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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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On 16/06/2024 at 14:42, H&Alover said:


Pembie, aren't you forgetting Poldark - both versions? 



I haven’t watched that and I didn’t know because I wasn’t living here at that point Poldark was made 

The Witcher cast were at a comic con I went too I have a Stephen King Hoodie I had Liam Helmsworth ask me about it because he apparently listens to Stephen King books when travelling 

They have closed road off near me where a national trust house 

I have heard that House of Dragon flim here I don’t where though 

Beyond paradise flim in Looee a seaside town half hour away from me 


As for Home and away I really can’t think of anything to say about the last few episodes they been alright Bree going out with a movie producer is slightly unrealistic 

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Alf  certainly is of pensionable age so why wouldn't he get one?    Roo may have been a successful business woman once but not for a long time.

Not often we agree Slade but I'm not sure why Stevie is so keen on wanting to film in the bay either, it surely can't just be down to Cash 'saving' her life? Her and Remi aren't a couple as such so I don't think it's wanting to be with him. She was certainly a force of nature  coming across  very OTT in insisting the bay was  a better location than the mountains.  It's not her decision, it wasn't even Nelson's, it was the producers, everything had been  set up and on her whim to be in the bay.   Bold statement saying she'd forgo her payment for her role to be able to fund it. 

Once the news the film crew may be filming in the bay got to Alf he turned into his old self not wanting change, but why charge John to sort it out, isn't he the Surf Club chairman and have the right contacts at the council?  Naturally permits would be needed to close any public areas off  but that would have to happen anywhere.  It would bring  in a lot of trade and money - for local businesses - be a lot of disruption though. 

  Did make me think though it must make it six of one, half a dozen of the other for any town having a film crew descend on them  for how ever long they are going to be there.  Which brought me onto how it must be for somewhere like Palm Beach where H&A is filmed - and other places where soaps are filmed -  they are not there for x amount of months but every day for years.  

Typical Maz wondering if they'd need make up/hair people - sorry to disappoint love I think they have their own.   

I like Nelson, he  seems an OK guy, kind of flirty with Bree but also interested in her as a person.  She did tell him  she'd just come out of an intense relationship so got the message he shouldn't push too hard.   True Kirby has known Remi a lot longer than Bree, but hey - may be old fashioned - but she's a fellow woman so would lend a more sympathetic  ear to Bree.   Did have to smile at the look on Remi's face when he saw Bree and Nelson together, the same look Bree had when she saw Stevie and Remi together.   I don't think it's jealousy as such but  more 'what if'.    

That scene of Stevie and Remi on the beach so Nelson could 'picture' it they were using the same words when they were rehearsing in Lyrik's garden.  I'm guessing neither Bree or Kirby saw Nelson so it would have just looked like  they were having  a very public snog.

I did say that neither Nelson or Stevie would have any idea that Bree and Remi  had been  so recently  a couple.  Stevie, once she twigged, seemed very blaise about it, Nelson on the other hand was more concerned about how it had affected Bree.   


26 minutes ago, pembie said:

I haven’t watched that and I didn’t know because I wasn’t living here at that point Poldark was made 

The Witcher cast were at a comic con I went too I have a Stephen King Hoodie I had Liam Helmsworth ask me about it because he apparently listens to Stephen King books when travelling 

They have closed road off near me where a national trust house 

I have heard that House of Dragon flim here I don’t where though 

Beyond paradise flim in Looee a seaside town half hour away from me 


As for Home and away I really can’t think of anything to say about the last few episodes they been alright Bree going out with a movie producer is slightly unrealistic 


You're probably too young to have seen the original series.

I'm very into Stephen  King read all his books. 

You've promoted Nelson, he's 'only' a director. 

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Stevie did seem to have her filter well and truly turned off today, first blurting out whatever came into her head with Remi and Bree, then barging into Cash's house determined to talk shop.She seemed to have got the message by the end but it remains to be seen whether it'll stick.Somewhat manipulative editing in the promo made it look like Remi and Bree were saying they loved each other, when they didn't say anything of the sort.Alf continues to be bothered about the disruption of a film being shot there but underestimated the effect dollar signs would have on John.

I can see why Dana would think Rose didn't like her but I didn't like the way she was avoiding her or indeed the way Xander challenged Rose about it.I don't think it should have been Rose's job to clear the air but I see why she did it for Xander's sake.Whilst I think John overstepped in quizzing them, there's perhaps a degree of karma there.

Eden's back from comforting Imogen and seemingly tired of the job.Her attempt to download to Cash kept being interrupted...so it probably wasn't the smartest idea for him to follow her back to her house, when there was a good chance Remi and Stevie would be right behind him! I can't complain too much about her giving Mali that serve, given how sanctimonious he's been lately.

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Good point H&Alover about residents where films/TV shows are shot, it isn't always the meal ticket eveyone thinks, it can end up having very much the opposite effect, the locals lose out to tourists etc.

Oh that 'double date' was beyond awkward, I was squirming so bad, it actually did feel uncomfortable; Nelson does seem nice, unlike Stevie..actually wish the stalker was still at large, she is insufferable.

I feel for Eden, wall-to wall emotional punches are hard to take whether you're dealing with your own or cushioning someone else, Imogen in this case, especially if you're on your own to deal; I get the impression most of Imogen's friends would be 'married friends' so wouldn't necassarily be the right kind of support, whereas Eden is a 'Levi Survivor', she's walked that road of loss and betrayal before but from a different angle so would get all the feelings right now. I understand her being angry at Mali but I think, more than anything, she's angry at herself for not sticking to her guns and trusting her instincts and letting herself be swayed by Levi, Cash ec. because, sadly, she was spot on and now she's standing there like a fool, picking up the pieces yet again.

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I think it's just Stevie's  way when she said what she said when she twigged who Bree and Remi had been  to each other,  another one operating mouth before putting brain in gear, neither Bree or Remi had said who their ex had been so both were discreet in that way.    It did seem TPTB were leading us up the garden path regards that chat between Remi and Bree.  It was just about accepting that they had moved on, though how long these new relationships will last we'll have to see.  Shouldn't take it as read but methinks Stevie isn't up for anything really steady and we know Bree isn't and just seeing Nelson as someone to have dinner/lunch with with no strings attached.    Remi, we know does like to get very up and close with his ladies😉 but for Bree it's different, Remi had been the first man she'd slept with since  Jacob so she'd be more reticent.   

Stevie does have  a mental block about not bothering Cash when he's not on duty and he isn't even 'on duty' yet is he?   I do like how he puts her  in her place though.  She did make an impression on Mali, completely innocent though.  Who knows his boards could get used in the film. 

He didn't have a good rest of the day when Eden tore into him.  I can see why, he wasn't comfortable about keeping quiet, but why did Eden have a go at him for letting Levi stay at 'his' house.  It's not his house, it's Mac's,  so he couldn't tell Levi not to stay there, that was/is down to Mac.  Having said that he did have the choice of not staying there himself which he did at first but would have had to come up with a very good excuse for leaving for good.  Will Eden also be laying into Tane? 

Talking of which if the production company are willing to compensate whoever they need to compensate  for the inconvenience why shouldn't John agree to it.  Get it in writing though and get it read through by the Club's lawyers so there won't be any nasty surprises. 

Eden has been dealing with Imogen all  on her own and having to hear her going on and on about Levi, was it her fault, did she do anything wrong and more than likely how many times Eden told her it wasn't/she didn't it wasn't sinking in.   You can only take so much download without it bringing you down so good that she is  able to step back now Imogen has let her family and other friends in.  I could be way out here but maybe Eden felt kind of guilty about Levi and his actions and the fact the affair started on 'her' patch.  But of course there is no way she should, he's a fully grown adult and is totally responsible for his behaviour.  

Dana hasn't had a  good relationship with the  police recently and now she is dating the local cops brother which could make it even more edgy.   Had Rose really not twigged who Xander was dating, but then they hadn't made it public as such until that snog on the beach.   That's what brothers and sisters are for - having a go at their siblings.  Did Dana get the usual warning people get when they  date a characters brother/sister/mother/father/other relative - xx is happy so I'm happy but if you hurt xx beware.   I like to think Dana and Xander will be  happy, doesn't have to be romance of the century but be good to see together for a  while yet.   

Seems it's getting a bit tense at chez Booth.    


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I continued to not really have any sympathy for Mali, or indeed for Levi when Mali passed the aggro on, although they seemed to have bonded over "We both like Mac" by the end.Mackenzie was being spectacularly obtuse in going round to try and get Eden to feel sorry for Levi and well-deserved that slammed door in her face: She'd have reacted the same if someone tried to paint Rick as the victim.Levi does have a point that Eden can't just keep rocking up to have a go, but even with him holed away up at the farm, it's going to be hard for her to ignore him completely.Someone in the Spoiler thread commented that when they did a similar storyline with Brody and Simone, they did at least move away for a fresh start not long after.To be fair, it's not like Levi has shacked up with Mackenzie a few streets away from Imogen, but he is not too far away from people who knew him when he was married and aren't entirely accepting of him moving straight into Mackenzie's bed. (Which, it seems, may include Mackenzie herself, but what else was she expecting?)

I was amused at Dana's confused reaction to John claiming to have a sixth sense ("You see dead people?") and Irene managing to cut short his interrogation with the offer of free food.Still, it wasn't long before Irene was getting the thumb screws out as well, as Xander and Dana ponder not having been on a date yet.As nice as that set-up was, I'd have expected a date to actually involve leaving the flat, not just spending longer than usual in the front room, but that and the double-talk seemed to make them happy.

Leah and Justin still haven't quite twigged how to respect Theo's boundaries.To be fair, Justin didn't initially know how personal what Theo was working on was, but he didn't exactly stop looking when he did.

26 minutes ago, H&Alover said:

Had Rose really not twigged who Xander was dating,

Well, she said she was surprised they'd left the bedroom, so I think she knew.

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I could do w/ a break from Mac and Levi tbh. And as for Rick, there's a P missing in his name, based on how he treated folk😒

I am Team Eden but yeah, she can't bowl up to the farm and kick off everytime.

I laughed at that 6th sense exchange.

Alf would have probably would "Sixth sense? You haven't flamin' got *one*!"🤣

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I meant to say this about yesterday's ep; John is like a relationship magpie isn't he? I was both laughing and cringing!

Go Eden! Loved when she slammed the door in Mac's face, her pathetic simpering right now is an embarassment to all womanhood and her blindness infruiating; we all know if any one of her (Mac's) Dad's bimbos had turned up she would've reacted in exactly the same way. Also loved Levi's shock when he realised that Eden wouldn't roll over and be tickled either, let's hope she sticks to it; I mean she should report him to his bosses really as he's broken the code of ethics as, though she isn't in hospital anymore, Mac is still a patient on his service technically so it's still a no-go.

No way should Justin have read that, nuh-uh, big own goal; I'm glad Theo though is doing the assignment, one o the hardest parts is the talk/apology part but it can pay big dividens ultimately.

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Mali is stuck in the middle, he thinks of Mac as a surrogate sister and on the other side he's a friend of Eden.   He did seem to do a bit of a switcheroo though, one moment  he was frosty with Levi, then bonding with him over surf boards down to him getting so many orders due to Stevie promoting them on her social site.   No news about how Tane is taking the news about having  a new house mate.   OK Levi is staying at Mac's so he should pitch in such as cooking/buying groceries/cleaning etc.    Do many people, apart from the obvious, know Levi is at Mac's? 

OK that was a huge boob Mac going round to see Eden to plead Levi's case but Eden also assumed Levi had sent her round, Mac does have a mind of her own. Levi wasn't overjoyed about it. She is defending the man she loves,  even if possibly misguided, a guy, I guess, would do the same in that position.   Btw as Levi is currently 'hiding out' what is happening to his job - I thought he's meant to be an in demand top cardiac surgeon.  Eden was, understandably, angry/hurt at Levi and Mac's actions, and told him she never wanted to see him again  but I did notice  she was crying when she said it.   It was Mali who suggested that is has been very quick, one day Levi was a drop in lover, the next he moved in.  Not saying it's the 'normal' thing but the guy/woman  gives the new other half a bit of time before moving in. 

It's complicated whether Levi was still Mac's doctor when they started their affair.  He had stopped treating her as an in patient, but had been visiting her calling himself her doctor or was that to deflect people asking why he was seeing her?  It depends how his superiors/bosses view it.  

As far as I know Levi is still married. 

Xander had that spot on about Irene being  as bad as John.😁   He did retract it after getting asked if he wanted a coffee shampoo.  It is odd that he and Dana haven't been on an actual date, but then unless they go - 😲 - out of town there is only Salt where he works.   Be a bit cringey if he's offered a staff discount.😄   John does mean well but just goes the wrong way about it.   I don't know if it's because he's not in a relationship himself so feels out of it, that he needs to be involved with others. 

At first Justin and layer Leah were OK with Theo,  not pushing too hard and it would make more sense Theo getting  hands on at the garage and cracking on with his TAFE assignment.  Then we saw what his assignment really was, it was from his psychologist.   I'm no expert and have never been in Theo's place where you are asked to write a letter to your loved ones but I think he's overthinking it.   Needs to take a breather, time out and come back to it, he hasn't got a deadline has he?  Are they actually sent to the people 'saying' what you can't say out loud or is it just to unburden yourself.    Neither Leah or Justin actually came out with any 'advice' but they were loitering around which, to me, was making him twitchy.   Justin was nosey and he didn't know what Theo's 'assignment' was and it was very tempting to look at it.   He didn't seem  too surprised,  would he have done something like that when he was having his Anger Management sessions? 

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To me, the issue isn't whether or not Levi was technically still Mackenzie's doctor when they got together (although it's worth pointing out that their first kiss was while she was still a patient in the hospital): It's the fact that they first met when he was her doctor, and forming a romantic bond in a situation like that, where someone could be mistaking gratitude or dependency for something else, should be a big no-no.But the show only seems to be paying lip service to that detail, so we're probably not meant to think about it too hard. Anyway, after a chat with the until-now silent and absent Tane, Mackenzie decides to stick with things as they are. But they're not going to be getting a round of applause any time soon...unless you count Felicity's slow clap.

I was really not very happy with Leah and Justin here.Okay, they made a big speech about how much Theo meant to them in the end, but it felt like they took a lot of power away from him along the way.Theo was absolutely right to call what Justin did "snooping" and then he doubled down on it by showing it to Leah when it wasn't his to share.

It's not a surprise that Tane didn't respond well to Felicity and Harper's ambush, which has seemingly resulted in Harper deciding to take it upon herself to harass Tane.Objectively, yes, it's probably right that he sees a lawyer and has a proper defence, but I'm not sure why he has so many people determined to "save" him.I guess Tane can't complain given he was hooking up with random women when they first broke up (not that I imagine he's self-aware enough to realise that) but that was a really bad time for Felicity to decide to move on.I don't think there's ever been any direct reference to Tane and Felicity getting divorced (wouldn't they have to be separated for a year or something?), yet Tane's calling himself her ex-husband in the promo.

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