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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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While it’s a worrying factor that your lead actress has gone awol and has had a stalker Nelson I would be also concerned where have the rest of your actors gone? Especially Stevies love interest where is he? Where is the lead man surely he would be a big name too quite the mystery this romance haha

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Cash certainly take any nonsense from  Stevie, I would have liked to see that.  He is  the only one she listens to, though even he had to prise the bottle of her.   Nelson, OK understandably, got the strop about her non-appearance and took it out on Cash,   He was the one who 'found' her, sobered her  up and got her to the set.  Nelson, then to give him his due, did apologise to Cash.    Stevie did seem better once she had her 'mask' on. I loved her dress btw. 

Loved the double act of John and Alf😆 when Nelson asked why Alf was in the buggy and not John Alf said John thought it would be better if  the chairman on the Surf Club appeared as their representative. 

Harper had got close  to Tane so probably concerned her being subpoenaed  would spoil their  friendship, but  It was out of her control.  Luckily, I guess, Marshall was there and so able to give his advice now he knows about her Dana being subpoenaed. 

   Dana was naive, to put it mildly, to think they could ignore it.   Yes you can, but then they'd send the cops round to make sure you go and it wouldn't help.  Marshall is a good lawyer and he's doing as legal aid/ pro bono so I'm guessing he's got a good enough practice for him to be  able to afford cases like Tane's.  He dresses smart and looks like he lives well.  It was good to see how he was going to take Tane through it and had decided not to call Mali as a witness because he would come across as an unbiased witness being a friend of Tane.  

Kirby, if I remember correctly, was the same when she first started at the Diner, being rather flexible about her working hours and what her job entailed until Irene put her straight, then she put her all into it and was  a good employee and they were sorry to see her go. 

As John said, jumping into Dana and Xander's conversation,   he was surprised Xander  didn't know about what Mac and Flick's latest trouble was all about.  I think, usually, he kept out of it and preferred to let them sort it out between themselves. It does, as we saw, really blows up. 



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Thought that was quite boring 

Mali should really have fired Kirby there I have patience but my word how does Justin put up with Leah?

Not interested in Felcity or Mac really 

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Despite both John and Mali thinking that "everyone" knew about Mackenzie and Levi, I got the impression Harper and Dana didn't have a clue or they'd probably have filled Xander in.His attempt at laying down the law with Mackenzie and Felicity fell a bit flat and I think most of the audience were as irritated as him at their (mostly Felicity's, I admit) insistence on taking things the wrong way.It's interesting that Felicity seems more concerned about him quitting than Mackenzie is.

Looks like Roo's pretty much a convert to Team Tane then.It is a bit silly that Mackenzie's getting more flack for shacking up with a married man than Tane is for kidnapping a baby, but I guess that's small town parochialism for you (and maybe they've convinced themselves that no harm was done since the victim in Tane's case got a happy ending). Talking of small towns, how big Is Summer Bay? John says he had to park a mile away: I wouldn't have thought he lives much further away than that! He did save the day for all Marilyn's eye-rolling, albeit by doing exactly what Justin told him not to and blabbing to Leah.

Kirby was being a bit too casual, although to be fair, it was a bit hard to put a finger on just what she was doing wrong.Mali's attempt to repeat Alf's boating metaphor was a bit cringe-inducing but fortunately he found a way to get the message across eventually!

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I'm glad Mali did put his foot down, especially the dating thing as as a teacher of any sort, regardless of the age of the pupil you have to keep professional distance and I think Kirby's work ethic needs improving a little, hopefully she'll learn!

The Cash/Stevie/shower moment in the previous ep definitely gave me early Felicity disaster zone vibes, I think he did threaten her with something similar once upon a time during one of drunken tantrums.

I'm glad Xander stood up for himself, something I never thought I'd say, both the girls are liars and selfish and hurt people but neither want to admit it, let them catfight it out on their own. The staff are lax and unprofessionial because they are, infantile as it is but it is a culture.

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👏 Xander when he told Mac and Flick to shut up and walked out. He managed after  a struggle to get them there and play at being bosses instead of carrying on a personal vendetta at a place of work. In the past when either one of them have been off for whatever reason - illness, accident, holidays other traumas  the other has covered.  The last one was when Mac had her heart attack which some could argue Flick caused. Now both of them are/were off as they couldn't work together.   Anyways this time as Xander was trying to explain it's causing all sorts of knock on effects staff not knowing what's happening, quitting.  What  about rotas,  orders, deliveries, he  hasn't got the authority to say yeh or nay what should or shouldn't be done.  He did get his point across and they all worked together though it was a  tad frosty and not helped by Flick and Mac's snide comments to each other.   They were very professional to the customers but they must have picked up on  the atmosphere.   Flick did get the wrong impression when she saw Xander talking to Mac she couldn't have heard what was said was just going by body language.  It certainly a side of Xander we've never seen before and they deserved it, he's been so patient.  Took them aback when they said - in agreement  funnily enough - they could fire him for the way he was speaking to them but he came back with "Too late,  I quit"!   Let's see how that works out for them.  

More work trouble with Mali and Kirby.  As he explained to Alf he's never been a boss  and the fact Kirby is  a friend makes it awkward.  Already one set of ground rules though they are more personal as in not talking about M&L.  Now he needs to set professional ones. Wise words from the Alf we know from old, but maybe he did go overboard - so sorry - with the boating metaphors which Mali transferred to his talk with Kirby.    Kirby and Xander did help Mali when he was unable to give his surf lessons when he had his ear problem but it wasn't  a regular thing.   I did give a 'what?'😲 when Kirby said she was doing this as a favour for Mali.  But she still has to follow the rules.  Her chatting away on the phone when she should be working is a definite no-no.  He finally connected by likening it to him interfering with how she wrote/composed her music. 

  I don't see how a would be surfer having  a flirt with  their  teacher would be  a huge problem, bet plenty of young women and not so young ones have  a flirt with Mali.  It's how it's handled.  Didn't Xander get propositioned  by a grommits mum?   

I wonder if Roo is seeing it from Sonia's side as to why she's on Tane's 'side'. She's met Sonia several times now.   I'm probably in your black books Red but I'm on Tane's side.  He did wrong and he's admitted  that but there was nothing malicious about it.  He wasn't going hold her to ransom.  

Maybe his 'having to park a mile a way'  was an exaggeration we're all guilty of that.   John was so excited - bless him - when he presented Jason with his and Leah's marriage certificate and I could see why he wanted to surprise Leah with it but she got seriously waylaid with the film crews demand for food and drinks.  Maz did her best to shuffle her off but Leah being Leah wanted to do it herself.  Leah to give her her due did act suitably surprised and it was a lovely spread. I did notice although it stated the year - 2023 -  but wasn't it this year - there were no other dates on it. - day or month. 

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Cheered for Xander telling Mac and Felicity where they could stick their job, took it back when he caved so quickly, should have made them sweat, the pair of b... but it was to be expected.

Had to laugh at Maz's "FGS" when John basically blew his own trumpet. "Looks like I saved the day".

My random Musing: Will Eden upgrade to a bigger nose ring as she ages ala a bull?😁



Edited by CaptainHulk
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Another episode quite boring 

I watch this flim crew and I do wonder where are the actors 

Honestly I don’t think Eden would miss out on much if Levi left His as friendly as a dead fish and has the chemistry of a dead horse 

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H&Alover, I think although flirting would be frowned upon I think it was actually the fact Kirby took the guy's number with the intention of a date, that's a different boundary in a way. 😉

I'm glad Flick has finally climbed down from her high horse and admitted that she is the same, well done Xander again it's true she and Mac don't actually need to be friends but as long as they can be sensible, Salt will do well.

Levi...aww diddums is your widdle ego a bit dented? You get what you deserve honey, hehe!  He made me fall about barking at Eden...has he actually forgotten she disowned him and he chased the contact when he arrived? 

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