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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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I don't know about Aus but I think here it's 6 months; Harper was right though, Flick is the wrong person to shoe horn here as it was her grenade that started it originally, Tane isn't actually even at friend stage yet. She and Mac are as bad as each other really when it comes to lies. Also, I think Tane had a point about the prison thing, two things would count against him even though they shouldn't; 1) His skin and 2) His gender.

I'm glad Tane set Mac straight on the lying thing, he knows full well what it's like and, though she can't remember right now, so has she. 'In my head I knew I was right' Try a bit lower honey, hehe. Though, in some ways, I sense Mac could be cooling a bit. Often it's the thrill of the chase and the risk of being a naughty secret is the bigger attraction.

H&Alover, it's likely Justin would've done similiar with the anger management but also during his own drug addiction maybe?

I tink Theo is doing a good thing with letters but, in some ways, I kind of hope he tries to pay the money back too, that would prove his maturity too. Actions and words do good for both and those around you when mistakes are made.

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3 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

I don't think there's ever been any direct reference to Tane and Felicity getting divorced (wouldn't they have to be separated for a year or something?), yet Tane's calling himself her ex-husband in the promo.


15 minutes ago, Foellfan said:

I don't know about Aus but I think here it's 6 months

They have to have been separated for a year before they can divorce in NSW, so only halfway there on UK screens.

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Alf's episode count this week:Four, although he only appeared briefly without dialogue on Thursday, as did Marilyn.

I continue to wonder why Tane has so many intelligent women running around making allowances for him.His attempt to be mature and face up to his problems (and even apologising to Felicity for being a tool) didn't last long, as he's soon throwing a childish strop and blaming Felicity for his own hang-ups. Objectively, there's not really any reason for him to make a fuss about her sleeping with Marshall, and his attempt to come up with one just sounded like an excuse, so there's a distinct feeling of "Don't want her, don't want anyone else to have her" about it.And now he's been so busy sulking that he's put Rose in a difficult position again.

Irene seems the closest to joining Alf in thinking the film crew's more trouble than they're worth, despite the increase in custom and Kirby briefly going back to her day job.I hadn't realised that it wasn't common knowledge that Levi was married, unless Irene's been especially lacking in paying attention: I'd have expected her to be at least a bit concerned about Mackenzie hooking up with her doctor anyway, rather than gushing about how romantic it was. Does no-one in the Bay understand professional ethics?!

Well, building Theo a desk is relatively harmless compared to some of Leah and Justin's interventions, although he wasn't in the episode so we don't know if he appreciated it!

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To be fair to Levi Mac did snog him after he took her back to the hospital after the Fund Raising, it was her way of thanking him for persuading her  out of her comfort zone.   He did walk out right after she did it, but  mayhap that is when he started to think of Mac as other than his patient. Patients have been developing crushes on their doctors/nurses for God knows how long, it is dependency/gratitude, could also be that if they don't have anyone else, they are being looked after so they can look at it as they are more than doing their job.   It's also how the doctor/nurse handles it.   

Has taken a while to hear from Tane and what he thinks about it but I would imagine it's pretty low on his list of priorities.    Mac finally had 'the talk' with Levi who was willing to move out admitting he did move in the Farmhouse pretty quick.  The old heart v head problem,  definitely should have listened to your head this time.    It could cause problems and if they are serious about being with each other  a few days of him being at the motel won't hurt will it? 

In the UK you have be married a year before you can get a divorce and Tane and Felicity certainly haven't been married that long so I don't get the 'ex' comments, unless people call themselves that before the divorce nowadays.  

Tane getting attacked from both sides by two determined blonds.   He, naturally, rebelled but they are both right, even if he has admitted he's done wrong a good lawyer could get him a lighter sentence.  Won't take long for the other inmates to find out what he is in for and though we know he didn't do it   in any perverted way, some of them will take it that way.  He may have told Felicity to sod off as she wasn't family anymore and nothing to do with him so had no right to care - um yes she can - it did prompt him to ring Nik. Though why then did he get all snarky with Mitchell if  she is his ex? Not as if either of them knew who the other was was it?

Then we met Marshall - Tane's lawyer - who and I'm probably being reverse sexist here was a bit of alright.  Flick thought so anyway which we later saw. 😉 I'm not excusing her jumping into bed with the first good looking guy who chats her up but she had just been rejected by her 'ex' who she still cares about, then had Mac rubbing her new fella in her face.  Not sure if it was the scriptwriters thinking but Mitchell asking Flick if she was sure before they moved on so to speak but a nice touch as Flick was not falling down drunk but could be later construed as taking advantage of someone not in full control of their faculties.  

Well Leah and Justin finally got Theo to talk 'to' them.  Just about forgive Justin looking at Theo's attempts at a letter but no way should he have shown it to Leah.   He did manage to off load the end and although he did cause a lot of bother when he first arrived, nearly killing Ryder being a real low point, but NO way was he responsible for  Dimitri attacking Justin.   Still have this feeling his behaviour is a throw back to how his dad treated him, acting wild then turning good and trying to be good at everything.  Dimitri did  abuse him so the mental scars would still be there.

Edited by H&Alover
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A lot of people tend to start 'ex-ing' or 'soon-to-be' if the end of the relationship has been caused by a bad thing, i.e. deception, infidelity fairly early I think, partly because the wronged party is often hurt and wishes to disassociate I think.  Agree with everything re: Tane and prison hierachy...pretty boy plus child crime twisted = big trouble.

Flick, thank your lucky stars it wasn't the divorce lawyer, then you really would be on a sticky wicket with how it looked!

Thanks for that, Dan F, wasn't 100% certain as I think it has to be 6 months before it's official separation, rather than divorce, my mistake.

I did giggle at Leah and Justin building the desk for Theo but I liked the gesture, almost like a 'key to the door' moment.

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On 20/06/2024 at 15:21, Red Ranger 1 said:

To me, the issue isn't whether or not Levi was technically still Mackenzie's doctor when they got together (although it's worth pointing out that their first kiss was while she was still a patient in the hospital): It's the fact that they first met when he was her doctor, and forming a romantic bond in a situation like that, where someone could be mistaking gratitude or dependency for something else, should be a big no-no.But the show only seems to be paying lip service to that detail, so we're probably not meant to think about it too hard. Anyway, after a chat with the until-now silent and absent Tane, Mackenzie decides to stick with things as they are. But they're not going to be getting a round of applause any time soon...unless you count Felicity's slow clap.

I was really not very happy with Leah and Justin here.Okay, they made a big speech about how much Theo meant to them in the end, but it felt like they took a lot of power away from him along the way.Theo was absolutely right to call what Justin did "snooping" and then he doubled down on it by showing it to Leah when it wasn't his to share.

It's not a surprise that Tane didn't respond well to Felicity and Harper's ambush, which has seemingly resulted in Harper deciding to take it upon herself to harass Tane.Objectively, yes, it's probably right that he sees a lawyer and has a proper defence, but I'm not sure why he has so many people determined to "save" him.I guess Tane can't complain given he was hooking up with random women when they first broke up (not that I imagine he's self-aware enough to realise that) but that was a really bad time for Felicity to decide to move on.I don't think there's ever been any direct reference to Tane and Felicity getting divorced (wouldn't they have to be separated for a year or something?), yet Tane's calling himself her ex-husband in the promo.

Tbf, they're Husband and Wife on paper only. Most people once they split before they sign papers refer to each other as exes.

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I did find it amusing that Felcity slept with the lawyer especially after she asked Harper to get Tane to talk to him Then Felcity goes and gives him the full once over I’m not sure if I would have had Tanes reaction to finding out or I might have burst out laughing it’s pretty unbelievable 


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On 21/06/2024 at 18:19, Foellfan said:

A lot of people tend to start 'ex-ing' or 'soon-to-be' if the end of the relationship has been caused by a bad thing, i.e. deception, infidelity fairly early I think, partly because the wronged party is often hurt and wishes to disassociate I think.  Agree with everything re: Tane and prison hierachy...pretty boy plus child crime twisted = big trouble.

Flick, thank your lucky stars it wasn't the divorce lawyer, then you really would be on a sticky wicket with how it looked!

Thanks for that, Dan F, wasn't 100% certain as I think it has to be 6 months before it's official separation, rather than divorce, my mistake.

I did giggle at Leah and Justin building the desk for Theo but I liked the gesture, almost like a 'key to the door' moment.

Made me think of building a cot for a baby for some reason I’m not so sure of it myself in the middle of a noisy garage 

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As soon as I saw Justin unloading that flat pack - did it come from IKEA do we know -  I knew it wouldn't be as easy as he thought it would be. I was 🤣🤣🤣🤣  all through it which we needed with all the other chaos going on.  Typical bloke him saying he's a mechanic so doesn't need instructions and then his face when Leah waved that packet of screws at him.  Then him telling Leah he doesn't tell her how to make moussaka so she shouldn't tell him how to put a desk together.    Couples have divorced over arguing about putting flat pack furniture together before now.   He was right though about Leah wanting something flashy as he said a gift doesn't have to be big sometimes small things mean more.   

As embarrassing moments go that would be up there.   Tane did totally overreact, how could Marshall and Felicity know who each other were. It may be a bit tenuous the fact he, as Tane's lawyer, who had just slept with his client's soon to be ex wife maybe jeopardising Tane's case.   Flick had already told Marshall it was a one off.  Then he turned up late to sign in as per his bail conditions and wouldn't give Rose a proper explanation as to why.  He did say he'd spoken to Nik but I thought it was because of what Flick said not Harper does she even know who he is?   Rose was trying to be so lenient with him, he didn't need to go into details but should have given her something.   Good suggestion from Harper/Marshall that they  speak to Sonia about her  maybe giving a positive statement about Tane to have read in court which she's  agreed to. 

The fact that  the film crew and not even the full team is already causing trouble with the locals namely Irene and Alf, Roo seems to be in favour of them being there no John on Friday so no comment from him.   Roo it seemed had her hands full, dong her stand in Surf Club secretarial duties, doing  her Fist Aid classes and  getting the house  ready for it's H&S inspection.  Alf grudgingly agreed the $50,000 dollars would help the club  but still wasn't sure about it all. The Diner is going to need all hands on deck.  Irene made that delivery an one off but something has to be decided, either a delivery service will have to be set up or the Diner will be full to overflowing. Was lovely of Kirby stepping up and helping out like she did.  Yeh, yeh  I know she hasn't got much else on but at least she put herself out there.   Eden did slope off as per Eden.  There was a real going back in time moment, Irene was using  the hamburger phone or have I been missing something. 

On 21/06/2024 at 18:19, Foellfan said:

 Agree with everything re: Tane and prison hierachy...pretty boy plus child crime twisted = big trouble.


I wasn't thinking about him being  a pretty boy, he's hardly a weed so can look after himself.  I was thinking more of the fact he's Maori.  But the other point could be a worry.  We and everyone who knows him knows there wasn't anything pervy about him kidnapping Poppy but them inside don't and false rumours would be flying about.  No secret that any guy and woman who mucks about with kids is the lowest of the low inside. 

Edited by H&Alover
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2 hours ago, H&Alover said:

He did say he'd spoken to Nik but I thought it was because of what Flick said not Harper does she even know who he is? 

Yeah, that crossed my mind as well. To be fair, Harper did come and see Tane at the gym and say she knew he was close to his family because he showed her a photo of them once(!), but it felt like Tane had chosen to give most of the credit to Harper for an argument that was mainly Felicity's.

Incidentally, I keep forgetting to say that at least this $50,000 payment will save Alf having to make another huge donation next year!

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