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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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Real classy Harper and Tane Since when has there been a bed at the gym The rest a naff ending to a long storyline Tane should have gone to jail even if it was just for a month in show time

Steives funeral was odd I got the first part with Malis culture but I don’t really know why they went for surf Alf missed out on that he could have had his old Stone the Crows B-road and joined them 

Edited by pembie
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I've never heard of this sentence  ICO the Judge laid on Tane, must be  an Aussie thing? Plus he had to attend this other course he has been sent to right away.   Sounded similar to Justin having to do his Anger Management Course. There were quite a few cross examinations we didn't see from either side.  Dare say if we had people on here and the forums would moan about it being dragged out. Why didn't Mali get called, he was, in my eyes, quite a major witness to Tane coming back.   

We have seen the bed in the gym before,  more of a put-u-up/camp bed. Tane stayed there after he left the Parata house, Mac saw it and that is when she asked him to stay at hers.   

We - or some of us -  mentioned Harper's crush on  Tane before but  to give her her due she has restrained herself while the trial has been going on.  I'm guessing Tane dashed off back to Mac's to freshen up before he went to court to hear his sentence -  was quick -  and Mali just raising his eyebrows when Harper slipped out after.   Some-one would have noticed she was still wearing the clothes she had on the day before.   I know  legally Tane and Felicity   are still married but separated couples can and  do sleep with other people.  Are Harper and Dana still living at Irene's? 

The improvised smoking ceremony that Mali did was lovely and moving though Alf could have taken his titfer off to show proper respect, him being of the age he is that  if  a hearse went by guys took their hats off and bowed their heads.    I'm guessing the surfing bit was more for the Stevie they got to know, her lively spirit which is why they shouted out her name. 



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57 minutes ago, H&Alover said:

I've never heard of this sentence  ICO the Judge laid on Tane, must be  an Aussie thing?

Something that in NSW is supposed to be an option for sentences of up to 2-3 years... not 7 like Tane's... 🤦‍♂️

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I've been finding it hard to keep up with the episode because of work, Wimbledon, football, Love Island etc but hopefully that will calm down now.
Levi - I don't like what Levi and Mackenzie have done at all but I was finding Eden so unbearable that I started to side with Levi whenever the two of them interacted (I have to admit I found Marilyn's facial expression of discomfort when she was serving Levi and Eden was having a go at him quite amusing).  I don't condone or like the affair but if Levi is going to reside at the bay as Cash said, Eden couldn't carry on being annoyed with him forever.  So, I'm glad she agreed to try and be civil.  I actually quite like the scenes with Bree and Levi.  Again if he is going to be integrated into the show it would make sense for him to actually have social interactions outside of Mackenzie and *cough cough* Mali and I think Levi/Bree work really well as colleagues/friends.

Stevie - I felt sorry for Stevie re Remi.  I initially thought Remi was a bit harsh when he dumped her but at least he was honest with her.  I was surprised Stevie was shot when she was filming but shocked she didn't make it.  Didn't think the writers would do that.  It was kind of disappointing as whilst I accepted she wasn't going to be a permanent character I was hoping she would be around for a little while longer and I found her to be quite likeable.  I've found the general mood of the Bay quite sad but like other people still feel it's a waste.

Alf - He seems to have had a bit of a personality transplant and I've actually quite liked him as of late.  He's not been the miserable, grumpy person who constantly bites people's heads off.  I really enjoyed the interaction with him and Stevie when they first started talking.  I guess it proves some people can be closed off but when you connect with them on something, they open up, in this case fishing.  Really liked him how he handled Nelson and all the people at the Surf Club when they took cover from Stevie's assassin and the obnoxious guy who didn't didn't seem to care that Stevie was fighting for her life.  I also liked how he was with Mali, respecting his culture and Mali not wanting to participate in relocating the memorial.  Alf's certainly been a lot calmer, patient and understanding.

Felicity - I was practically cheering when Xander called Felicity out for potentially jeopardising the business because she wanted to be a mate to Eden can't get over Mackenzie's calling her out about the pregnancy re Tane but was sleeping with Levi so I was glad, he threatened to leave and had a conversation with her talked Felicity round.  Her love for Tane remains strong. The fact that she was scared of the gunman to the point where she locked herself in her home but still left to go after Tane anyway proves that.

Remi - I thought Remi was doing a Tane basically.  OK for him to sleep with someone else but when Bree does it, he throws a strop.  I actually loved that Bree got on Nelson's bike when she first started seeing him.  You could argue that Remi having a go at Cash about protecting Stevie was harsh although I did think he had a point.  I thought Bree was out of line kissing him because she was confused and I think Remi was right that they keep their distance.

Cash - I do have some sympathy Stevie dying on his watch and didn't like Remi having a go at him but part of me did feel if he was more focused on being her bodyguard things might have ended up different.  It probably wouldn't have made much difference and even if it did he might have ended up dead himself.  Shook my head when the gunman basically apologiesd to Cash for doubting him, when Cash told him Stevie was dead.

Dana - Still finding her quite annoying, selfish and inconsiderate.  She used all of Bree's conditioner and during this thing with the court case she's made it about her.  Thought she should have simply told John she had to testify in court because the dates were changed, then he wouldn't have been so pushy in the Diner.

Tane - There was a comment made a while back I think with regards to how the attractive females focus on him.  I tend to agree.  Dana cutting herself up about Tane and the court case, Harper often following him around like a lost puppy and of course Felicity, not giving up on him despite the number of times he's told her to get lost.  In terms of the whole Tane/Harper thing....I knew it.  When he stuck his tongue down her throat a few months ago, she still agreed to do the PT sessions and considering how she's gone out of her way to help him, to me that indicated that she fancied him.  Most people wouldn't want to spend any time around some who they didn't find attractive kissing them.  Felicity is going to be distraught when she finds out.  I think Tane's very lucky to get no jail time.  I would even go as far as saying what was handed down by the judge was ridiculous.  Loved the smug look on his lawyer's face in court though.  I'm actually glad if only to see the fallout him sleeping with Harper re his current wife.

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Well, Cash overtakes Alf as the person with the most inappropriate reaction to Stevie's death. Where the hell does he get off having a go at Nelson for a decision made by someone else? Nelson has done absolutely nothing wrong, and this comes right after Cash admitting he took his eye off the ball and became complacent:Stevie kept him on because she thought she could trust him and he let her down.The excuse for Wickham being out of jail continues to be laughable, but then judges letting criminals go just because their defence asks nicely seems to be trendy at the moment.Part of me thinks that Nelson inviting Bree to come to Italy with him after a matter of weeks would be pretty out there even without her still being hung up on Remi, but I guess whirlwind romances happen.

I am rapidly losing all respect for Harper, which is a shame because I used to quite like her, but her current performance as a rabid Tane fan girl who got lucky with her hero is just pathetic.(Dana calling him a "demigod" pretty much sums up how we're apparently meant to view him, although at least she got on Harper's nerves.)Naturally, Felicity is nice to Harper right after Harper's slept with her husband.Yes, yes, separated, but Tane is such a complete hypocrite on that one, judging Felicity for sleeping with precisely one person while he has sex with every willing warm body he can find, that part of me really does hope she gives both of them both barrels.

So we finally meet Mali’s brother. He seemed to make at least a reasonably good first impression on Rose but Mali isn’t fooled for a minute by his “just popped round for a visit” claim.

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I don’t quite understand why Tane has gone to the city given Justin didn’t when he got community service But hopefully Tane has gone to the city for 7 years given that was what prison time he got While him and Harper getting together was predictable I didn’t expect them to have sex on the gym floor But hey it seemed to impress Harper so that speaks volumes lol

So Mali has his brother visiting hopefully that makes Mali bit more interesting 

Edited by pembie
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"Sorry Marilyn, my sister forgot her muzzle'. I nearly collapsed laughing at that line; Dana's whole tennage teasing of Harper showed the classic sibling thing which I thought was quie fun. As I've said before I think Harper would in some ways be a better match for Tane as they're on a similar wavelength. 'Demigod' is a pretty good description for his phsysicality he'd be an artist's dream to sketch.

I'm glad Nelson had some morals but those scenes show the arts industry at it's most honest, literally everyone is dispensible, regardless of circumstance, money is the object no matter what.

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