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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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23 hours ago, Dan F said:

It's a house they're renting in Summer Bay. If there wasn't a tree in the way you'd have seen the lighthouse as part of the view.

I admit got that wrong, but it was a beautiful place, those pesky trees eh?  Do we know where it was?   

Edited by H&Alover
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Not being in Aus and not up to date on their Breakfast shows I suppose we wouldn't get they were real people doing their day jobs.  Sunrise is it's real name too.   I did feel for John 🤗having the jitters and well done Alf for standing in for him.    OK Stevie can be a very demanding madam  most of the time but we did get another glimpse of her past life when she talked about going fishing with her dad, it certainly endeared her to Alf and she appreciated what he said bout her dad.  No scene of Maz not seeing John on TV.  Must have thrown Stevie when Matt 'Shirvo' Shirvington asked her about her stalker  who is coming up for trial next week.   Holly & Phil didn't  get to go to such sunny locations did they? 

Seems from what Bree was saying it wasn't Remi riding his bike after the accident it was his lies - lies (?)- as far as I can remember he only lied the once about sending it back to Mercedes unless we are all missing something?   It was awkward enough  Stevie and Remi crashing Nelson and Bree's date but even more 😲 them both ending up in the same house when it was so obvious what had happened the night before.   OK they are exes but both staying there overnight with their new people/loves/whatever.  Remi moving on from Bree was very public as Stevie posted it on her social media page, at least Bree was trying to be more discreet.   I think, doing that thinking again,  Bree got on Nelson's bike just to say -'ya boo shucks to you' to Remi, but then other than having to wait for another ride  back to town she didn't have  much choice. 

Seems it wasn't all good in the Stevie/Remi camp, he didn't like being ordered about by her.  Bree and he may have come from different worlds but they mostly let each other get on with it.  I don't think either of them see Stevie/Nelson as anything serious,  Bree just wanting something light after two heavy relationships and  Remi the same after actually falling for someone.   Nelson I feel may take it as read, just a fling, but Stevie?   I may be over reading it but I think Remi and Bree could get back together.  

Eden clocked how Remi was feeling the way he just tossed his phone  on the sofa when he got that call from Stevie demanding his presence.  She'd already picked up on Bree and Nelson disappearing and Remi seeing them.   She did wonder if he was with the right woman.   

We all know or should do  by now that new couples are joined at the hip and lips with plenty of PDA's but Dana does seem to be taking it to the next level not wanting to leave Xander alone for a moment.    He did try and be kind about and suggest she go home and   he'd see her in the morning  but to no avail.  Fair enough Bree was already in a  bad mood when she got back from having  a good night which was spoilt by you know what,  then being  quizzed by Dana and finding she'd used all of her hair lotion so no surprise she snapped.  Might  be a  small "I'm sorry" token  but Dana could buy Bree a new bottle.    Xander it appeared did lay it on the  line for her later.   

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5 hours ago, pembie said:

I found it disappointing that John never got to drive Stevie down the beach of course Alf would end up doing it I’m guessing they were the real presenters of sunrise so nice cameos 

Yeah sucks that he got a last-minute attack of the proverbial s***s... But stage Fright is real.

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Alf's episode count this week:Four. Only Leah, Marilyn and Justin managed three.

Well, a bit of an embarrassment conga for Stevie.I guess we don't know much about her relationship history, but despite her claims to the contrary, it does seem like she'd come to rely on Remi as a stabilising presence and now she's lost that.I don't think she was particularly angling for that dinner invite from Cash, and despite Eden's annoyance at having to share him, she got an insight into her and Cash's relationship, so all good...until Stevie experiences some stage fright of her own!

Xander and Dana's row seemed like a storm in a teacup and, with a lot of pushing, Dana eventually got the idea.I'm glad that Harper didn't go into overprotective sibling mode and recognised where Xander was coming from.Sinister women looking at photos of characters usually do worse than serve them legal papers, so I guess they got off lightly!

So, with Theo having made an inevitably speedy recovery from his issues, any chance of Leah and Justin remembering Valerie and bothering to check if she's all right too? No, thought not. I should probably comment on Marilyn's sudden eagerness to be at work but it'll probably turn out to be a lot of nothing like most of Marilyn's storylines.

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On 28/06/2024 at 14:35, H&Alover said:

Not being in Aus and not up to date on their Breakfast shows I suppose we wouldn't get they were real people doing their day jobs.  Sunrise is it's real name too.   I did feel for John 🤗having the jitters and well done Alf for standing in for him.    OK Stevie can be a very demanding madam  most of the time but we did get another glimpse of her past life when she talked about going fishing with her dad, it certainly endeared her to Alf and she appreciated what he said bout her dad.  

Tbf, you talk Fishing to Alf, he's anyone's.

Just like Palmer with Naval stuff or Marilyn with the Spiritual.

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Stevie guess what...you ain't that special, leave Cash alone! To be fair to Cash though, he probably sees alot of Early Bay Flick in her hence his 'ultra-babysitting mode', Stevie's arrogance is astounding though 'I moved the movie for you Eden so I should get your boyfriend all to myself' Stevie has no boundaries. . Re: Bree and Remi; he lied about the bike, he lied about hospital too so, more than one lie so I think the bike itself was merely a straw as it were. I think Remi masculinity has taken a hit too, he thought Bree would never want anyone else; I'm glad he put Stevie in her place, she needed it. Her pouting tantrum with Cash next morning proves that point as, because she wasn't the centre of attention, she would make sure she was.


I liked the 'boys night' scene it's great to see those easy going friendships, no-one has to be anything to have fun.

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Stevie is  very out there and expecting Remi to come running at the drop of a  hat, but when he told, her to do one, she looked devastated so I  think under all that bravado she's quite insecure.  All the 'friends' she has now, from what we've see of them are ones she made since she's been in the business so not real friends.   I think she was envious of Cash and Eden's relationship as any guy she got together with she'd be wondering if it's because of who she is.  More bad news next week.  🤐🤫🙊   Did you pick up on the fact Cash and Eden's dinner was on him - when isn't it, certainly never on Eden's. 

 True, I'd forgotten Remi lied about still being in hospital but he did it for a very good reason, Bree was looking after her dad and  he didn't want her rushing back to be with him.   

Harper was painfully honest with Dana which only sisters can be.  Hopefully now Xander and Dana can get back on track and she'll back off  a tad and he'll visit her at Irene's.  Still hoping she'll buy Bree a bottle of conditioner to replace the one she used up.😁 Talking of Irene she  seems to have  done a disappearing act,  she was only supposed to be gone a couple of days to get her annual  check up, now Leah is filling in for her.   which as Leah said was only right as she filled in for her. 

Maybe that break with his mates got Theo's head clear - for a while at least - he thinks he did OK in his assessment, how much longer do we have to wait until they and us find out if he's passed?  That was  lovely moment with Theo and Justin, and Leah very wisely took herself off to bed. 

Did you notice that lady loiterer was a 👩‍🦰- what is it about the guys/gals behind hiring new cast, if only briefly, have 'sinister' women  be redheads?  Are Dana and Harper obliged to testify against Tane? 

Maybe Marilyn is making herself so  indispensable Leah and Irene will feel obliged to offer her the chance to become a partner?  She does step in a lot when either of them are off for whatever reason.  

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No, I agree about the hospital thing re: Remi hospital, wrong thing right reason but Bree didn't see it that way sadly.

Yes, the redhead thing, soaps seem to do the same with blondes they're usually either dumb and annoying or b****y, brunette can be either nice or psychotic no middle ground, seems to be an unwritten soap lore, hehe!

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I don't think Stevie was trying to claim ownership of Cash, she was trying to remind Eden how much Cash thinks of her. Anyway, Stevie was in full-on drama queen mode here but I guess John isn't the only one that gets stage fright! She seemed to pull it together once she'd got the war paint on, so to speak.

Harper was in full-on needy mode here, trying to get Tane to still be friends with her, while Dana was being typically immature in trying to find a way out of all the grown-up stuff. Tane should be grateful that Marshall seems to know what he's talking about.

Kirby and Mali haven't quite worked out their employer/employee status yet. I can't help thinking that Mali chose the wrong point to put his foot down on: Sure, Kirby was being a bit gossipy, but Xander did need to know what the issue is between Mackenzie and Flick.

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