the person I found quite unlikeable previously.    The problem is she's basically right and someone does have to look out for Imogen and considering that Imogen wants to give Levi another chance, it probably shouldn't be him.  I can't really argue with how Eden spoke to Mackenzie either although I think 1) if it's done at Salt, Mackenzie has a right to ask Eden to leave the premises 2) Felicity doesn't have a right to ask Mackenzie to leave as Mackenzie owns half the business and has a right to work there.

Well I'm glad Mali told Rose about the affair and she's been OK about it, even encouraging him to spend time with Mackenzie.  I'm still not sure about those two because I don't like the way Mali has acted towards her re Tane but then again I think Rose has shown she can be quite cold.

It would have been inconsistent if we didn't have Felicity checking in on Tane since he kidnapped the baby (as they are still married) but their scenes on Tuesday to me emphasised why I don't want her interacting with him.  OK, she still cares about him and was clearly trying to help Tane, but I feel she also was using that as an excuse to spend time with him and the way she was looking at him, she's still got it bad.  Oh and of course no criticism from her whatsoever with regards to Tane knowing about Mackenzie and Levi and not saying anything.

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Although we've all been saying Levi doesn't deserve any sympathy he did find it hard finishing his marriage, harder than he thought it would so no surprise he snapped at Mac. Mali, very wisely, didn't tackle him about it letting him slink off to Mac's room.  He, Levi, cracked and texted Imogen, way, way too soon, Eden was right to stop her responding, they both need space to get let things sink in.   I'd have done what Eden did after her tongue lashing from Imogen, she was/is completely innocent of knowing anything about the affair so needed to defend herself.  Now, of  course Imogen now knows who it is and that she'd met her.   I'm wondering if Imogen in a  fit of spite/revenge may report Levi for having  an affair with his patient? Was Mac technically his patient when the affair started? 

Possible  reason why Imogen was so calm was shock, Eden got the after effects once it wore off.    Eden being there for Imogen, does she not have any family or other close friends?  

I'm glad - if that is the right word - Mali broke a confidence by telling Rose about Mac and Levi, she'll keep quite until it's officially out there.  She's right he is a good friend to have in your corner.  He didn't mention Tane knew but then that is down to Tane.   Mind you he's not going to be happy Levi's staying nor will Tane, but putting it perspective it's the last thing for him to fret about.  Oh I did notice the veranda doors were shut  as Rose opened them!

Have Leah and Justin forgotten what being in therapy is like, the last thing you want to do is talking about it to others  about it yet there they were going on and on at Theo, Leah even said it's OK if you don't want to talk about then said I'm here if you do.  They were also both making decisions for him, should he give up TAFE, the apprenticeship at the garage - when it's open😁 - and not letting him get  a word in, why was this deep and private conversation being held in Salt anyway, no wonder he stormed off, well to the balcony.  I think, for him he has made the right choice, the stresses only came, not when he was playing he could 'lose' himself when doing that, it was before and after, writing songs with Kirby, interviews etc.   I'm no therapist but could all this be related to his childhood/growing up and the expectations of his dad which is why he's trying to cram so much into his life now?  He rebelled then but now it's coming back to haunt him?  

It did seem for most of the episode Marilyn was panicking needlessly over not being able to get hold of Roo, just  a quick text from her to say everything is OK would have settled her.   But then at last even Alf got worried, the house in darkness, no note.  

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Remi, did you really think you could hush up the fact you were giving Stevie what-for in the sack while living in a Goldfish bowl?!

Theo at least recognises a problem but will he take action?

And Roo IS ostensibly trying to FLY before she can crawl. She's doing 150 in a 80 Zone here. Let's see how long it goes before the producers are like: "Nope, its too connected to the Home and Away that people remember but doesn't exist anymore!"

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So Theo's desire to leave Lyrik didn't even last one scene! Justin showed an even greater inability to shut up but did at least come up with a decent solution in the end.Kirby's suggestion that Theo just do gigs didn't seem too unreasonable but it's good that she was supportive of his decisions in the end.Leah talking about Theo being their responsibility did momentarily leave me frustrated that she couldn't show the same consideration to Valerie, but I guess I've beaten that horse enough.

Well, Bree pretty much gave away the fact that she's still hung-up on Remi with her rant to Rose the other week and she kind of showed it again here.Remi finally finds out that she knows about him and Stevie but was too distracted to really follow through.

So, yes, Marilyn was just being childish and making up a problem that wasn't there (is she still suffering PTSD from Roo, shock horror, not immediately forgiving her for the mess she caused last year?), but Roo did have a secret to share.Alf didn't really come across at all well here: He seemed to avoid the issue by passing the buck on to Marilyn (who was inevitably in favour of it, having already agreed to having Poppy there) and then retreat to his man cave to whine about it on the phone. I think Roo's being realistic about this, she knows it's a long journey but that doesn't stop her taking the first step.

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On 12/06/2024 at 14:32, Medea Fleecestealer said:

Geeze, when will Justin stop being an idiot.  "What did I do wrong?"  Was your usual pushy self, that's what.  🤪

Well Ada/James don't have to act anymore in their scenes since they're together IRL!😂

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