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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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I didn't say Dana was nasty, but that she's not a nice person.  I find her selfish and self-centered and you don't necessarily need to be nasty, to be someone who isn't nice.  As I've said multiple times, I feel she often lacks empathy and despite being a nurse, I'm struggling to think of an instance where I've seen her show genuine compassion or even understanding towards someone.

It's now starting to feel like the whole thing with Stevie filming at Summer Bay was a plot device to facilitate a Remi/Bree reunion.  Just wish they hadn't killed her off.  I always thought Remi and Bree were in love with each other when they broke up but there are still issues such as Remi unwilling to give up his bike.  I know Nelson also had a bike but assume Bree will still have an issue with Remi because he was hospitalised.  I'm also assuming that the time Remi requested so he doesn't mess the relationship up will be all of two weeks.

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Not as if Bree and Nelson were in a long term relationship so not cheating on him.

Odd little drop in remark by Justin saying Leah's gone to the clinic - kind of check-up I guess - did tie in neatly with Irene coming back.   I think Dana may be Bronte's undoing - Bronte hasn't met her yet. Yes, yes I may be  getting way ahead of myself but she is a nurse so may have more of a clue if anything Bronte is spinning Irene isn't true.   Autoimmune condition would, I imagine, be difficult to prognose  specifically as it must be different for everyone so she could tell Irene anything. 

Did Bronte just hang about in the hospital waiting room looking for a suitable victim?  Now she knows Irene is a partner in a thriving business has her own home, be rich pickings.   Do Dana and Harper share - surely not -  the bedroom opposite the bathroom is Harper's isn't it?    Irene said to Bronte she had laid clean towels on her bed for her but it looked like she waved towards Harper's room but then Bronte went upstairs - confused.com. 🤔

Not just pastries then, but other goodies, like beefburgers etc.  Justin was inspired by having that BBQ, not just to use the food  up but also cheering up the locals and giving themselves something to focus on after all that had gone on a few days ago.   Mind you it did mean the garage wasn't open again. 😉🙄   Roo certainly did turn into Alf there by ordering the others around. 😆  Irene is one sharp cookie business wise though and Maz was using her initiative but wasn't Leah there when the film crew were, plus fans  so wouldn't she have signed off on it?   Anyways, they were meant to be there  a lot longer but circumstances took over which no-one could have foreseen.  

Not many people like Bree and Remi  together but I do - so shoot me - oops sorry -  bad analogy.  Wise words from Theo after Remi said it wasn't that easy getting back with her, even if they did still love each other.  Remi and Stevie were in lust, Nelson and Bree were a bit more serious but not in love or anywhere near it.   Would have taken a lot for Bree to tell Remi how she still felt about him, he could have walked away and said absolutely no way.  It wasn't one of those "We need to talk" talks though.  You could see they do so still love each other, but Remi, is being very wise not wanting to rush into it.  He gave her space when she wasn't sure which he respected so Bree should do the same for him.   The bike will always be the hang-up but his accident wasn't your 'average' accident, he was run off the road by a lunatic - a drunk lunatic.


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I would say that Dana is someone who has a lot of loyalty to certain people (notably Harper, although she's shown it with John and Tane too) and that being focused on helping them can sometimes cause her to treat other people badly out of thoughtlessness.

Anyway, today.At this point I'd say it's almost certain that Bronte is lying about her illness: That fall looked faked (although technically we didn't actually see what happened) and she was very insistent that Irene wasn't to go to the hospital with her.Her suddenly dropping into conversation that there's an experimental treatment that she couldn't possibly afford is a bit of a red flag.

John gets involved in Justin and Theo's treasure search but seems to have given up on his idea that he's stumbled upon an international drug operation.

Mackenzie and Levi are well and truly in the "honeymoon's over" period, with Mackenzie apparently suspicious on suddenly realising she's shacked up with a married man she doesn't even know that well.It feels like the show's turning Imogen into the bitter ex-wife in order to make us feel sorry for them.

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When Remi and Bree moved on with Stevie and Nelson the other week it felt like a good sweet farewell for their relationship So I think it’s bit rubbish that their going back to getting back together 

I didn’t realise we were so close to Bronte arriving so could be a interesting story for Irene 

The mystery of the random stuff on the beach I’m not sure what that is all about It’s ok though we seem to be getting some different kind of stories now 

Mac and Levi I kind don’t care about 

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Go Imogen! Don't get why Levi was shocked or put out, he should be grateful he got it back, though I think she made a mistake giving Mac the rings...she should've sold them, the engagement ring would certainly have brought in a penny or two! 😄

Feel sorry for Irene, being a good person makes you vulnerable to the Brontes of this world but it does matter how many of them you meet, sometimes you don't learn a lesson which is a shame.

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Alf's episode count this week:Two.Only Irene, Marilyn, Justin and Bree managed three.Leah and Tane didn't appear at all, although at least we got explanations why.

I really don't get why Levi thinks he had the right to play the victim.All Eden did was tell Imogen his new address when she asked, which she didn't have to do but I don't see any reason why she should keep it to herself.And then he even goes into a sulk about Mackenzie not trusting him when he has actually been lying to her.It's probably a good thing that Xander stopped Mackenzie following through on the worst idea he'd ever heard!

I get why people find her irritating but I had to smile at Dana's quirky enthusiasm for solving a mystery.Yes, a whole lot of what she did was wildly inappropriate but she does make a perfect sidekick for John, who's equally inclined to take an idea and run with it far more than anyone else would do.

Not only did the promo provide a better cliffhanger than the episode, it pretty much resolved what little tension there was over Mackenzie and Levi's fallout by showing them together!

Edited by Red Ranger 1
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Dana may well be one daft  lass, getting all  excited by what could be in those drums but John should know better than to cave in to Dana's imagining it's buried treasure.   The environmental people aren't exactly dashing there to examine it  or the those tubs of chlorine which if I'm not misforgetting used to be used in swimming pools.   Dana seemed have got very attached to the gnome. 😆  What about those deckchairs - very Titanic.   Very teasing that trailer - John collapsing yet Dana  who was standing right next to him seemed fine, it's obviously some sort of contaminate.  Having  a new doc in the bay  was very  handy.   It seemed random as to who it, whatever 'it' is  affected and how  as well, customer throwing up, Maz collapsing.  

Neatly done that little aside that Mali had told Mac about Iluka was staying at the Farmhouse.   It's the fall out now for Mac & Levi, though why he felt he had to lie to Mac about who was texting him, Imogen is still his wife so he's not cheating.  OK she was drunk, possibly, when she sent all  his stuff to Mac's and there was a lot of it, but he got off light, she could have dumped or burnt it all.  The rings an after thought?   Mac actually listened to Xander about not going to see Imogen, what would she have done, put them through the letterbox if Imogen hadn't been there?  Eden may or not have been right to tell Imogen where Levi was living  but she'll need to know at some point - a person turning serving divorce papers for one thing. Once again a boss leaving her place of work leaving Xander to run it. 

I'm guessing most people, like Irene wouldn't know the symptoms of autoimmunity disease  so could be fooled by someone like Bronte who could tell them anything.   Comments on other H&A sites reckon Irene wouldn't be that daft - do they not live in the real world.  Families and friends of ordinary people get conned into giving tons of money to someone who say they have cancer or an incurable  disease,  have to have these experimental   treatments which you can't get in 'this' country.  That is an early drop-in of a possible 'miracle' cure which of course isn't available in Australia and will cost thousands.  I thought she would bring that up at a  later date.   That 'fall' wouldn't due to Bronte's condition caused bruising wouldn't it?   Normally I guess Irene may mortgaged her house, sold her half of the business to raise money for Bronte or get the bay to have a Fund Raiser but that's been scuppered with this mystery illness affecting the bay. 

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