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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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4 hours ago, CaptainHulk said:


Whilst I take RR1's point about them trying to hammer it in about Tane, it does make me laugh when Dana calls him that (as did her "Well he certainly GOT lucky....")

Only problem is, every time I hear it, I get "You're Welcome" from the Moana soundtrack in my head... just because demigod is mentioned...

20 hours ago, pembie said:

I don’t quite understand why Tane has gone to the city given Justin didn’t when he got community service But hopefully Tane has gone to the city for 7 years given that was what prison time he got

It's just for the particular counselling course that Tane was ordered to attend immediately - Justin's sessions were evidently less intense and he was able to attend a local centre over a number of weeks.

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Alf can switch from wise old go to guy and give good advice to people then  go to grumpy, nimby mood in an instant.  He does keep you on your toes as you don't know which way he will jump.  

Maybe Cash was deflecting the unnecessary blame he thinks he should feel by having a go at Nelson.  He did jump in there before giving Nelson a chance to finish.   We could argue whether Cash should take responsibility for Stevie's shooting for ever.  Sidney was the one that had been stalking her, he was locked up so Stevie didn't really need a 24/7 body guard, she chose to keep him on  just to be there.  She must have felt safe enough for Cash not to be there at the beach.   Sidney's lawyer must have really be able to talk the talk to be able to persuade a judge to let him out on bail.  His rep has gone right down the pan. Hope Felicity manages to talk Cash round - old sister/brother thing there - hope he finds out Nelson has stopped working on the film and apologises. 

I did notice that smirk of Marshall's - thought it made him "look at me - aren't I the clever one".  smart git. 

 Some on other sites thought Nelson was well dodgy but I liked him and it seemed I wasn't wrong to be on his side.  👏 to him for telling the producers to get stuffed wanting him to recast Stevie's  role so they could finish the film, he showed real decency and integrity.  Producers, though not all, just care about the 💵 they've put into a film/series and what they'll make.  Nice talk he had with Alf at the new place for Stevie's memorial.  It was still visible so not hidden away but  could be visited quietly.  He may well  get a fine or whatever producers do if someone drops out of  a film.    Would have been bad enough if Stevie had died due to natural courses but she got shot right in front of him.   I'm supposing Stevie's funeral will be near where her family live wherever that is so we won't be seeing it.   

Bit out of the blue Nelson asking Bree to go with him to Italy.   Big decision for her, would it a kind of holiday for her, he'd be working after all, how long for, could she get that time off work?  As she said to Rose she still feels ties with Remi,  but maybe some distance would be good for both of them, not easy giving someone space when you live in a small town - how many times have we seen people trying that? 

Mali keeping another secret - which he is good at  - I'd trust him with one.  Bit squirmy when Flick rocked up and wanted to know what they were chatting about.   Very awkward as Harper and Felicity had been getting on so well supporting Tane. 

I may be seeing it too simply but maybe Harper and Tane's coming together, as it were, was just a way of coming through all that stress.  Tane is out of reach for now, as he said he and Harper will talk when he comes back and yes it is something that needs discussing face to face.   It may have been a one -off, but still be friends or take it further. True sisterhood coming through there Dana working out where Harper had spent the  night before and who with.   She found it so funny and just couldn't resist teasing her.   She is the one I'd be worried about letting it slip, she doesn't always mean to but can put both feet in it.   I answered my own question btw - they are still living at Irene's. 

  That one person did turn out to be Tane's lawyer -  I know neither of them knew who the other was - but it was a tad more personal.  Flick didn't know the randoms.  

🚩's and 🔔's ringing when Mali suggested to Rose they go back to his as Tane, obviously was in the city and Levi and Mac were away so they would be alone 😉- yeh right!   Mali did actually lock up - WOW.    Does Iluka usually break into places he's visiting?    I'm guessing he knows Rose is a  cop as he said their mum couldn't stop talking about her.  Was he the brother who was always getting into trouble? He was a potential successful footie player but crocked his knee and got into a lot of bother. It seems he is hiding from someone so is hoping to hold up at Mali's.  Depending on how long he is staying square it away with Mac now Mali - look what happened last time.   

Nothing  wrong with being a normal person - not everyone can be exciting or as suggested - not very interesting  - be very wearing for everyone.  Most people in a town are 'normal'.  They do have their moments.  



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To be honest, while I fully understand Nelson seeing it as a poisoned chalice and getting out of there, I'm not as ready to condemn the producers for wanting to recast as everyone else is.Whilst you'd think they'd have insurance for this sort of thing, in pretty much any walk of life, if someone dies, sooner or later their employer will hire someone else to do their job.Does it being so high profile make a difference? Anyway, that's Nelson seemingly gone (so no apology from Cash, who doesn't appear to have even seen him again).Bree really does seem to be messing with everyone's head at the moment: He forgives her and she turns him down anyway! I guess I can understand Remi (someone else she's sent very mixed signals to) wanting to get out of there and wasn't too keen on Eden sticking her neb in.

It is always nice to see Felicity trying to step up and be the caring sibling, even if she did largely end up handing over to Eden.Not that Eden's brilliant plan to force Cash and Remi together was particularly helpful, with Cash seemingly left to pull himself out of this hole on his own.

Even Roo comments on Alf and Irene's synchronised filming breaks!

So, we get the explanation from Iluka and it seems he isn't too dodgy, although he has a tendency to hang with the wrong crowd.I'm not sure Mali and Rose really need to be that concerned about Kirby.

33 minutes ago, H&Alover said:

it was a tad more personal.  Flick didn't know the randoms.  

Well, this is even more personal: Tane's slept with someone Felicity considers a friend and who knows very intimate and personal details about her from being involved in the aftermath of her rape. And neither of them seem particularly bothered aside from Harper worrying about herself if Felicity finds out.

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3 hours ago, Dan F said:

Whilst I take RR1's point about them trying to hammer it in about Tane, it does make me laugh when Dana calls him that (as did her "Well he certainly GOT lucky....")

Only problem is, every time I hear it, I get "You're Welcome" from the Moana soundtrack in my head... just because demigod is mentioned...

It's just for the particular counselling course that Tane was ordered to attend immediately - Justin's sessions were evidently less intense and he was able to attend a local centre over a number of weeks.


"Hammer it in..."

*retreats to corner*


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The point about Harper sleeping with Tane given the support she provided Felicity during the rape is one I  was concerned about a while back after Harper told Tane she didn't want him to be her PT anymore then changed her mind because she didn't have any friends, as I thought at the time it was indicative that she liked him and was maybe she was biding her time.  This is also supported by the fact Felicity was suspicious of her initially and Harper assured her nothing was going on and it felt to me that Felicity was made to feel jealous and paranoid.  Harper was telling the truth that there wasn't anything happening, but I suspect Felicity knew that Harper liked him.  And it's going to seem that all the effort Harper made to try and help Tane was also a way to spend time with him.

There's also the fact that I believe Harper knows Felicity is still in love with Tane.  She must do.  Surely anybody that's spent enough time with Felicity to see how she's gone out of her way to help Tane would realise this.
Although, to be fair to Harper, she didn't actually try to initiate anything previously, but I think she and Tane slept together because they just assumed he was going to jail, so both of them thought they might as well give into their feelings.

I think with Harper, she very much comes across as a goody two shoes but has made some serious mistakes, getting Cash and Irene involved when Madden was after Dana which led to serious repercussions for them.  And again lying about Tane in court.  It will be interesting to see how Cash actually reacts to this.  He didn't seem to care about the randoms Tane was sleeping with but maybe this will be different given Harper is a friend of his.

Dana was so annoying.  She basically spent the whole of Monday's episode celebrating what happened between Harper and Tane but she seemed to acknowledge Felicity wouldn't be happy about it, even joking.  Once again this reaffirms to me that she's not a nice person.

Not keen on Mali's brother.  The fact that he broke the door lock to let himself into Mackenzie's and the way he comes across just bothers me.

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I meant the previous randoms that Tane slept with after his and Felicity's breakup.  Flick did have  a problem with  seeing Harper seemingly hooking up with Tane  at the time when they were innocently chatting.   We saw how awkward Harper was  when Flick came into the Surf Club. 

Having insurance for a star falling ill, having such a serious injury they had to drop out of  a film or even dying is a given.  Big stars have been replaced in big films Michael Gambon replaced Richard Harris in Harry Potter, Oliver Reed was replaced by a body double and CGI techniques in Gladiator.  This was different though - Stevie was murdered and on set  in front of  her fans!  So I'm Team Nelson.   Anyways he has gone now, he didn't feel comfortable in the bay any more.  Sad that it seems her burial is being held up due to Sidney's trial - did I get that right? 

Bree was very swings and roundabouts - she did like Nelson a lot  - enough to be honest with him about her relationship with Remi and how complicated it was - not your average boyfriend/girlfriend thing and why she had to think about going with him and ultimately said no. What did Nelson have to forgive Bree for?  As far as he knew as said before she & Remi were your average boy/girlfriend, not something you'd just drop into a conversation.   Of course Remi had to see the goodbye kiss between Nelson & Bree and assume it meant something completely different.   There is such a lot of feeling left between the two of them.  He is so not in the right mood for driving off on his bike which is why Eden hid the key -Eden would  stick her neb in -  that is what friends are for.  Eden torn between two  lovers there - OK Remi isn't  a lover but you know what  I mean.   May have been a tad too soon for Remi to accept Cash's apology for him admitting 'yes he may have taken his eye off the ball' and owned responsibility - but didn't see any danger as Sidney was locked up. This security firm  is taking it's time as to who was to blame for not letting Cash know in time. 

Dana isn't  a nasty person,  just  operates mouth before engaging brain.   Maybe Xander will be a calming influence on her. 

Iluka isn't  that  much of a  dodgy person it seems just hangs around with dodgy people.   Unless of course he was being economical with the truth.  A gentle warning from Mali to Kirby about Iluke who isn't supposed to be sticking around for long is he?   He got introduced to Alf and Roo who naturally think he is going to be as hardworking and pleasant as Mali, let's hope they won't be disappointed. 

We don't have to hear it but we should hear that Mali has told Mac, she's got another guest.   Was that story about him working in a garage and him taking apart the teachers car a hint that he may be working  in the Garage at a later date?🤔   

I have read reports on other pages about why Maz is giving out pastries left right and centre but I won't spoil it for those who haven't. 😉

Irene is back with a new friend - Bronte - in tow who we've already seen isn't as upfront as Irene thinks.   


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4 hours ago, H&Alover said:

What did Nelson have to forgive Bree for? 

Kissing Remi. Stevie's funeral has been delayed by the police investigation but it probably won't last until the trial.

Sounds like we can add Leah to the absentee list: Even with Irene back, there's not that many people in the Bay at the moment! I really struggled to follow Marilyn's logic here, and while she's not the clearest thinker, you'd expect Roo to point out the flaws rather than get swept up in the madness.I can understand not wanting food to go to waste, but if she's giving it away free, won't that mean the Diner's lost the money for it anyway? The barbecue did at least seem to be making some money but apparently not as much as normal.So really, how was it ever a possibility that Irene and Leah wouldn't notice how much she's spent? And sure enough, Irene realises as soon as she looks at the week's outgoings.

I was not expecting Bree to go running back to Remi that quickly and I was expecting even less for him to be open to the idea given the mixed messages she's been sending him.But I guess I should applaud Remi for dealing with it maturely and noting this isn't the right time for them.

Irene's picked up another stray, but we already know from that phone call that Bronte isn't entirely on the level.I thought Harper was pushing it a bit describing herself as Irene's housemate rather than her lodger.

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Leah and Irene always seem to be away at the same time and since Chris & Colleen left and Roo quit, poor Marilyn is left on her own.

And the Beach House now has four bedrooms again, with three upstairs. Convenient.

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33 minutes ago, c120701 said:

And the Beach House now has four bedrooms again, with three upstairs. Convenient.

It's been like that for quite a while, although I'm struggling to remember the last time there were four people living there. Was there a point when Irene, Willow, Jasmine and Bella were all there?

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