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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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1 hour ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

Tane continues to make me wonder why the heck anyone is bothered about him.Despite attempts to invert it and somehow blame Felicity for Tane's wrongdoing, she's pretty much the only reason why he isn't cooling his thick head in a cell long-term, which he pretty much deserves to be, and he's still using her as an emotional punchbag.She really needs to accept he isn't worth it and get on with her life...which apparently consists of sniping at Mackenzie these days, although Tane's treatment of her isn't helping there, because I think there's a degree of her passing the attitude on.Meanwhile, Mali is in an equal opportunities head-biting mood, snapping at Felicity for talking to him about Tane, then snapping at Rose for not talking to him about Tane.At least he apologised, I guess?

Leah getting prissy towards Justin annoyed me.She's not still playing the victim over Zac, is she? It's not remotely the same situation: She was treating him like dirt long before he cheated, he immediately regretted it and did everything he could to make it up to her and she didn't want to know.

Ari would have chinned or nutted him by now (Not that he was the much smarter brother in his final arc)

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I have to admit, whilst I'm not keen on Eden being self-righteous, I also enjoyed her giving Mali a serve.  The thing I liked the most was the level of disgust on Eden's face when she was looking at Mali throughout that interaction.

I initially thought Tane was out of line to Felicity even though I still think she should really have known better focusing her time on him.  However, given her attitude towards Mackenzie at Salt, which is their business, it's hard to continue feeling sympathetic towards her.  Don't get me wrong, I agree with her that Levi and Mackenzie should definitely be more discreet and I don't think he should be hanging around their workplace but as I said before, Felicity and Mackenzie have to work together.  I think the way Felicity was to Mackenzie at Salt when she was talking to Tane's lawyer last week and Mackenzie herself acknowledging why she is annoyed at i.e. not because of the ethics of the affair but because Mackenzie was hypocritical, is a mark against Felicity.  I do think it's ironic Felicity won't give up on Tane but expects Mackenzie to give up on trying to sort things out with her.

I don't think it's a bad thing Felicity sleeping with Tane's Lawyer but I was laughing at how he Tane reacted.  Let's put aside how childish he was coming across as, it very much seemed as though it's OK for him to sleep with other people but not her.  I didn't buy it when he told his lawyer, he was unhappy, not because of him sleeping with Tane's wife but because the time wasn't being focused on his case.  I also wasn't happy because at that moment, Felicity thought he was bothered, meaning he cares, so semi W for her.  Although, he seems to have really put his foot down this time.  So maybe Felicity will take the hint, like she expects Mackenzie to and give up trying.

Justin's reaction when he saw Levi and Mackenzie on the beach then when he gossiped about them afterwards was funny.  I like seeing this side of him.  He was like this when Tori was dating Nate and there have been other instances that I can't think of right now.  You do have to wonder about Leah's reaction as whilst she cleared the air with Justin later on, she showed the side of her that I don't like and I wonder if she is going to react like this anytime Justin says something slightly out of turn.  I can't think of too many scenes between Leah and Mackenzie, so it will be interesting to see how Leah acts towards her, the next time they meet

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I honestly couldn't see how Leah thought Justin was gossiping, all he saw was Mac and Levi kissing, it's a very public place and it was Kirby who told them that Levi was married.  They do know Mac not sure how well and of course they know Eden.  Leah did get very up herself.  All we know so far is Theo finished his assignment and as he put 👍 on his text he obviously thinks he did well.   Noticed he has escaped the full interrogation by going off with his mates, good for you Theo.   How long before we and they have to wait for the results?

Marshall was kind of discreet by revealing to Rose  the reason Tane was late was because he found out Felicity had slept with someone. but  not revealing who.   The women Tane slept  with were randoms,  Marshall isn't, OK neither of them knew who the other was, but  he is going to be  around for a while and not disappearing the next day and Tane's having to have to work with him. Flick and Tane went through a lot together and she wasn't the kind of woman  who fell in love easily so the break up was hard.  

I can see that Levi and Mac can't hide away for ever and the news he is married will get out, Irene now knows so I imagine Roo, Alf, John and others soon will, but they don't need to flaunt it and the PDA's can be toned down.    When is he going back to work btw, I imagine it'll be awkward when he does. That comment of his to Mac about is it worth it was a bit out there. Mac does also needs to get back to work, she can't  keep expecting Flick, Xander and the other staff to finance her staying at home with her new love.  This latest hoohaa is going to cause tension with the bosses arguing as they won't know what the hell is going to happen, are their jobs safe?  There's a lot of fallout between Flick and Mac, but we/they have been there before where one has propped up the other when they've  had life problems.  Mac going  on the booze and sleeping around, nearly losing Salt, Flick and her various troubles.   I won't include her rape that wasn't anything to do with her lifestyle.  Mac keeps coming in for some flack about being hypocritical, but  OK she  kept telling Flick to be honest with Tane or she would but although she threatened to tell him she didn't, just told him  to ask his wife, and he knew something was up because of the way she was with him and Mac.   I suppose it could be called cheating as Flick was lying to Tane, but no other person was involved. 

It must be hard for any cop, be they male or female, to keep things from loved ones/friends, that can't be disclosed as it's a police matter.  We know how hard Rose was trying to keep Tane out of the cells overnight and gave him plenty of chances, but couldn't tell Mali why he was there.  Did we blink and miss Sarge Callan turning up?😁

To be fair to Mali he has suddenly come under  a lot of pressure, not only had Stevie putting his boards out there on his social media, which I think she meant well by,  made him lot of  work and he is a one man band, now he's having to cancel his classes because of the film crew needing the part of the beach where he has them and having to placate his customers.  Roo was only the messenger and  got away without being shot this time.  But then she went into Roo  mode getting herself involved by suggesting Kirby could help him somehow.  Kirby is feeling a bit lost and as she said she can only write so many songs and she isn't the idle type. 

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I don’t know if I buy Mac and Levi all I know is I found them slow and painful to watch 

Best part was John finding out he will be on Sunrise 

When Nelson said he lives with Stevie in that mansion I was thinking when? Does Cash pop in from time to time? 
I don’t think I can bring myself to care about Bree and the bike when I have never liked her to start with 

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Well, I wasn't expecting John to be the first of the mainstays to cross the picket line and give Mackenzie his support, but thinking about it, it makes sense. None of the others are especially broad-minded, and Mackenzie is one of the people least likely to give John a hard time. And he got a free coffee out of it, so everybody's happy! Did Eden really not tell Kirby that Mali had known for ages, or was she just stirring?

Things move faster than I expected between Bree and Nelson...but to be fair, they moved even faster between Remi and Stevie!

If Mali had to cancel his classes because of the publicity shoot, why are they only deciding where it's going to be filmed now? It's times like this that I'm amused to realise that thirty years ago Alf would be the first to get excited about a film crew coming to the Bay, before he got turned into first a kindly grandfather and then a grumpy old "get off my lawn" type.

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Whilst I don't want Felicity arguing with Mackenzie all the time at Salt, I can't really say I have much sympathy for her and wasn't too happy seeing her cry.  Imogen's the one I feel sorry for and I don't think Mackenzie should be made out to be the victim.

I would say for the most part, I actually quite liked John in that episode.  I liked his excitement driving Nelson around the beach and his reaction when he found out they were going to film him.  I did like the fact he didn't judge Mackenzie however, I think it's one thing not passing judgement but another to actively endorse something.  And I didn't agree with him when he said she deserves to be happy as it's at the expense of Levi's wife.

It's a difficult one with Mali.  I know he's got Kirby now, but I was of the opinion that if he was going to lose money from the surfing lessons because of the filming he should be compensated but then again, he's getting more work for the surf boards because of the film in the first place, or more specifically because of Stevie.  I didn't blame him for having a go at Kirby.  Not excusing what Mackenzie has done but like Felicity she should understand that she has to keep her opinions out of work.

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One older guy - John -  happy about the film crew being there and one - Alf -  not.  Though that could be a soft bribe on Nelson's part he did keep asking about borrowing the Surf Club  buggy as it would look good on screen.  I can imagine what Alf's reaction to that one would be.  I do hope he won't be too disappointed if all we see of him is  a blink and you miss him shot.   He was acting like  a big kid and wanting to get an early night so he looked his best for his early start. 😁

At least Mac has got one person on her side.   Most of the townsfolk thought of him as a hero when he saved Mac's life twice only then to find he has feet of clay. We haven't really had a proper mention of what Irene thinks about it as she went off the to city.  I suppose anyone who breaks up with a husband or wife for their lover don't always think of all the other knock effects it can have to your life.  It seems Levi is having to leave as he's needed back at work about time, seeing as he's meant to be  a top notch heart surgeon.  He's going to, I guess, be staying at a hotel there. He and Imogen didn't work at the same hospital did they as that would be very awkward.   Let's hope his colleagues are professional enough to be able to work with him.    

I think that is a hotel and some hotel  they are staying at.  Yeh, the motels they have near the bay certainly wouldn't be suitable.     That was a surprise seeing Bree getting on the back of Nelson's bike and we see more of that tonight.   We do see them in bed but I think we  tend to forget Nelson is only the third man Bree has slept with.  She was with Jacob for many years, then it was Remi.  

True enough Mali could be compensated money wise but an one man business like Mali's relies  on word of mouth so losing customers could cost him more. Kirby and Mali working together did get off to a rocky start.  He did need to set ground rules - very wise of him. They can work together but no mention of L & M.  That is another knock on effect when people have affairs and leave their other halves for their new loves.   Friends of either party may know the other half and  the new love  who have kept this secret.  Who do they 'side' with?  With Mac and Levi, true Mali didn't know anything about him so neutral if you wish,  but he feels he should be on Mac's side, not just because he could be out of a home if he disagreed too much, as said he feels like she is a  surrogate sister.  I wonder what Dean would think of it?  It did take a bit of nudging but Kirby finally got round to signing the insurance papers so she is covered to teach surfing.   Reminded me that it took a while for Mali to get round to doing the same  thing. 

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44 minutes ago, H&Alover said:

I think that is a hotel and some hotel  they are staying at.  Yeh, the motels they have near the bay certainly wouldn't be suitable.

It's a house they're renting in Summer Bay. If there wasn't a tree in the way you'd have seen the lighthouse as part of the view.

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Well, I guess today was the equivalent of that episode of Emmerdale where Philip Schofield and Holly Willoughby popped up.Alf finds himself in the uncomfortable position of John's stunt double but seemed to actually quite enjoy it and discover that film stars are people too.

Despite both Bree and Eden trying to rewrite history, I think Remi has every right to feel aggrieved about Bree's double standards after giving him a "Get rid of the bike or I'll get rid of you" ultimatum.But otherwise, yeah, he doesn't get to get prissy about Bree sleeping with Nelson when he's been getting it on with Stevie for weeks, and him then taking his frustrations out on Stevie didn't say much for him either.

Talking of which, Xander is apparently finding Dana a bit clingy, and maybe shouldn't have tried to reassure her over Bree giving her a telling off.

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I found it disappointing that John never got to drive Stevie down the beach of course Alf would end up doing it I’m guessing they were the real presenters of sunrise so nice cameos 

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