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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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On 23/06/2024 at 14:28, H&Alover said:


I wasn't thinking about him being  a pretty boy, he's hardly a weed so can look after himself.  I was thinking more of the fact he's Maori.  But the other point could be a worry.  We and everyone who knows him knows there wasn't anything pervy about him kidnapping Poppy but them inside don't and false rumours would be flying about.  No secret that any guy and woman who mucks about with kids is the lowest of the low inside. 

Agree completely, sadly you're right that his heritage would work against him too. It's true he could take care of himself, I just meant it would be an added target if you like.

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I wonder if Mali will start having a go at Rose again for picking on poor ickle Tane, even though he was literally asking for it.Even Tane said it's time for people to stop feeling sorry for him, sadly no-one listened to him.He's lucky Felicity does still care about him, because if she wasn't there to keep pleading his case, everyone else would have given up by now.Marshall's comment about Felicity breaking up with Tane because he's got too much pride was telling: It was, of course, Tane that did the breaking up, but I think his pride did play a big part. Sadly, even with Harper telling her it's not her fault and Tane's just looking for an excuse to self-destruct, Felicity just carried on self-flagellating over it all.

I can see why Leah and Justin were concerned about Theo, who really wasn't acting like someone who's calm and relaxed, but ultimately I think their fussing was just another source of stress.Alf seems to have decided to ensconce himself in the Diner and play Statler and Waldorf.

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1 hour ago, CaptainHulk said:

I don't give a toss if Tane goes to prison or not, given the way he's acting.

Seems like he's craving porridge.

Sympathy fatigue IS a thing.

It is ridiculously funny that Felcity just happens to sleep with the lawyer So I can understand Tane he is bit shell shocked Not that I really care if he goes to prison though 

He and Felcity though should just stay away from each other 

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13 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

I wonder if Mali will start having a go at Rose again for picking on poor ickle Tane.

Any time I see the word "ickle" my mind runs to the late Ashley Peacock of Corrie fame🤣

It's just hard NOT to hear it in a squeaky Northern accent😁

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I just HATE the word ickle.😠🤮  Ditto with ick!!!😠😠🤮🤮

I may be totally wrong but maybe Tane explaining why he was late for his bail sign-in may have felt it was a tad personal as it was  the argument with his lawyer who had just slept with his ex(?) wife that caused it.  Maybe he felt he shouldn't drag either of them into it.  Off subject a tad Sarge Callan has disappeared into the ether again though he got  a brief mention by Rose.  Tane is one lucky bloke having two women caring enough for him to fight for him even if he doesn't seem to want to.  They've now  ganged up  on Marshall to get him to stay on and to be far he did eventually, get Tane to see reason.  Rose, even allowing for the fact Tane is a friend, was pretty lenient with him but finally put her booted foot down. 

Felicity does still see it as her fault, if she hadn't said no to kids, maybe Tane wouldn't have felt so protective towards Poppy, done what any other person would have done, took her to the Surf Club, made sure she was OK, maybe popped in now and again to see her but nothing more.  Very good news that Sonia is willing to testify on Tane's behalf, it was only  a brief meeting between them but she must have clocked how he felt, mums have that instinct.  That will go in his favour as she definitely didn't have to do anything of the kind, just say No thanks.  

Just when we thought/hoped Justin and Leah were backing off Theo here they come again.  Seriously felt like smacking Justin over the head with his surf board.  He wouldn't let it rest, OK get lunch but him nagging and nagging Theo once they got home was a big no-no. Wore him out that much he fell asleep.😆 Theo, is as you said, is stressed enough already.   Let's hope🤞 he does pass  for his  and our sakes. Has he seen 'his' desk yet? 

Well the Diner is certainly busy, hopefully Irene  will be back from her yearly check up in the next day or so.   At least they are getting customers in and seemingly no more deliveries.    Alf, shift, you're taking up a table.  We haven't heard if Salt are suddenly being inundated with customers, can't say we've seen many people in there when  we  have seen  it. 

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Seems Alf's prediction wasn't entirely wrong, do feel for Mali in that respect as his business is being adversely affected and that could have far reaching consequences in future.

With the Justin/Theo study part was quite sweet really, I think had Theo come into this under normal circumstances, it's what Justin would've done anyways. I kind of like the 'heir apparent pride', fingers crossed Theo passes for all their sakes, it'd be nice to see the garage as a family business.

I think Tane has hit a life wall and those are horrible moments; Felicity needs to stay away, as I think subconciously she's still working on the 'if I'm nice to him, he'll have me back' and, yes, she might care about him but...boundaries, woman! He loves and hates you in equal measure right now and he's got to decide if he wants you in his life later on, not you. Equally Harper doing a Cash and cooing over her wasn't right either, her deception started this and maybe she does need to feel some guilt so with the next guy she goes down that route with, if there is one, she won't make the same mistake again and neither would Tane if he stays free.

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Tane continues to make me wonder why the heck anyone is bothered about him.Despite attempts to invert it and somehow blame Felicity for Tane's wrongdoing, she's pretty much the only reason why he isn't cooling his thick head in a cell long-term, which he pretty much deserves to be, and he's still using her as an emotional punchbag.She really needs to accept he isn't worth it and get on with her life...which apparently consists of sniping at Mackenzie these days, although Tane's treatment of her isn't helping there, because I think there's a degree of her passing the attitude on.Meanwhile, Mali is in an equal opportunities head-biting mood, snapping at Felicity for talking to him about Tane, then snapping at Rose for not talking to him about Tane.At least he apologised, I guess?

Leah getting prissy towards Justin annoyed me.She's not still playing the victim over Zac, is she? It's not remotely the same situation: She was treating him like dirt long before he cheated, he immediately regretted it and did everything he could to make it up to her and she didn't want to know.

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