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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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3 hours ago, H&Alover said:

He wasn't going hold her to ransom.  

No, he was going to take her off to another country so her family would never see her again!

I've got this horrible feeling that the show's trying to make Eden out to be the unreasonable one so we'll sympathise with Levi and Mackenzie. I do think she crossed a line expecting Felicity to sacrifice her business just to hurt Mackenzie, and I wonder how she'll feel about Felicity crossing the picket line and accepting she and Mackenzie have to work together. (I loved Xander's reaction at them both turning up in full hurricane mode: It was like the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse just rode through his flat!) That said, I was fully on Eden's side at the end.Sure, her rant at Levi wasn't entirely coherent, but he needs to suck it up. It's all right for him to say that he doesn't need her in his life, but as she pointed out, he's the one that's moved to her town and is getting in her face all the time.Her barking at him when she sees him is part of his not-so-fresh start.

Is it worth commenting on Theo's mega-quick recovery from...whatever his problem was? I did enjoy the interplay with Remi, Eden and Theo. The question of who Remi's waiting for was basically answered by the promo!

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Xander's rant at Flick and Mac did get through to them eventually.  Glad that Flick ignored Eden's 'advice'  that she sell her half of Salt.  Both her and Mac need Salt it gave Felicity  a purpose,   a direction, she was a bit of a drifter before she got involved with it.  Mac has always been a business woman and before now it gave her a reason to get up in the  morning.  They put their business heads on and agreed they can be professional at least  for the sake of their business.    Well I think Xander deserves a rise. 

 I may be seeing from a different angle but I think Levi was right to quit his job, even if Eden thought he  thought he was being hard done by, to me he did the decent thing and using old fashioned terms he did the gentlemanly thing and fell on his sword.    He and Imogen working in the same hospital would be awkward to say the very least, they'd both have friends there and it's well known what it's like in any big institution  if one half of  a couple break up and you know both.   Imogen is the innocent one so he didn't see why she should suffer.   If he leaves she could carry on without having to worry about bumping into him.    I do hope though his colleagues acted professionally if they had to work along aside him.   Yes it will mean he'll be hanging around the bay so you'll just have to play the bigger person ignore him won't you girl.  

Theo does seem to have got over his addiction/stress trauma or has it just be buried for the moment?  Remi, Eden and Theos' night seem to have gone very well.   Though I do think Remi's getting smashed was to help him 'forget' his lady troubles.   Did I imagine it or did Eden actually pay for those pizzas?    No sympathy with either of them having sore heads seeing as it was self inflicted. 






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A bit of a filler episode but fun anyway.Justin actually was a pretty good actor, even if he did need Stevie to explain to him what "steel" meant! Leah really did act like the embarrassing aunt. Nice for Theo that he passed his apprenticeship. (No doubt Kirby will be wondering if that means he's free for Lyrik again!)

Meanwhile, as indicated in yesterday's promo, Remi has apparently decided to make a go of things with Stevie, although ironically it ended up being Bree that he had the deep and meaningful with. Stevie seemed a bit scary at the end. Between her, Eden and Felicity, Cash is getting very good at shepherding highly-strung women.

Eden probably landed on the right note: Staying angry at Levi isn't doing her any good, but that doesn't mean all is forgiven and she's going to go back to being the loving sister.

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Well one cliff hanger sorted - Theo has passed his last assignment - hurrah.👏 He's now a fully qualified mechanic at the garage  that is hardly ever open.   It certainly wasn't yesterday as he and Justin were wandering about on the beach watching filming.  Odd in a way James 'playing' at being someone plucked out of the crowd to 'play' a part in a  film.  Wonder if it took him back to his early days?    Double cringe with Leah shouting out.    Loved Stevie's earrings. 

Stevie doesn't take any prisoners does she - really gave Remi short shrift, but it seemed Cash may have hit the nail on the head when he reckoned she was more into him than she admitted. Or to quote The Bard "The lady  doth protest too  much, methinks".  Remi did jump straight in there, literally just after his break up with Bree, a very rebound response.  Now it's calmed down somewhat he's feeling unsure if he has made the right choice.   Maybe just take it a tad slower.   Stevie was thinking a lot of herself assuming Remi had followed her into the Surf Club. Bree did take it slower and was more discreet, or tried to be, about it with Nelson.   I loved that talk between Bree and Remi sad as it was that she has come to the conclusion not outgrown him - wrong phrase - but he had shown her how to be herself and be free.  With Nelson it really is  a fresh start. There'll always be that special feeling between them - she showed him he could fall in love for real.  Both relationships  don't have to be the romance of the century jut as casual as any of them want them to be. 

Just as much as deep and meaningful conversation with  Bree and Levi but on more a professional level, as in what is he going to do now he's quit St. Christophers.  He may be  a lousy husband but too good a surgeon to just  do nothing.    She gave him her view  on her personal future an said he'd get there in he end.   Remi and Eden's deep and meaningfuls got a result in the end for both of them - Remi wouldn't let her aggro with Levi rest.  It did end well - sort of - with her agreeing on  a kind of twist of Mac and Flick's decision - agreeing not to  snipe at him every time she sees him and to be civil making it easier for everyone around them so they aren't walking on eggshells.   

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Alf's episode count this week:Three, and he was credited on Wednesday for no appearance.

Far too much of the episode taken up with Tane's Pity Party. And worse, we get it in stereo with Harper and Dana, seemingly competing for the post of head fangirl, whining about how it's "not fair" that Tane might go to jail.Of course it's fair, he kidnapped a child and tried to deny her a loving home and family for selfish reasons. Fifteen years might be extreme but anyone saying he doesn't deserve to go to jail (which now even includes Rose!) is living in fantasy land. Roo was severely slappable with her smug "It can't help to have a conversation" to Rose, who really should have told her to get lost instead of giving in. Tane's reasons for signing the gym over to Felicity were a bit odd (she's got her own business, she doesn't need his) but I guess she's the only family he has left in the Bay and he wants it in good hands.

I guess there was far too much "I'm so happy" and "We have all the time in the world" (always a harbinger of doom) for there not to be some drama coming up. This show really does struggle to notice that a storyline's over sometimes: Was there really anyone clamouring for Stevie's stalker to lurch back to life like a bad horror movie monster and have another shot at her (literally)? It might have helped if Cash had been on hand doing his job rather than babysitting Harper and Dana. I know hindsight's easy but all he really achieved by running down there bellowing her name like a madman was make her an easier target, since it led to her turning round and standing still.

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Shame Stevie got shot in the end and Cash couldn’t save her it seems like quite the disappointing end Especially considering Bree wasn’t too annoying for once making up with Remi and Nelson who was quite cool 

Tane I did feel abit sorry for when he looked at old family photo I did think well he has royally messed up here 

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3 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

Far too much of the episode taken up with Tane's Pity Party. And worse, we get it in stereo with Harper and Dana, seemingly competing for the post of head fangirl, whining about how it's "not fair" that Tane might go to jail.

Call me cynical, but I thought his taiaha display at the beginning of the ep was also a rather transparent tactic to get any wavering fans back on side, ready to feel sorry for him for having to go to court. Yes he may have been behaving like a petulant child in recent weeks, but look at how his muscles glisten in the evening light. 🙄

I wonder if there'll be anything else to remind people of how great he is before he gets to court...

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