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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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Dana was trying to tell John why she couldn't do her shift, but he wouldn't let her get  a word in.   It didn't help she was flummoxed enough about the rescheduling of Tane's trial and having to psych herself up again.   As we saw he had another go at her in the Diner and hey Leah and Maz have reappeared and she finally managed to get the words out.  To give him his due he did humbly apologise.   We did see briefly what she was being put through - all she can do is tell the truth as she saw it.   Yes she was dumb, to put it mildly, to let Tane see Poppy one more time but he chose to steal away with her.  Bit of  a shocker that Sonia has changed her mind.  

Still no  sign of Mali and Kirby. 

Two more 'missing' people showing up - Justin and Theo and their reactions to it all.  Hear, hear with the comments about some people respectfully laying flowers and tributes to Stevie then the unspeakable ghouls, monsters, no words can effectively describe them, taking selfies of themselves where someone was killed.    🤬🤢  Trouble is it being a  public place I don't suppose anyone can do anything about it. 

If Sidney was acting out 'his' version of Death Throes did Crystal's character get pushed  off  a cliff and did Stevie's die by being shot?   I didn't think Stevie was that convinced about Crystal's  death being an accident due to her fear of heights.  It may be mentioned when he gets to trial unless he is declared unfit to plead.   

Bree did overstep the line.  But although they may not be together  she hasn't fallen out of love with him yet nor has he fallen out of love with her.   Both their new relationships are/were new and the L word maybe a way off yet, if it comes up or in Remi's case won't.  I think that is what Bree thought Remi needed.  They did have a bit of a reminisce on when they first met and how attractive he found her. 

Theo returning the favour I guess, Remi was there for him and gave him words of advice. 

They were trying to give it  a bit of a lift with Xander's comment to Levi and Mac about how he preferred it when their affair was secret following their snog at the bar.    

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While I dont really care about him because I’m beyond bored of Tane at this point You could blame this baby thing on Felcity and oh boy she’s bored me to tears now too believe me she did kinda mess him around 

Remi and Bree you can stop now your edging your way on to my don’t care list as well

 oh yeah Harper repeating I don’t recall made me think of a robot we could take that loop it put a beat behind have a disco rave track with as rap thrown in for good measure 

Edited by pembie
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I'm glad Felicity has finally admitted she did the wrong thing by lying; desperation is never the way to go about it and you will always be caught.

The judge was giving me Morag vibes all the way! The two chaps playing the respective lawyers, especially the prosecution, showed the profession in it's true form; master manipulators and opportunistic gameplayers, very well done.

As for the preview, Flick you are d-u-m-b, rule number one is; Never reveal private stuff to lawyers, admittedly they can and often do dig it up themselves, but still of course Marshall will use it, it's his job.

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8 hours ago, H&Alover said:

Dana was trying to tell John why she couldn't do her shift, but he wouldn't let her get  a word in. 

She didn't make any effort to tell him as far as I could see, just made unhelpful statements like "I can't" and "I'm sorry". Even at the end, she was incapable of giving him a straight answer and left it to Marilyn.

Maybe I'm being harsh on him but I was spectacularly unimpressed by some of Alf's actions here.Sure, get rid of the bloodsucker trying to make money from a tragedy.But what exactly gives him the right to ban all floral tributes to Stevie from the beach just two days after she died because...what? It's bringing the mood down? It's making the town look bad? For all his attempts to say it was just so they could set up a nice memorial somewhere warm and dry (and out of sight), it came across as massively disrespectful and I was disappointed that everyone except Mali let him railroad them into it.

I was amused at Felicity's force of nature in just getting into Tane's car and refusing to budge, less so at her smug look of approval at Harper's pathetic display.If Tane and Harper weren't main characters and thus above the law, they'd both have been chucked in a cell until they could behave like grown-ups.(The judge even threatens to charge Tane if he speaks again, then he does and she just issues more impotent warnings.)Cash outright told Harper the court wouldn't tolerate anyone playing the fool with a sudden attack of amnesia, so why was she acting like she'd come up with the perfect way to beat the system that no-one had ever thought of before? As it was, she managed to spin the facts to show Tane in a favourable light anyway, so what was with playing silly beggars? It's frustrating that Felicity has let Tane get in her head and convinced herself that somehow her lying about wanting children justifies him deciding to go and take someone else's. If Dana had really been trying to help Tane, she might have mentioned it was her idea to sneak him into the hospital. Is it me or were both Rose and Dana somehow the first witness?

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Yep, hands up I did get it wrong, it was Marilyn who told John about Dana's rescheduled court appearance.  Have you tried to interrupt John when he goes into one? I did say she was already flummoxed enough. 

There isn't a lot anyone could do about the floral tributes being left - even the sickening selfies people were taking it's an open space.  The film crew had left but now although we haven't seen them, the press and other media would have descended on the place and some of them wouldn't be as respectful, pushing their mikes into people's faces and asking how they felt about it all.   But I did like how he got Rose onside to stop that spiv flogging 'possible' illegal gear.   It is only a  couple of days but maybe and just my thoughts  he was wanting to clear the beach so her memorial  could be placed in a more private place so as  not upset the locals with said selfie lovers.  It turned Justin and Theo off from going on the beach as it would I  imagine others.  

I'm guessing as a fan Mali would know Stevie had Aborigine(al) heritage which is why he wanted to hold the smoking ceremony. Having Googled it It does sound like a very moving ceremony and would be very fitting.  Stevie may not have been everyone's favourite person  but she put up Mali's board shop on her social page which has brought him in a lot of work which is why he wanted to do this. 

The 'chap' who was Tane's lawyer is Marshall.   Both prosecution and defence lawyers are supposed to be as they were last night, it's their job.  They either need to prove the defendant is guilty or not  depending what side you are on.   You'd want  a decent guy/woman defending you, wouldn't you? 

But Flick has already admitted she was wrong to lie to Tane and it does still bother her and she blames herself - not so much him picking Poppy up - he would have done that anyway -  but the fact he felt so drawn to her and protective about her because of her lying about wanting children knowing how much he would have liked a family.   I guess she thought telling Marshall would be OK, he is on Tane's side, but he's going to use it for his own purposes without running it before Tane first.  Just I was l starting to really like him and it seemed, unlike others on here always seem to think of any newcomer,  he was a decent guy with no dodgy past.  

No real explanation for Sonia changing her mind.   

I guess we missed Rose's appearance in the witness box as she fetched up at the  Surf Club and saw off t-shirt creep.    Dana did a lot better, I thought, than she thought she would.    All she had do was answer the prosecutions questions and tell the truth as she knew it. Tane died help look after Poppy which helped the other nurses. It was  right that Marshall objected about the reason why Tane got threatened with the AVO, she wasn't there so wasn't  a witness to him attacking the journo.  She di know about the AVO actually bene put on Tane, all staff at the hospital would have been informed.  I thought Dana did admit she'd let Tane in that night?   Did we blink and miss Marshall's cross examination of Dana? 

I certainly didn't expect that from Harper, she is supposed to be the grown up and sensible one.    She did, finally, listen to Tane and tell  it as it was.  Wouldn't Mali be called as he was there and he'd be back up for Harper? 



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Alf's episode count this week:Five!

So, yes, the usual trope of them spending weeks claiming a character's going to jail and then they don't.I guess I should give them credit for holding back on their usual "Pretty boy gets upset on witness stand so everyone feels sorry for him" trick.But as usual, it's ridiculously slanted: We don't see Tane get cross-examined (which was the main fear about putting him on the stand), in fact the prosecutor doesn't speak a word all episode and we just get Marshall's usual spin.(If Tane really wanted what was best for Poppy, he'd have let her go to the foster family, not hidden her away in a back room.Harper, of course, is too busy having sex with him to remember all the effort she went to find Poppy a safe home only for him to wreck it.)I'm glad that at least Felicity has moved on from constantly begging Tane for forgiveness and instead gave him a straight-talking "This actually helps you so stop being precious and suck it up." Harper, meanwhile, gets "rewarded" for acting like an utter twit in court by being his latest rebound hook-up.Tane finally admits he and Felicity are only separated so Harper has to face the awkwardness of facing up to his wife afterwards.No doubt Tane's "strict conditions" will be ignored going forward and he'll just do whatever he likes.

I'm still not really comfortable with this desire to go "Stevie who?" as if a young woman being murdered is mostly an inconvenience that's getting in the way of everyone's surfing.(And Cash and Remi have used up their episodes this week so aren't around to argue.)But it was nice to get some more Aboriginal cultural details, Home and Away continues to be one of the best soaps at including this kind of thing.

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H&Alover, I only said chaps as I was referring to both the lawyers, I knew our Marshall! 🙂 Flick grousing in court about it being brought up reminded me of something my Nan told me, she worked for a legal firm; 'In court or out never volunteer more infomation than asked for.' No, I'm glad he fought for Tane, though I didn't condone him taking Poppy. My comments in regards to lawyers were just as a general, it's a big game of chess where they get paid either way.

I'll admit the 'morning after' shirtless scenes and Tane in the suit inspired my ahem, shall we say more shallow feelings, hehe! I think he and Harper would make a good match, they both want security in a relationship and it strikes me that they both want to do things better for their lives going forward, I know it's been noted that Harper and Dana had a rough background and Tane maybe just wants a simple family life now, no drama (yes, I'm aware in Summer Bay that's nigh on impossible!).

The smoking ceremony I thought was quite beautiful in its way, it fascinates me to see how other cultures view and deal with death/dying for some it seems to be seen almost as not exactly a positive but something of celebration of the soul journey as it were, like many Latin nations as well, whereas in other countries it can be very dark, the contrast is always interesting. I believe as well it's NAIDOC week (I know this was shown it Aus earlier in the year) but still a good opportunity for anyone to investigate further if they are curious too. 🙂


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